Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@violet: this reminds me of living in the student halls in london and being woken up by fire alarms at 4am... :D

nf: bah. i wasted too much time at work and if i go to the gym now i'll get an adrenaline rush so bad that i won't be able to sleep until 2am. seeing how i'm pretty tired as it is, i think it's not worth it, so i'm staying home - tomorrow i have a meeting until late and on wednesday i have workmen coming to repair a window at 6.30, so i'll be physically static until thursday... which is not good considering the increasing amount of nervous energy i have to get rid of, possibly without getting drunk.
Violet: You probably didn't offer him any meatballs, did you..

TheFourthHorseman said:
Played basketball, salibandy? Indoors bandy, or something, for a pretty long while.
I think I have an idea of what you may be talking about, but I've never heard that term..
It's good to hear you're always up for some refreshing/fun physical activity.
Did you have a good time?

hyena said:
..since i was so brilliant as to take a nap from 4 to 5 pm after sleeping until 11 am.
Haha, niiiice!
That's what I call taking it easy.

Northern Viking said:
I feel really bad.. I cant get myself to do anything..
Also, having decent furniture for this room would help, I feel as incomplete as this room, I dont even have a decent place to do homework. Bah
My surroundings (with respect to aesthetics and level of tidiness) have a pretty big influence on my mood and my willingness to be productive ..unfortunately so, most of the times.
Good luck, man.
@Sal - I'm using Firefox, and I'm not having any problems.

@... yeah, everyone ... man, I leave for a weekend, and wtf happens here????

@Mag - meh on the Lamb of God thing. Saw them at Ozzfest this summer. Only liked their 'Wall of Death', and that wasn't even a song...

~kov (sporadically yours)
MagSec4 said:
Violet: You probably didn't offer him any meatballs, did you..
I was going to say that, but then I thought that he might not like her any more if he had to eat burnt meatballs.

MagSec4 said:
I think I have an idea of what you may be talking about, but I've never heard that term..
It's good to hear you're always up for some refreshing/fun physical activity.
Did you have a good time?
Yeah well I don't think it's the right term obviously, I just can't think of a better's the sport that you play indoors with sticks and with a ball that has lots of holes. I had a good time, played this basketball game with a friend after the classes too, not a regular one, but I won't start explaining that unless someone really wants to know, seeing as I already tried, and failed. But yeah, it was a bunch of fun, only downside is that I got some nasty stuff on my feet, but they'll heal. Maybe I'll get myself in a better shape this way too.
Kovenant84 said:
@Sal - I'm using Firefox, and I'm not having any problems.

Yeah, even I thought it was fixed, but it seems to be something in the
server the images are coming from, cos when I choose "load images" and
"for the originating web site only" it works fine.

How do I know it's her signature images?
Cos the same thing happens with IE, but IE uses a different thing on the
loading, so if you stop loading the page after it hangs, it will show you how
far it got and it has stopped everytime right before her signature.
Remove image loading or load only for originating web site (as in UM in this
case) and boom, works fine.

EDIT: and now I know which images/server/site is causing that crap too:
Stupid fucking thing. I added that site to my adblock and voila, no problems,
even without "for the originating web site only".

I don't care how cute those things are, remove them or copy them onto
another server and add them from there. is free.
@Mag and Fourth H.
i would have given him some, if he hadn't looked so grumpy
firemen must hate my building, alarms go off so often that no one even leaves their room or even peeks out to see if there's any smoke. one of these days we are all going to burn to death.

NF: the happiest i've had in a long time. its SNOWING! i just looked out the window. its so so beautiful. it probably sounds cheesy but i spent all my childhood winters wishing for snow, and now it's here and it doesn't matter how i feel about myself right now, because at least there are still some wonderful things in life, such as snow. and i should do my final paper due thursday but i swore to myself that as soon as it snowed i would drop everything, make hot chocolate and read a good book. unfortunately i only have dragonlance around so it'll have to do ;)
too bad i dont have anyone to share this moment with, except my dying plant. oh well.
NF: Slightly motivated. I've been behind on schedule, so I better catch up!
VB: You better get out in that snow so you realize how terrible it actually is. :p

Nf: I'm feeling emotionally numbed again. The only emotion that manages to break through the surface is the occasional light unease. Is it supposed to be like this?
@child of time
well it could be worse than just being numb i think... though i'm not the right person to ask
as for the snow, you take it for granted :p think of all those children in africa and latin america who dont have any snow. you should eat all of it then.
NF: Disappointed. I was hoping that I could get the new Pineapple Thief album ordered through their website, but my aunt isn't putting any credit on her credit card this month after all, due to christmas shopping and something like that. So there goes that. Maybe I'll buy some cloth instead.
I have to learn how to use PayPal though our bank. I'm tired of relying on other people, well, at least in this matter.

Indeed we properly got snow for the first time today. My friend's car looked hilarious.
I can relate to both of you. When I was a kid, growing up between the tropics, it would've been the nicest thing to see if I could ..and when I finally did see snow, there was nonstop rejoicing and playing in/with it for a looong time :p

Now in a place like this, it just gets on my nerves and it pisses me off; especially when it comes time when, for many weeks, you don't even get to see the ground ..and all the sand and salt they use to clear paths just makes a mess everywhere on the sides and indoors.
VB: Feeling numb isn't bad. It's better than anxiety or sadness, for example. :p
Eat all the snow? :confused: :yuk: I think that is to take it to its extreme. :p

Mags: What about beeing outside in all that frozen water? I don't like it.
nf: kinda good. went out with uncomplicated friend, had beers, talked shop, played pool (abysmal loss for me). tomorrow i'm starting a three-day course in a godforsaken place, and i need to be there by 9am. so i'm going to sleep. :(
This is so fucking retarded :(. I am supposed to go to Michigan with a friend's band to help them out abit doing some roadie and bass tech work, but I just found out I wont be working at all this week so I will have close to no money to go. That's ok, I'll just have to whore myself on the road.

Taunted the dwarf, NF gooooooood.
@nick: awwww. sorry to hear that - any way that your friend could lend you some money?

@loli: you're married, so stop whining already. :D

nf: bubu. the repair guy thought we had to meet last night, while in fact it was tonight and i really hope he comes over now (i told his wife that i was home) because i haven't worked out since saturday due to working late and i really, really want to be free to go to the gym tomorrow.
Yeah, marriage totally turns one's shitty life into pure paradise. ;)

Feeling pretty indifferent now, haven't got much to do and just think I'm going to sit on the comp for a good while and then read the remainder of American Gods. Good times.
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