Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Disappointed in myself, because i've disappointed everyone else again. Well..everyone if 'everyone' knew, but my parents..I can't blame them for hating me anymore, because i agree with them. Dad wasn't even angry anymore like he was the last time..Now his look and his words just told me "i can't be bothered to try to care anymore"
For like the second time (involving my parents) in my entire life i'm crying because I'
idari said:
NF: Disappointed in myself, because i've disappointed everyone else again. Well..everyone if 'everyone' knew, but my parents..I can't blame them for hating me anymore, because i agree with them. Dad wasn't even angry anymore like he was the last time..Now his look and his words just told me "i can't be bothered to try to care anymore"
For like the second time (involving my parents) in my entire life i'm crying because I'

Im sure you'll be forgiven... try not to be too hard on yourself... the fact that your sorry Clearly shows you're only human. And everybody makes mistakes, whatever it was.

Ok I have a problem... and Its upset me a bit.

I brought a CD player into my school that I had purchased so me and my friends could listen to metal and other such preferred music in a spot in the common room.

I walk in to find our spot in the Common room is filled with Scally bastards listening to dance and techno. I sit down on the edge of our usual sitting area with a couple of other friends thinking What the fuck is going on. When the rest of my friends arrive they start saying "tell them to fuck off its your CD player"... which I would have done, had the whole situation not taken me by surprise.

Then the Stupid Scally basards statred being abusive towards us and our metal appearances and physically obstructing us from our own CD player (even after we said, thats our CD player). What's worse is my friends didn't really do shit and just moaned at me telling me to sort it cos it was mine, even though it's all of ours (I brought it in - thus doing them a huge favour in what can only be called a generous act). they just didn't want responsibillity for it and didnt want to get into a confrontation with the violent ill educated Smack Heads.

I want some advice on what to do if they try it again (Hi Jacking my CD player). I dont want to end up in a fight because Ill probably get thrown out... but It really was just a stiuation where we were powerless to do anything, and its really depressed me as this CD player which was supposed to be a grand source of pleasure for me is now a massive burden.
what i would do is take a discman and listen to music all by myself, i hate it when people- specially your friends- don't stand up when they should. i've been through that myself.

then again if you follow my advice you'll probably end up friendless soon, so try to avoid MY mistakes :p just keep the cdplayer close to you, if you want to avoid a confrontation

NF: good
King Chaos: as nice as it was meant, when you bring a CD-player to a common room and usually the equipment there is shared, you actually have to take into account others, which you don´t like or whose music you don´t like, will use it aswell. I don´t know the general social behaviour at your school, or how far anyone "controls" the common room, be it teacher or other pupils, but an item once brought there is hard to get under control.
When you want to make sure that only you can listen to your music with your CD-player, you actually must lock it away and bring it only for the breaks.

But from what you told now, just see that other people are morons, I would take the fine CD-player that you bought from your money, home into your room into safety before it´s too late. After a short while, you will have a hard time to establish that this is yours and you have a say in its use. It would be possible in some sort of civilized environment, correct, but it doesn´t seem so in this case. And, as I mentioned, what you bring into the common room, is not yours anymore, even though it is your property.

I appreciate your try, you surely meant nice, but it doesn´t seem to work, so take it home now and the trouble will be ended. After all, you have no right either to tell the techno-people what to play, and just take into account, similarly like you don´t want to listen to their dance-music, probably other people in the common area don´t fancy listening to metal in the short break between lessons. ;)

Probably it is wiser to use the CD-player when you meet with your friends after school ;)

Hyena: too bad. I checked the agenda now, in December play Machine Head ;) I think there are some nice bars in the same street, some houses before Atelier.
But I know these area best, I don´t know much about good places for the night in the city centre, I seen cafes in daylight, but I actually didn´t see many clubs or so (non-techno that is). Do you have any ideas for my next visit there?
fireangel said:
King Chaos: as nice as it was meant, when you bring a CD-player to a common room and usually the equipment there is shared, you actually have to take into account others, which you don´t like or whose music you don´t like, will use it aswell. I don´t know the general social behaviour at your school, or how far anyone "controls" the common room, be it teacher or other pupils, but an item once brought there is hard to get under control.
When you want to make sure that only you can listen to your music with your CD-player, you actually must lock it away and bring it only for the breaks.

But from what you told now, just see that other people are morons, I would take the fine CD-player that you bought from your money, home into your room into safety before it´s too late. After a short while, you will have a hard time to establish that this is yours and you have a say in its use. It would be possible in some sort of civilized environment, correct, but it doesn´t seem so in this case. And, as I mentioned, what you bring into the common room, is not yours anymore, even though it is your property.

