Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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i concur with hyena. going out on w-e nights has become more like a chore for me than anything else. i like to find a deeper purpose in things, be it - like today - meeting my classmates for a study session, or - like yesterday - going out to a theater play with my friend the teacher. the idea of "hanging out" just totally lost its charm in the past few months. i have plans for my future, and i'd much rather stay in and foster these plans than waste my time in front of the upteenth beer repeating the same stale lines. a better option than simply calling up a few friends and going out will always be there. i can go to rome to meet hyena, travel to the mountains and write some stories, get a few hours of sleep or anything else.
@salmy: let's go drag the idiots who invented "dismissed" out of their flashy houses and let's stab them in the neck with not-that-sharp objects. oh man. we might disagree when it comes to what should befall religious people, but the guys who came up with that show deserve our full sadistic attention asap.
rahvin said:
the idea of "hanging out" just totally lost its charm in the past few months.

for a few months i forced myself to go out as many times as possible. then i just accepted the idea that most of the times staying at home doing other things is a better option.

@salmy: i have no idea what some of those shows are, but those i know suck big time and i agree that mtv should dedicate more itself to music, no matter which genre.
i don't know bu about these shows, and apparently i'm very lucky. :p

as for the whole going out thing, i believe it also has to do with our changed attitude towards excessive drinking ("our" as in "rahvin's and mine"). one thing is going out because you like to get drunk - all the rest becomes irrelevant in the light of how fun it is, if drinking is what you care about. the lightheadedness makes almost every company bearable and almost every kind of music acceptable, so there. but we stopped the heavy drinking (separately, and for different reasons maybe, but the score is the same) hence "hanging out" is not as interesting as it was.
:err: well, i go out to talk with my friends, i don't think that's pointless, the fun for me is talking or go listen to some music if there happens to be some interesting concert. what upsetted me was rather going into a pub with my friends, cause we usually just meet at my place or their places and talk. but instead i had fun in the pub, the music was fine and later we went to a more calm place, suitable for discussing. if i wanted to just "hang out" i'd probably find more fun chatting with my cat at home.
staying indoors if i'm not planning to study means only to waste time in my current situation, i have no plans to work on except for university. so i study most of the week and do something interesting with friends when i'm free.
@"I wanna go home-discussion": Going out with old friends/people you don't connect with very well, is a true pain in the ass. I don't know who it was who wrote the script you have to follow during those more or less forced drinking sessions, but I want a mob (including me) to boil that specific person in tar, after the mob have nailed the genitals of said person to the city gate. Nowadays, I seldom see my old friends and instead I hang out with new buddies from my uni class, which is nice. Several of us shares these thoughts about going out at night. We stay at home getting drunk instead. That totally pwns going out (if you don't intend to pick someone up).
rahvin said:
@salmy: let's go drag the idiots who invented "dismissed" out of their flashy houses and let's stab them in the neck with not-that-sharp objects. oh man. we might disagree when it comes to what should befall religious people, but the guys who came up with that show deserve our full sadistic attention asap.

I say amen to that one.

I think they should change the tag line to something like:
"One shallow trendy assclown doesn't get fucked today."
Salamurhaaja said:
I hate the following shows on MTV:


I might have forgotten some, but you might have noticed the trend.
WTF is going on with MTV, can't they just stick to the M part of their
name or change their motherfucking name to TTV (as in Trendy-bullshit-

And to think this channel used to play metal and was even a bit alternative.
I can tell you why these shows happen. Recently Universal who owns MTV bought also VIVA (big music channel in Germany and spreading far out to the neighbour countries) (we talked bout that, but i need to repeat it to show the whole picture... ;) ) The same pattern surely is there for other countries, meaning MTV as center, and a second music channel which might be partly or completely owned by the same company. They have a "new" program strategy which should be "MTV for guys, VIVA (or other) for girls".
Thus they gonna come up with more and more shows, basically by MTV US which then get only subtitled or also a bit adapted in their concept (such as "Globally Dismissed") and broadcasted everywhere. This is very cheap in production costs, for example many shows with people who don´t get anything paid because they would even_pay to get on TV. So they have low costs and since those shows are in demand, they can sell the advertisment time for high prices. => Get money on the plus side.

yeah, it sounds insane to make Music Television a more show oriented channel, I´m not sure if it´ll work forever but they wouldn´t come up with more and more shows if it wouldn´t work because they don´t like to have losses. For example VIVA is a rather pure music broadcaster, apart from that they have anime and few other things, and they have still losses and don´t earn money after years of existence.

