Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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La Rocque said:
Someone,who I've known for years and thought was a best friend let me down bigtime
I asked for help with something and if they would of said no I'd be cool with that but they went out of their way to screw over me - a real mindfucker

sorry to hear that :( as you maybe read, recently I had also to separate from some friends who were not anymore, so I can understand the disappointment. I think in such cases there is not much to do, because usually trust can´t be regained anymore. :(

I have a language-question, too. I read now several times the term "someone gets out of her/his way", I checked from my books but I could not find it. What exactly does it mean? That someone made extra effort for this?
NF: A bit funny.. i've managed to get into a position i havent been in for a long time now (well, 8 months maybe).. and that is.. where i start to stress out about the tasks i have to do, not knowing if i've remembered them all, worried ill forget things, etc etc. Used to happen all the time when i was at uni (including uni work, but also seemed to get into similar situations with other stuff too). None of these tasks are big, nor drastically important.. but there's lots of them. The solution? A list. Clear the mind, get things sorted into an order, dont have to worry about forgetting things.. Yes. A list.

And of course then i have to do the items on the list, but that's always easier because i get to cross things off said list, which is a good feeling.

How many others do the list thing?

ahhh *remembers more things that should be on The List*
NF: pff, i have a problem with people, especially with people i care for, and where does this lead me? to ruin everything i have, always. i thought i was getting over it, instead i haven't done much progress in years..
not wanting to think about this (to talk yes, but i doubt my cat was willing to listen and give me advice after preparing me a cup of tea) i spent the whole day with my mind buried deep into a book, until i felt lightheaded, at a certain point i almost bursted and cried for something that definitely shouldn't have had that effect :/
i realize that nobody cares about these statements, i'm just rambling.
idari said:
it depends on the contents of this forum. clearly, life is repelled by inner jokes it doesn't get between the same 2-3 people.
NF: unhappy about having roommate problems. also yesterday i went to a mexican party and realised why i left on the first place, though on the bright side it was one of those cool parties that only end when the police comes and shuts you up.
NF: i feel alright.
i've been quite busy lately, which is good. i've been looking after my brother's kids and dog in Helsinki (god, i love them) but now i'm back home. my brother is so nice it makes me want to cry. i feel sad every time i leave their house, only if it was for a day. the kids are so adorable too. they always run to me and hug me and tell me how much they like me, and my bro and his wife keep telling me how much they appreciate my help and how they want me to move to their place in spring. :cry: (L)
for some strange i haven't been my happy self for the past 2 months. i'm constantly upset. i cry like two times a week nowadays, usually i cry once every four months or so. this is odd and it bothers me.
also, i'm excited about being an au pair. only two more weeks, then i move! i'm gonna miss my family and friends (mostly my cat) an awful lot, though. one more reason for me to cry wheee
oh, and my youngest brother got married on saturday. all my 5 siblings are married now. :)
hehe thanks Santtu :) *hugs back* don't be sad my dear!
TIMMYYY. MOGOMGOMG south park is on in a couple of hours :D i've seen tonight's episode before, though. but who cares, i'll watch it againnnn
I have been given careful consideration of my application, but very much regret to advise you all that I have been unsuccessful on this occasion. The calibre of candidates for the vacancy has been very high and they do hope that I will not be too disappointed at this outcome as their decision was very hard to make.

Well blow me down, it turns out I wasn't quite good enough. Never had that one before.
Sorry Rus :( (})(})(})

NF: I hate those fucking meetings..No one EVER listens to me, no one cares about my opinion, they just decide something without even asking me what i think, even though I'm the one who has to do the stuff, and this is all about ME, my life, my health. I'm really starting to dislike Paula because of it.

I miss Juha :( a lot.
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