Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Well, welcome back Thantacos :p
You too lumi, I'm sorry to hear things could be going better.

I have a lot of reading to catch up to, many matters to still attend to, some work to do, a hundred things crossing my mind.. yet I feel warm and content in a way that only one person can make me feel now :D

EDIT: Also, my little brother is starting to listen to me and has taken a positive attitude towards school and everything in general, which makes me happy as well.
hyena: I can't stand dumb books. Once my dad bought me one of Christian Jacq's books as a present. I didn't want to hurt him so I said it was good. Then, the next three months, he bought me eight more of that retard's books, all of them equally crappy.

fireangel: I have got myself a more up to date map now. And the tourist office-idea was good. I'll check it out.

Magsec: Nice to hear you're feeling good. I sure would buy a tv if I knew where to place it in my room. (maybe in the hall?)

I did read a lot this weekend. Mostly it was "Comparative government and politics" but also "the dice man" which is totally insane.

And a book called something like "notice the world", written by a Dane. Very interesting stuff about conciousness and subconciousness. Think a while about that your senses have an input around ten million bit/s or something, and that you're aware of about 40-16 bit/s and what this says about the overall grade of "conciousness" among humans.

Rading that book and "the dice man" in the same time is an assault on my mental stability.
well, i know that there's been several scams of this type on this forum in the past (and a number of truths, unfortunately), but:

my friend and mentor carlo, a professor in pavia university who meant a lot for my personal and professional growth, died on the morning of september 11th after a five-year long struggle with returning lung cancer. on wednesday night he was taken to the hospital because he couldn't breathe properly, and by saturday morning he was gone.

he was one of the most generous, kind and courageous people i've ever met - actually i think he is at the top of my hero list alongside my father (who is fighting returning cancer himself, and i dearly hope that the slowly-fade-away-then-die routine is not going to apply to him anytime soon).

through his continuing ailments, he took the time to comment on my life, yell at me through email when he thought i needed a push (and need it i did), express affection and caring for me in many ways, and event try to sort my sentimental life out (he didn't succeed, but it wasn't his fault). in his final year, he played records i recommended to him and reported back, saying the music was easing his pain - he really loved the pogues' "hell's ditch" CD, sensefield's last record, the only album stiltskin ever released, and rancid's song "arrested in shangai". we exchanged book titles on the history of anarchism.

i last saw him on june 11th, when his alma mater organized a tribute lecture to honor his early retirement. the last thing he ever said to me, while resting on a chair in the university's portico, was "i'm sorry for neglecting you". i was flabbergasted - at the time he was going through very strong chemoterapy and hanging to life by a thread, still he cared about making time for my silly whining.

he was fifty-six. he's leaving behind his wife and his sixteen year old son.

mother of all our joys
mother of all our sorrows
intercede with him tonight
for all of our tomorrows
Child of Time said:
fireangel: I have got myself a more up to date map now. And the tourist office-idea was good. I'll check it out.

fine. Going to Tourist office sounds a bit old-fashioned but actually you can get a lot of information, maps and brochures for free on a place, be it your new town or just a holiday visit.
It sounds nice that you read all weekend, I have a hard time in doing that because I am so distracted nowadays by all the stuff you just missed ;)

NF: good. I try to improve myself :loco:
@hyena: :/ sorry to hear. Those are some pretty significant last words to have heard from someone..

NF: Good. Trying to decide between some acoustic guitar sounds, im torn. But i think ive already made my decision, i just need to justify it to my mind. I've basically decided to re-record at least a fair portion of the acoustic guitars.. which means more work still.. but it's necessary. Yes, completely losing myself in my musical ambitions is the temporary road to happiness...
@hyena: i'm sorry for your loss..

NF: Happy and kind of excited (well it's been reduced a bit after reading hyena's post, that kind of stuff is not exactly nice to hear/read). One of my professors called to inform me about an assignment i did back in May, and said he'll send me some info on how to improve it and submit it to the panhellenic medical conference. He also confused me a bit cause he said that in the references we should put our names first and his last (i think professors always go first?)... Anyways i'm happy about it, cause it was the last thing i expected when i endlessly cursed while doing that awful project.. :D
Other than that, my mom is making for dinner the food i'm most emotionally attached too. :loco:
And i have a few more reasons to be happy about. :)
NF: i feel very stupid, and also gothicly appropriate to the weather, that is cold, rainy and grey.
i re-wrote every word of this post cause the kitten is typing on the keyboard with me, she's trying to "kill" my hands.
hyena said:
winter's started in this horrible country.

Unless you're talking about yourself as a nation, that's bullshit. The autumn's not even over here, so how can you people have winter? I'm guessing the answer lies in your deranged ideas about winter. :)
Sorry for your loss.

NF: Relieved and hopeful. The future is looking both gloomy and bright.
@fourth: no, i'm not a country, unfortunately. i'm currently in luxembourg and this morning i had to don a jacket, which at this time of the year would be inconceivable where i normally reside (rome, italy). it's overcast, too, which equates to depressing.

thanks to everyone who expressed participation to my grief.
NF: Annoyed.. another day passes and i still don't get around to finishing recording distortion guitars. The culprits this time being 40% friends phoning, and 60% laziness. Must... stay.. focussed... must .... stay.... active....

I'm so tempted to take a detour and record a new song i have written :)

And in other life stuff i have to stop letting myself make some little mistake over and over.. its getting frustrating. And Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@hyena: I'm very sorry to hear about your mentor (saying "I'm sorry" always seems such a futile thing when you think about everything that's involved, but whoever coined the phrase probably thought it best to keep it simple as a counterbalance).

I'm feeling alright at the moment, just came back from a walk in the woods and I found the loveliest little track that leads to a stream in a small valley, deep in the middle of the woods. There are old trees and soft green moss and also a long, low wall that looks pretty old... Beautiful.
TheFourthHorseman said:
NF: Relieved and hopeful. The future is looking both gloomy and bright.
So feel I. =)

hyena: have you been to Den Atelier maybe? Cute club for gigs. :) And no, having to wear a light jacket is not winter :p
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