The whole thing with free TV is, that it finances itself with the income through advertisments only. Thus the target group of the program must be equal to the target group of the commercials, otherwise they don´t get placed enough commercials or can´t take high prices for it.

This actually has also a good side at the moment: Soul and RnB is very down, Metal comes up. I wouldn´t have dreamed in my life to see Hypocrisy live (well, taped) from Wacken on German Music TV, but it happened :D

Concerning the discussion on going out: Man, what have I been out in my first semesters, and talked to ten thousand people. Total waste of time. I find it very hard to get to meet people with my interests or who at least are interesting, even if I don´t have anything to do with their hobbies/ideas. Yeah, well, you can talk about the prices of apartments or what evil thing that professor recently did, but it´s not very rewarding. Most persons I met were superficial and very ordinary. Even my friends I had at that time are not even 2% as interesting as the friends I have now.

Nowaday´s it´s enough for me to talk to people around my lessons, and otherwise I prefer to be home and study/read/listen to MY music/do something reasonable. I also think I wasted a lot of unneccessary time where I could have been studying, especially as I didn´t go to concerts at that time, rather out in bars or to cinema, or student parties.
i feel dumb in this debate or possibly very childish, i just wouldn't manage to just live of my lessons, the people there (i have "friends" there, but not really people i talk about everything with, they're fun and nice, but there's no more point of contact) and "my space" at home. i mean, i love uni and i need my space and i find that people interesting or i wouldn't talk to them, but i need a part of my life that is dedicated to the friends i have here (or better the friend, since only one really lasted) to discuss the most important things going on in our lives as much as the silly jokes and also have particular evenings like last night to go to a concert or go out with some people we met and basically finding out how much we can relate to these people and sort of expanding "culture" if this doesn't sound too cheesy. i enjoy for example when we're a group and watch a movie to discuss points of view, and i don't see how that could be impossible to do while drinking something in a bar (bar, not disco).
How exactly is that childish? I mean.. I practically do the same until the new people I met deserve to move on to full "friend" status.

NF: Gaby and I broke up. That's as much as I will say publicly. I found it had to be said somewhere so here it is.
@hilj: you're not dumb or childish at all, i'm the first to enjoy cultural discussions in pubs and when it happens i am quite satisfied. only, with some people i used to see in my hometown it just got to the point when we would go out just for the sake of drinking and with some people i used to see here it got to the point when we would just go out for the sake of whining... not very constructive. i jump at the occasion of having intelligent discussion, but if it doesn't lead to creation of something - anything, ranging from setting up a new business to having a new relationship and whatever is in between - i get bored. as for concerts, nobody really likes the music i like so i normally either go to shows on my own or drag someone who complains all the time about "that noise"... :rolleyes:

@dt_2004: why are you quoting scientology of all things in your signature? away, foul hubbard, away!

edit: @nv: i'm sorry to hear that and i hope that it does not add to your psychological state too much (i know, futile hope).
oh, ok, i just misunderstood, we share more or less the same point of view then, and the same happened with some people i don't see anymore :)
i see the construction in the fact that i'm growing up, i feel that i'm somehow expanding my culture and most of all learning to express myself, that might seem silly, but i used to (and still do often) be so much in a state of ..subjection (is that a word?) of certain people to never go beyond the joke, and therefore lose these people.
this is what i look for in my nights or afternoons or whatever out with friends, i might look for relationships one day too, only not now cause i'm passing through the hiljstone phase :p

@NV: sorry to hear that :erk: i know there's really nothing that i can say that is going to make you feel better, so just know that if you feel like ranting i'm good at listening to rants.
@NV: you're welcome. :)
uhm, just some problems that will hopefully be worked out soon.. thanks for asking. :)
@hilj: i agree with you on every single point. the problem is most of my friends go out just for the sake of it (this might be just the impression i got), they go to the same places, have the same drinks, discussions, jokes all over again. they're fine with things as they are and i can't really change much on my own, so i decided to 'hang out' with them on less occasions in order to enjoy their company more when i'm with them.

@nv: :erk:
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