Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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KC: i know what you mean, even though i don't go through stages but i'm constantly in the "ugly stupid bastart" mode ;)
i think anyway it's pretty normal to have periods of more or less faith in oneself like you do, hang in there and it will be fine, maybe your gf feels the same or feels that you're different from usual and doesn't manage to express herself well

NF: hopeless, for everything. migraine is less strong though, and i don't feel so nauseous anymore.
Im having very weird mood swings lately but right now, Im really happy :D

King Chaos and Hilj: I know the feeling.. let's just hope it goes away :erk:
@king: i can relate to what you say, there's moments when shit seems to hit the fan from all directions. if it's any help, this kind of feelings have grown less frequent with time, even if the absolute amount of bad events has increased. it's a question of short-term versus medium-term perspective and it might be one of the small advantages of getting older. this said, i wish that all of your trouble is easily solved.

nf: like this is the week of musical astonishment. i've just found someone online who deserves all my love for having the first digital copy i ever saw of the incredibly good EP un mondo fichissimo by the band i fichissimi, a small punk act of my hometown that would surely have hit it big if they didn't break up some 10 years ago. they only ever released a 7inch and i've been desperate for months about it - i used to own a tape but i lost it, but now lo and behold somebody has mp3s... and that somebody also has all sorts of other rarities, i'm totally thrilled. i think that i'll get to hear something like 5 or 6 cool new albums in 7 days now. wow.
CoT said:
Today I'm going to play indoor football. We're participating in a tournament in a few weeks, and my bet is that we're going to get our asses kicked there. :)
Nice. Don't get your asses kicked too badly

Violet: Good. I'm glad some of us do share some good times. I'm happy for you.

KC: Don't think about it too much, bro. Look in the mirror next time and tell yourself that you'll show yourself what you're capable of. Then turn around, give life and intimidating look, and step right over it and go on your way to make everything better ..or at least give it your best try in anyway you feel you can.

KC & Hilj: Just don't lose hope.

NF: Hot and cold at the same time, my joints feel funny, my fingers hurt when I type, I feel tingly all over, and I'm starting to get a headache..
King Chaos said:
NF: Pretty bad. Lonely. I've lost loads of confidence. I dont know if anyone else goes through stages where sometimes there fine with themselves and then other times you look inthe miror and just think "you ugly stupid bastard". I feel my friends have turned there backs on me for some reason, My girlfriend is in a constant mood with me, My parents are away so housework is my job, My hair is going crazy and at school I'm in contantly awkward situations. Having to read out in class and fucking stumbling on words. Im like a 9 year old. I cant read privatley either beause I have too many things on my mind :(. Im trying to read Steven Eriksons - Gardens of the moon... failing miserably, I dont know if its a bad book or Im just shit. My guitar skills have diminished some how aswell. I cant play to myself without getting frustrated. I feel just low.
:/ Hope things start looking up soon, i certainly know what it's like. I guess i've lost a lot of confidence in many areas of life in recent months, it happens from time to time. But i've stopped caring about a lot of stuff as a result, even including music a reasonable amount of time.. ive reverted to previous habits like passing time with computer games, reading and movies. Im just tired of most things (i've had a sometimes tough year but at the moment there's nothing to really complain about.. things are quite alright really). i seem to mostly meander between alright and utterly disinterested.

yeah it happens to me, too, so it's either "normal" or all of us are equally weird

and January 6 is in honour of those three Wise men/magi/kings whatever they're called that visited baby Jesus when he was born and gave him gold and blablabla. In the south of mexico I think they don't even have Santa Claus, instead they have the 3 kings so each kid gets 3 presents that day... oh and rich kids in my city got presents from both santa AND the 3 kings, but i guess i wasn't good enough :p
we eat this special bread, hidden inside it is a plastic jesus baby :p
so whoever ends up with the jesus in his piece, has to make a party on feb 2 (day of the "candelaria", and i have no idea what that's supposed to be... we have lots of holidays :p ) for everyone who eats the bread with him. of cousre by then everyone has forgotten about it and no one ever makes those parties.
its a nice holiday and since i missed bread of the dead, thats the next best thing