I appreciate your try, you surely meant nice, but it doesn´t seem to work, so take it home now and the trouble will be ended. After all, you have no right either to tell the techno-people what to play, and just take into account, similarly like you don´t want to listen to their dance-music, probably other people in the common area don´t fancy listening to metal in the short break between lessons. ;)

Probably it is wiser to use the CD-player when you meet with your friends after school ;)

I'm not bothered about other people using it... Im bothered about other people abusing it and at the same time me and my friends. They started insulting us for no good reason, then when we tried to be reasonable they Just Combated our points with insults and threats. They were literally getting a buzz out of the confrontation, which they were fueling. In all my time in sixth form nothing like this has ever happened. Everyone used to have respect for one another. But thats gone to shit now clearly. *sigh*
King Chaos: I agree totally with fireangel. Last time I went to a school that was under par was when I was 13-15 years old, and although I never saw a fight or someone threatening another, I would never have brought anything valuable there, not even to keep in my locker. Teh local moron(s) will ruin the whole situation eventually.
Agreeing with fireangel and CoT here... I would never have dreamed of bringing a cd-player to school, and yet my schools weren't the worst. Fact is, someone will probably steal that cd-player of yours sooner or later. It's a very nice idea, but unfortunately there are too many idiots in the world for nice ideas to work.

Another day, another rejected job application.
King Chaos said:
I'm not bothered about other people using it... Im bothered about other people abusing it and at the same time me and my friends. They started insulting us for no good reason, then when we tried to be reasonable they Just Combated our points with insults and threats. They were literally getting a buzz out of the confrontation, which they were fueling. In all my time in sixth form nothing like this has ever happened. Everyone used to have respect for one another. But thats gone to shit now clearly. *sigh*

hm.. as I said, one of my points is that in with common things, you can´t really control what the others are doing. You could of course say: "you can use it in the way I like", but honestly, that´s rather unrealistic.
I am happy for you that so far there was much respect at your school, so I see why that now comes as surprise to you. :)
For me, what you describe about the others behaviour, is "normal" from schooltime (as CoT said, too). Still I say that when you don´t wanna fight about the player, take it home. There unfortunately exist morons that are searching for a reason to fight. I would not wonder too long time about "why", maybe you won´t ever find out. I would ignore them as best as you can, but that is just my opinion.
@kc: well, i would take the matter to the school authorities. after all, it sounds like these people who used your CD player are thugs, therefore i imagine that they're not generally known for respectful, civilized behavior. i know that ratting out to teachers is not the best thing you can do in a school setting, but after all you spent money on the CD player and you have the right not to be insulted when you want to use it. so my suggestion is: relate what they did (not only the hijacking, which to a certain extent is to be expected as CoT and fireangel pointed out, but the verbal abuse, the implied violence etc.). if you're in good standing within the school - and i imagine you are: you don't sound like a troublemaker - the people in charge will hear you out and have a talk with these people, possibly threatening them with disciplinary proceedings if they're caught acting like that again. the fact that you and your friends didn't react by picking a fight is in your favor. after all, authorities are there, among other things, to prevent bullying against people like you who are perfectly peaceful and only want to use something that they bought with their own money and want to share with their friends.

@fireangel: i know about the machinehead gig, it irks me to no end that i won't be here to hear them. clubland is desolate, there's a couple of nice places for house music (which i like, but you might not) but i haven't found anything else worth a shot. there's a nice place a bit out of the city, on the highway leading into germany - it offers punk and metal nights every once in a while. i can't remember the name right now, but i'll check it later and let you know.
idari said:
NF: Pissed off. I want to kill someone. Or at least be a bitch to someone.
I'm right here dear. ;) (Seriously though, if it'll make you feel better.....)
Thanks for the advise everyone. Today went much better. I was perfectly aware some sacrifice was at hand when taking it in, but everyone in the sixth form have an unspoken bond which wouldnt be broken... except by these twats. Everyone else just shunned them off today.

Anyway they wrote in a massive Permanent marker "Fuck of Upper Sixth, Lower Sixth area. Upper Sixth Touch Arses"... so they'll never be allowd in their again if we rat em out... which we should.

NF: pretty good. Some mail order I made finally came today.
Someone,who I've known for years and thought was a best friend let me down bigtime
I asked for help with something and if they would of said no I'd be cool with that but they went out of their way to screw over me - a real mindfucker
@La Rocque: :erk: i've sort of been there, it still makes me feel bad after a long time, not for the person itself (who i hope one day will care a lot about someone who is exactly like her), but for how bubu (too long to explain :p) it made me feel.

A lot of us on this board should go for a vengeance mission all together screaming lines from The book of heavy bubu.

:err: erm, i should cut out alcohol from my life, i'd be less silly.
@La Rocque: That kind of stuff does play with your mind.. some of the hardest stuff to get over mentally fits into that mould. I'll never understand why some people end up doing that, screwing people over when they're asked for help. Hope it wasn't about anything too important or far reaching.

NF: God knows. Still making musical progress, but getting tired (i have a problem of letting myself get mentally ahead of where i really am, and then the 'current task' suddenly feels like a step backwards, which is inevitably tiring). Time to start doing acoustic guitars tonight..

In the rest of life i'll keep idling along in the current state..

Waiting for a few important things..
@la rocque: stop talking to this person.

i'm feeling feverish today. it started last night around the time i was supposed to have dinner. unfortunately i'm not going to have a break from work and a miscellaneous of errands until next monday.
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