Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I hope everything works out okay Nick. Having an innocent perfect little niece myself, I can easily imagine how you feel.
NF: *yawn* Life would be so different with a 4 day working week. So much energy to do music work, but by the time evening comes or weekend comes i'm ready to just relax.

I got my new speakers :) they're rather expensive.. and they sound fucking great. The model is Yorkville YSM1p for anyone interested, they're studio reference monitor speakers so they're nice and flat with EQ response, but they just generally sound awesome anyway! Listening to DTr at the moment :)

I also rearranged my room, broke a few things in the process but now it's all set up a lot better, i have more space and it kind of looks home studio-ish :)

Have a look
NF: Unmovitated. Meh.
I'm wondering what's with all the links in this thread... it seems that linking other pages became hugely popular sometime yesterday.

nf: having thoughts of reforming my life, because i think i lack the discipline i need to proceed forward. still, i have my doubts - i am starting to think that force of will maybe isn't everything. i mean, i'm not really motivated for a number of things, but can i seriously force myself to do them? what are the odds of losing more than i win? hmmm. need to think about it.
TheFourthHorseman said:
You both whine too much.

(speaking of course only for me)

It´s so hard to do people justice over the internet.

When you have to constantly deal with bad conditions around and awful people, then you can possibly come to two ways of reaction. Either get such a high threshold that it doesn´t bother you anymore or, and that is what happened to me, have such a low threshold, because you just think everytime again: oh, not another annoying person who is accusing me of something I haven´t done, Oh please, not another neighbour whose music you can hear through the walls while trying to study or sleep, oh please, no more study colleagues who just do nothing on the teamwork. I came just to the point where I think the crappy things accumulated so high that it should be enough for my whole life and I just wish people could be a bit more civilized.
I think that people should be much more careful of what they say or post anywhere, and that what they think is just a fast remark or nothing special, can hurt others or upset them and not assume that everyone is so easygoing as themselves. If you think that what you say has no impact on others, then why waste the time of writing/saying it at all? If you (or others) think no-one cares for what you write then why say it?

Another point is that of course someone saying something nasty in another forum or dealing with complicated paperworks to officials is not the end of the world. But probably just as you, I don´t come up here with the really really important problems or story of my life because they are not the business of people in internet. So I write about the important but not shattering stuff instead to have at least that out of the way. Don´t get mislead to assume that this is the main thing in my life and make your judgements from that.

hyena: I think can understand you pretty good ;) Don´t know if that helpls, though :)
I wasn't even talking about you. :hypno: I meant idari and Styg, who was behind the link. :p
Nice-looking text though, I'll proceed to read all of it.
TheFourthHorseman said:
I wasn't even talking about you. :hypno: I meant idari and Styg, who was behind the link. :p
Nice-looking text though, I'll proceed to read all of it.

ups. I assumed it was the last both posts you refer to ;)

I can keep the statement, though, people can look it up at the next quarrel :cool:
@the whining ensemble: well, i have nothing against people who write about their troubles, but i concur with what ben said a while ago - it might be depressing for those of us who are experiencing dire times to listen to other people complain all the time. this is not to say "shut the hell up", more along the lines of: if you have a problem, which you're perfectly entitled to have, maybe you want to have a working-for-solutions attitude, which incidentally also shows a great deal of respect for your digital companions (trusting them to have good input, that is).
I'm agreeing with hyena (and thus also Ben) here. I know I've done my fair share of whining on this forum, and it has often been good for me - having other people read and maybe point out a few things that I didn't think of myself has helped. However, it's just when it comes to all posts being about doom, gloom and misrule like "nf: suicidal. where's the knife? oh there. goodbye" that I feel it's getting a bit too much...
Going through pages and pages of "life is horrible, I hate everyone, I want to die" can be fairly depressing. And that's not really what this thread is for, the way I see it... nobody forbids you to express positive feelings here as well, more the other way around. An actual "happy" post is quite fun to read, which I'm sure many will agree - after all, we do want people who we consider friends to be happy, right?
NF: Gooood.. mixing is fun. I think i've already managed my best drum sound after working for just an hour or two.. It's a pity i couldnt resist this though, im still supposed to be recording... whoops..

And "Isis - Panopticon" is a damn fine album..
NF: Still a little dizzy from last night's Sunfever attack.. worst headache ever :erk:
But ok otherwise, I didnt drown on the boat trip and had a really good time.. pics coming soon in the photo thread :)
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