Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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rahvin said:
@hyena: he mostly seems to capitalize possessive adjectives and pronouns, while the germans capitalize all nouns. still, i'm at a loss when it comes to why he's got this habit as well. :err:
Well, let me tell you my diagnosis: he is a Mad Pervert, that's why.

I hope he gets the clue and stops harassing her now, but like with all obsessive idiots, I doubt he is that smart - he is probably writing her another moronic email as we type.

(Thinking pause - perhaps I should not always assume the worst from these kind of people?) :err:

Who knows, perhaps he is a smart person and truly realizes his behaviour has been sick, decides to cure himself and stops all attempts to contact her for the rest of his life. I just doubt he could be man enough, but perhaps I'm wrong. :err:

Please, keep us posted on how things develop, G.

Please, keep us posted on how things develop, G.
Well, here we go then...

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 4:07 AM
Subject: divided

Hi Diana
As I know You like things correct
Its divited , not devited
as in Together we stand, divided we fall...

ps Whatever happened to this guy??? see scan
and another one just now

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 10:05 AM
Subject: (no subject)

I saw her standing by the crimson sea
Her gazing was intense but so dead
The teardrops corroded the soil
She couldn't say a word to me

ps ... enjoy the silence
@g: that's insane. i hope he realises what he's been doing and stops, but i doubt he will, as you said this situation's been going on for a long time. i don't know what to say...
wtf was he going to knock on your door? I felt sick so i stopped reading.. :( that is scary. :err: dude.. get some help, and stop obsessing. and dont give out personal details to people.. :/

NF: nothing, it's just raining and being friday.. :rolleyes:
I agree about the harrassing as much as the other person, but this is just retarded as well. It's like miniature reality TV.
Oh I agree - I just never expected (nor Villian or anyone else I suppose) he was going to overload me with more pathetic e-mails within just hours. In fact I just received another - rather evil I'd say - e-mail in where he asked me 3 questions... the 1st one was about something I told him in confidence during our "good times" (a life lesson learned; anything you say can and will be used against you), the 2nd question was about something I never told him since it has not happened, and the 3rd thingy was about something I have no clue where he's talking about (but this happens a lot as most of his stuff doesn't make sense as Naku already noticed...) Anyway, I have no problem posting (and even answering) his last e-mail/questions but as TFH already pointed out, I wouldn't want to spam the board or bother you guys with all the shit he's sending me, so I guess for now I'll leave it for what it is (well, at least on UM that is ;) )
i'm no good at guessing. today i got the exams' results:

i passed the hardest one (the english translation is impossible so it will remain nameless) with 24/30 :D :D

and it turns out that the pure uncut abomination was instead the chemistry test, which was passed by 10 persons on a total of over 80 who took it. i was in the 70 failures of course. the test itself was easy, in fact i thought i had passed it, but the teacher played the trick to subtract points for every wrong answer instead of just counting the right ones, so many persons even ended up with 0/30.

anyway, this is not so bad, cause while the first exam was in fact an exam, the chemistry was just one of few tests we have to take to avoid having to do the final oral exam (infinitely more difficult than a bunch of written little tests), and "failing the first one means just to be more careful" according to the teacher...
considering i did not manage to study at all for this test, due to the other huge, more important exam in the same day, i guess i can pass the next test on the 26 and make the situation better. or at least i hope so :err:
La Rocque said:
It's all so easy to kill the scapegoat
You did some major editing on my mails

Nice try but needless to say, I didn't edit any of his/your mails. I'm not sure if I ever told you Dave, but I'm not interested in games AT ALL. Whatever you wish to write, I'm 100% sure I can prove you wrong, however, I doubt I'm doing anyone a favour with it and so I stick with my previous post. Have a good life and GOODBYE!
DT_2004 said:
@Gtranquillity: Is it fun in Netherlands on new year? Or is everyone at home eating cheese? should I go there in the spring instead? i'm not sure.. :err:

Well, New Year here is nothing big but nevertheless quite nice! Spring I'm not too sure of as it is often very rainy... The best time of the year here is around August I'd say. What cities are you planning on visiting?
Gtranquillity said:
Well, New Year here is nothing big but nevertheless quite nice! Spring I'm not too sure of as it is often very rainy... The best time of the year here is around August I'd say. What cities are you planning on visiting?
yeah that might be a better time, but I just felt like travelling right now, so maybe I won't wait that long. Cities? Why, straight from Schiphol to the capital of course! :D :wave: And it don't matter, as long as there's good beer and good food.. :p
@la rocque: regardless of any editing, doesn't it seem kinda obvious to you that g would rather not receive any more e-mails from you at all until her dying day? because it seems kinda obvious to me.

@4thhourseman: yeah, the continuous posting of illiterate messages devoid of any content is certainly not an interesting read, but in an overall strategy meant to expose the stalking, i think it made sense.
mmmm, netherlands o_O [/homer simpson] :p that's one of the first countries on my wish-to-visit list

NF: feels nice when persons just stop caring. anyway, not the first time and it won't be the last, i better stop the whining.
@fourth: i concur with rahvin, the posting of these messages was instrumental in exposing the stalking and it seems that it was a good idea.

@la rocque: what rahvin said, leave her alone. whatever the reason, she wants to be rid of you. it happens to all of us, getting stonewalled. it's never nice, but one has to grin and bear it.

@hilj: congratulations on the passed exam and sorry about the pure uncut abomination. keep us posted on your results, everyone is cheering you on here. :)
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