Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: I ate too much, and now I don't feel too good. :ill: Stupid obsessive must-eat-everything-on-plate and too-much-pudding habits. I really wish it wasn't so hot too, it doesn't help. If you need me I'll be saying hi to Ralf.
NF: Feeling tired. Didn't get enough sleep.
rahvin said:
i feel your pain, dear. but i'm working on that online flamethrower, so hold on in there. :p

:p :)

I am so glad you emphasized the wrong interpretation of the sentence. I like the other one better. But both are okay =)

NF: feeling adventurous enough to send the next finished article also to another mag, just to see what happens.
I feel better than I have in afew days, I actually ate a meal today :).

The court served my sister her summons to appear right before she jumped on the EL to go downtown to Grand Central Station. My other sister, who is a cop in the town where we live, called the CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) and had the train stopped so she could give my sister the papers. The court date isnt until October, but the courts will probably let my parents and the children's father go get the kids to come live back home with us. The situation is looking better, but it's still very touchy.

Work is being boring and we have some meeting next week about
something to do with the future of the job, so it's kinda stressing
me out.
Hope for the best, for the worst is sure to come without hoping ;)
Thanks, yeah, hopefully it will be ok, I can't really see a problem
anyways, but you never know what the brits get up to ;)

Hahahah, I will PM your number to you.
@Nick: that is just so wrong, sounds not so good.. :( I wish all the best for you and to your family, let us hope the little girls will be just fine...


NF: I feel pretty good but tired (as always, not much sleep.) Tonight going to the Lake Bodom annual excursion with our metal club. \m/ Yay.
at some point in the past couple of months i've more or less stopped having serious real life conversations in my native language, with the exception of those who were strictly work-based. the result is that now, whenever i happen to have one, it gets/feels slightly surreal. i just don't have the knack for it any longer.
the young teacher i've been mentioning in the past on the board came back from holiday yesterday and i just met her in my library. she complained that her food consumption has increased in the past weeks, and i replied that, on the other hand, i was badly underweight and still losing some.
then she goes, "well, isn't that disgusting? i have to struggle to lose weight! anyway, you look good". and i go "yeah, you're telling me i look good just to balance the disgusting comment, which you must admit was a bit nasty". and she says "it wasn't nasty. don't you find it disgusting when you meet someone who's handsome, nice, and smart, while you have to fight for it?"
after a few seconds of :guh: i said something absurd, because i technically wasn't capable of finding any guideline in the conversation anymore. so i went: "i really think in such a case you should resort to violence. especially if you weren't talking about me".

it seems talking makes less and less sense as time goes by. i hope it's not just me.
well, rahve, relax is what i say. i think you should be happy and not so surprised that the girl enjoys your company: it's not a communication problem, it's just that you have trouble embracing the concept of freely expressed friendly feelings these days (if they don't come from people you've been around forever, that is). i'm not talking anything romantical here, i'm just saying that she likes you in the "he's a pleasant guy" sense. you know you are smart; you know you are nice with people you like, as in kind, polite, readily available; and you also know that your looks, although not of the cover-boy variety, are slightly above average and it's not a surprise that some women might enjoy them. and of course she didn't mean that you are disgusting; it's a bit like me telling you "i have a mobile phone that plays mother russia's solo when somebody calls me" and you going "i hate you now" or whatever similar joke you cracked. so, go out, make friends. :D
@hyena: it doesn't really make sense that she would like me, i grinded her patience and possible metaphorical masculine attributes to shreds on the very second time i've seen her outside of the uni premises, i'm probably extremely lucky she doesn't kick my ass all the way back to some dead viking culture. as for the looks above average thing, you've probably forgot my face for how long it's been since we've met in the light of day. :p
@rahve: let's put aside the judgment on looks, since it's absolutely subjective - i've fallen for people who have underpar looks, and you have too (fallen for people who don't look perfect, i mean), while we both have felt no attraction for people who look great (like, you're not attracted to me :p). so you know that appreciation of appearances is a weird lottery.

on the other hand, i honestly believe she likes you: ok, you were depressed when you hung out with her, but i don't think that being depressed automatically makes someone not tolerable. you are not arrogant, aggressive, boisterous, stupid, macho, vulgar, which are the things a young, cultured woman might consider not tolerable.

i don't know her, but from what you tell me i can surmise that maybe she felt a bit sorry for your state - still, this doesn't mean that she can't find your company enjoyable. you are probably more articulate than most people she meets, you're always respectful and understated, and you also have some cultural interests in common with her. what's not to like? you think she believes you're a dickhead only because you were crushed on that specific night? maybe she's felt that way too in her life, and sure with all the gothic stuff she must have read for her job she can understand what you're going through. :p

maybe if you keep getting all depressed on her she might find you a bit single-minded, which could alternatively turn into "boring" or "creepy"; but you're still in time to have a perfectly normal friendship with her, of the go out, see movies, see shows, buy books together variety. thus spake the heir of slytherin.
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