it's worse when they're not dirtbags, or at least not in my eyes, and they leave anyway. dirtbags are easier to say fuck off to and to still feel that you're worth something.MagSec4 said:Hilj: Yeah, there is no need to rush anything. And you should be careful anyways, there are a lot of dirtbags out there, whether they seem like it or not. You deserve someone more considerate of your feelings, which sound like can potentially be quite special and dedicated.
MagSec4 said:I don't know how serious you're being.. but if you have at least a bit of a tendency to think that way, you'll excuse me for saying so but that's a problem that you should definitely work on correcting.
I'm sure you're worth a lot more than you think, and I'm also sure everyone here thinks so too.
I was searching for a T-shirt (that I can never find) and came across this:
"Young People Against Heavy Metal T-shirts (YPAHMTS) is a grass roots organization determined to fight the perception of young people's moral decline as epitomized by Heavy Metal t-shirts"
Methinks windows XP SP2 has nothing to you with your bluetooth woes. I mean bluetooth is well......... bluetooth.hyena said:nf: quite bored at the installation of xp service pack 2, it's going to take forever and i want to gain back control of my computer in order to understand whatever the hell happened with the bluetooth support and why it never started working.
edit: FUCKING bluetooth connection won't work. i HATE it.