why can't we not be sober
KC: i know what you mean, even though i don't go through stages but i'm constantly in the "ugly stupid bastart" mode
i think anyway it's pretty normal to have periods of more or less faith in oneself like you do, hang in there and it will be fine, maybe your gf feels the same or feels that you're different from usual and doesn't manage to express herself well
NF: hopeless, for everything. migraine is less strong though, and i don't feel so nauseous anymore.

i think anyway it's pretty normal to have periods of more or less faith in oneself like you do, hang in there and it will be fine, maybe your gf feels the same or feels that you're different from usual and doesn't manage to express herself well
NF: hopeless, for everything. migraine is less strong though, and i don't feel so nauseous anymore.