Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Thanks Child, VB, Rusty, YaYo, KC and hyena...collectively, guys and gals.
Oh and big thanks to Hiljainen, such a sweet PM. Made me all teary-eyed. Don't have the time answer right now, gotta go to school.
Well, feeling a bit better this morning at least. Pretty tired and still a bit of that feeling that's not really distinct enough to analyze...but I'll manage.
So, thanks all.
NF: Tired.. but I have to stay up all night trying to catch up with as much work as I can because it's come time for it to demand immediate attention. I have to either do it or do it.

TheFourthHorseman: That's horrible, man.. my sincere condolences. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to get through something like that, but take care.
NF: something while drunk...hope the burritoes turn out ok :)
Also feeling good that I got hold of another Lustmord album, the new Enslaved album, the new Hecate Enthroned album and a Vidna Obmana album.
nf: quite hungry, although this contrasts with my continued intent to be fit and lose weight. i'm trying to get rid of my unhealthy desire for carbohydrates, but somehow the plan does not seem to work tonight. i'll try and watch a movie in order to distract myself from the thought of pasta.
I have the same problem as you do...but heh, I would consider pasta a pretty healthy meal and a step in the right direction. :p Too much pizza and kebab I tell you.
Not that I'm in a very bad shape, at least as far as my figure goes. Still, the gut is slowly forming and I want to get rid of it. Hopefully working out a bit and doing more sports will help.
Neljäsheppakuski: Otan osaa. :cry:

NF: Stressed, nervous, and a little bit excited. I mean, this is it! In a couple of hours I'll be leaving home to travel to my school (a 600 km drive), so that I might finally graduate in the next two weeks. There's still a shitload of things I need to do once I get my sorry ass there before they can hand me the papers, so nothing is certain as of now. I will inform you all of how it went once I get back home, supposedly sometime in early December.

See you then!

@ville: good luck and congratulations for making it this far! :)

last night i settled for asparagus cream. but now i'm about to have pasta. my programs for the day: lunch, movie, workout, buy gloves, other movie, pool game, drinks, home. not bad.
Villain: Godspeed and good luck!

Claudia: Asparagus cream? :ill:

I saw a feature about Nicaragua on web tv right now. I want to go there again. Now. Even though the feature was short, superficial and telling almost no relevant facts about the country, it really made me yearn back. Travelling not only to Nicaragua but the whole region again would be awesome. I should start learning Spanish.
Villain said:
NF: Stressed, nervous, and a little bit excited. I mean, this is it! In a couple of hours I'll be leaving home to travel to my school (a 600 km drive), so that I might finally graduate in the next two weeks. There's still a shitload of things I need to do once I get my sorry ass there before they can hand me the papers, so nothing is certain as of now. I will inform you all of how it went once I get back home, supposedly sometime in early December.

See you then!


@carl: you should start trying the wonders of asparagus soup, if you prefer. after all, bad religion wasn't that bad, now was it? so my advice is normally worth following.
Ethereal Sage said:
I spent $90 on CD/MP3 player batteries, yet they don't fix the problem. It's late at night and I really need to listen to music on headphones :(
This is where downloading or ripping CDs to your computer and having stereo (or better) speakers with a plug for headphones becomes useful.
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