Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Work is driving me completely insane.. this code is so stupidly complex and messy, and without comments, how on earth am i supposed to make some fundamental change to the entire behaviour? grrrrrrrraaaaaAAAAGHHHH
I just got a call informing me that the apartment my friend and I want is going to be advertised for, so maybe we wont get it after all. If that happens I'll bite my own ass. I swear :Smug:
ah, i'm gone for a weekend and there's a whole lot of new posts to comment upon...

first all, let me say that rahvin is great. he's going to tell you why himself, but rest assured: i'm correct. i'll expound further if he sees fit.

@fireangel: the club's here.

@rusty: these letters are unnerving, aren't they? during my MSc year I got a handful of those, and only one was really traumatic (Harvard university telling me to fuck off for a Ph. D., especially because being all conceited i hadn't applied elsewhere). the rest were mildly fun, after a while one gets used to the ludicrous wording. i hope that you get a thumbs-up call (these always seem to come by telephone, contrary to rejections) very soon, although i get the general impression that you're not really motivated to start working. am i wrong?

@ulla: well, wonders never cease: how can people manage to get married in droves? there must be a secret out there on how to get someone to marry you, but i haven't found it. ask your siblings and then let everyone on the board know.

@anna: i understand that a bit of partying might put an end to the incessant whining on this thread, but still all the doom and gloom will be unavoidably back on the following day if we do everything in our power to suffer horrible hangovers.

@john: straight whiskey sounds very... male. it's a guy's drink. more respect to you for liking something that makes you sound like a strongman out of a fifties movie on American gangsters (I'm serious).

edit: about the books, you're all being very un-metal. if the author were a decent person, the series would be named a (fast) song of fire and steel.
@hyena: :oops: i'd say i'm speechless but considering what i'm getting myself into i better keep that for myself. ;)

i found out today that i qualified for a university program limited to 20 students. it's for translating/dubbing movie and tv dialogues, and i had to show my skills in both english and french to get in. i wasn't really expecting to be among the eligible, since there were 108 candidates and my french, in all honesty, sucks big time. yet i'm fifth, as you can see here (acrobat reader link), and now a proud member of this very exclusive club. i have no bloody idea what is it that i'm supposed to do.
right, the little guy is playing it all cool and understated, but you should all realize that:

(a) his performance on the test was great

(b) getting this degree might just be his passport towards employment in the field that he loves best, i.e. languages; it was high time that a chance was given to him to put his skills to an use that is rewarding also in the financial sense of the word.

(c) he's been through pretty dire times recently, and still he had the courage to try and go for something that would ameliorate his psychological and professional conditions, instead of just sitting in a corner whining. this in itself is a victory over depression, which is as dangerous an enemy as someone who wants to kill you.

it's important that we support him through this new quest, starting by kicking his ass over lines such as i have no bloody idea what is it that i'm supposed to do :D

@rahvin: you'll go to the offices tomorrow, register for the degree, attend all courses you have to attend, sit the exams right after the end of the courses where possible, blow the teaching staff away with your knowledge of english, improve your french grammar and prononciation in order to bring it up to par (we could start with the wine tour of burgundy: i drink, you speak french to the locals). there's only two dangers that loom ahead, so be warned:

- do not overestimate yourself, because at this stage setbacks can be still a bit too hard on you. so give the courses your all, even if it's over what is needed to pass the exams. when you've got a good grade point average, you can kick back a little.

- you're one of 5 men in a group of 20 people. size up these women carefully and avoid getting involved with evil bastards, because we have to think of your career now, not stitching up your heart after some bitch breaks it. of course, i really hope that you find a decent girl you like in that crowd.

so everyone give our moderator a standing ovation, encouragement, and pineapples.
hyena said:
(a) his performance on the test was great
the first person out there to realize this gets banned, period. :p

instead of just sitting in a corner whining.
ah, well, not that i didn't do more than my share of that too. i still indulge from time to time.

starting by kicking his ass over lines such as i have no bloody idea what is it that i'm supposed to do :D
hey, it's my french that needs to improve! :p

@rahvin: you'll go to the offices tomorrow, register for the degree, attend all courses you have to attend, sit the exams right after the end of the courses where possible, blow the teaching staff away with your knowledge of english, improve your french grammar and prononciation in order to bring it up to par (we could start with the wine tour of burgundy: i drink, you speak french to the locals).
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes (but i don't really want to blow the teaching staff :ill: ), yes, and especially "yes please, omfg, ur00lz!!11!11" to the wine tour.

thanks for the suggestions and caring, and:

because we have to think of your career now, not stitching up your heart after some bitch breaks it. of course, i really hope that you find a decent girl you like in that crowd.
well, we aren't done stitching up my heart since the last twenty thousand times, we're clearly behind schedule and i have no intention to entertain anything but a passing friendship with the 15 girls in this program. i know one of them already, btw, met her during the test. she's from reggio emilia and doesn't seem like a raving lunatic, at first glance.

so everyone give our moderator a standing ovation, encouragement, and pineapples.
*thinks of pineapples* :Spin:
rahvin said:
i know one of them already, btw, met her during the test. she's from reggio emilia and doesn't seem like a raving lunatic, at first glance.
that's all well and good, but stop all contact on the first mention of a dead boyfriend who visits her at night as a vampire with a laptop computer. :D
@hyena: a mental note: in the future, broader categories when it comes to rule out potential partners. :D

@ulla: awwww! :oops: i'm so embarrassed, that must have taken you hours of work! (let's pretend, ok? ;)) thank you!
thanks for the link hyena, that looks good :)

CONGRATULATIONS to rahvin, that´s great! I am very happy for you. Might even be you become a kind of rock star that way :D

And of course everyone can take now rahvin as example for work and patience and going on the career path (additionally to hyena of course :p) *hehe* you take over the guiding light ;)
hyena said:
@ulla: well, wonders never cease: how can people manage to get married in droves? there must be a secret out there on how to get someone to marry you, but i haven't found it. ask your siblings and then let everyone on the board know.
indeed, i must.

rahvin said:
@ulla: awwww! :oops: i'm so embarrassed, that must have taken you hours of work! (let's pretend, ok? ;)) thank you!
:cool: you're welcome.
Claudia speaks the words of wisdom (as usual). do what she says and everything should go well! GOOD LUCK!! :D
Congratulations Rahvin, and best of luck to you sir. Have some pineapple donuts, either to egg you on or threaten you into doing well.

hyena said:
@rusty: these letters are unnerving, aren't they? during my MSc year I got a handful of those, and only one was really traumatic (Harvard university telling me to fuck off for a Ph. D., especially because being all conceited i hadn't applied elsewhere). the rest were mildly fun, after a while one gets used to the ludicrous wording. i hope that you get a thumbs-up call (these always seem to come by telephone, contrary to rejections) very soon, although i get the general impression that you're not really motivated to start working. am i wrong?
Yes and no. In general I'm not motivated. But at the same time I know I'll have to get a job, and that was the only one I've found that was easy (basically, I had to type things), well-paying, local, and without too many hours (just 3.5h every evening), and so I ended up actually wanting that job. However, it turns out I'm not good enough to type. Now it'll be at least another couple of weeks before I get something decent, probably longer, and it means I'll have less time to save up to go gallivanting around Europe again this autumn/winter.
NF: Very Nervous :erk:. I will be taking a pre-calculus quiz ( mainly on proving identities) in the next 30 minutes! Normally i get A's on the test and quizzes, but i've had such a hard time understanding this section. I just have to walk in that class with an A+ attitude and do my best.
NF: Sooo fed up with all this net crap. I'm so glad that i don't live in this insane online-world anymore. It pisses me off so much that someone who should never have broken my trust goes and tells some overly personal things about me to a random online friend, who then judges me for something that there's absolutely no way she could ever even try to understand. Then she dislikes me for it, and she tells some other people about it who also can't understand the thing and judge me only based on a tiny thing they've heard and start hating me. And then i'm supposed to act like nothing's happened when a certain someone doesn't think that the other certain someone doesn't like me.
I hate what people are like. I hate that there's no one you can ever really trust. Somehow everyone always turns out to be a backstabber one way or another. In fact, coming to think of it, the only person who's never let me down is Juha. I've always trusted him, not completely, but now that he proved that he'd never ever betray me he's the only person i trust 100 %. And he knows that he can trust me just as much as i trust him, and i'd never let him down.
I'm kind of scared because i'm trapped with Allu. I know she constantly stabs me in the back, lies about me and tells people how much she hates me, while telling me how much she loves me and needs me. It's so disturbing that the truth is what she tells me. She loves me and she needs me, and i'm the only person who's ever understood her. And she's the only person who's ever understood me. Now if i wanted to protect myself i'd turn my back on her and just walk away, but i can't do that because she can't do without me. If i left her she'd be dead within a month :/
Hmm..i've only lately started realising how much shit i've been through. On the other hand i'm so glad that it's over, but then again i kinda just want to go back there and give up on the hopes of my life ever becoming normal. Especially now that people are making decisions for me...decisions that i should make, and what's worst, wrong decisions. I'll rather die than do what they told me to do. And again i feel...trapped.
@idari: your tale scared me shitless, with all this mention of certain someones and certain someone elses and you being trapped with backstabbers. there's something eery in this scenario of lack of trust.
and yet, you're listening to therapy? and you like eminem, so i'm currently on your side. :p
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