/end of rant
NF: pretty crap. i have scarlet fever wheee. this means i have to spend most of my time downstairs in my room lying in bed feeling like shit, and not having anothing to do. fun fun fun.
Wow, Thanks for the kind words everyone. your voices have helped. Just knowing other people go through these unbalnced times and come out fine gives me hope. Thanks again.
I spoke to my girlfriend about it. I told her even if everything does suck we shouldnt take it out on each other and she apologised and has been super nice ever since :).
I think the main problem is school. Im socially retarded. I cant be confident in any social situation apart from ones with my friends, and ,pathetically, Im starting to think other people must see me as some kind of fucking goonish corner boy (When Im happy I think people see me as a 'dark horse'... But at the moment that seems incomprehensible and narcasistic).
I had an alright practice on my guitar earlier. My creative field is non exitent at the moment. Something is really pissing on my chi.

NF: Other than all the moany stuff, like its about time I ordered me a Pizza... A big Spicy one.
nf: i'm sorta drunk and playing another one of this week's great new records, moved by how tim armstrong finally managed to sound like shane mcgowan, only better. :)

as for the rest, i'm under the impression that i've been repeatedly lied to purposefully. i'm really a bit blocked out of everything at the moment.
@hyena: I'm late I know, but I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope everything will turn out for the best, somehow.

NF: Lucky. Got teh best man in the world, and I'm not afraid to say it :cool: I don't know what it is with certain young men, but I was sitting opposite a somewhat self-assured youth on the train today, and there was something about the way he acted that just made me want to slap him. Hard. And repeatedly. There's nothing I have so little tolerance for as people thinking they're so obviously superior to everyone else :rolleyes: There's nothing wrong with a bit of confidence, just don't overdo it.
King Chaos said:
I think the main problem is school. Im socially retarded.
Socially retarded yet had a girlfriend...... what and odd combination. :err: Anyway, hope things turn around for ya soon man. ({)

@Ulla: I guess that means you can't make it upstairs to the computer too often then? :( Kick bak and listen to some Blackfield. That might help.... a little. :erk:
Spike said:
Socially retarded yet had a girlfriend...... what and odd combination. :err: Anyway, hope things turn around for ya soon man. ({)

I think its possible to be both. Im not awkward around her, but I am awkward around just about every other human being in existence.

Anyway I feel good today. Im taking a day out to totally chill the funk out. Play some mellow tunes, read some fantasy and maybe crack open some beers.
nf: i woke up a few minutes ago and it's lunchtime already... i hope that i can fall asleep decently early tonight nevertheless. today is for relaxing, i'll maybe go out to buy some food and some smokes, but i'm not even sure about it - watching movies, reading books and being lazy take precedence.
i am happy about last night, i got to know a new person a bit and my impression was very good.(don't read too much into this, there is really no more to read than what i wrote).
it was a normal evening with my best friend and this new guy we met, lots of talking and laughing, and i actually spoke my mind, which is something i never (or almost never) do and always regret to not have done of course, the things that cause me more pain are always related to me being as interesting as a potato with the people i care for, even if i'm thinking a lot of things i should say, and then they finally stop frequenting me once they understand how useless being with me is.
with my luck this will only be an illusion and i'll find out that i'm not changing at all, but for today i'll just let myself think that i'm slowly starting to drift towards something finally sort of right.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
I was just wondering what's so funny about Viva la Bam. I've watched it a couple of times and find it boring because most of the stunts have been done before or similar kind, in Jackass. Old news. It's not funny anymore when Bam "teases" his parents, like they didn't know what's going on. And I hate it when all the fuck words are *peeped*. What a badass Bam. :rolleyes:
I've watched Jackass, Jackass The Movie and each CKY movie, and none of the stunts in Viva La Bam have been done in those. How could they, when Jackass is about the guys doing stupid stuff to themselves. Bam's parents are hardly ever in Jackass.

NF: Fine.
Hiljainen said:
me being as interesting as a potato
Why is it that all the good-looking and funny people are the inward-turned ones? :)
Hey, at least you're socializing with people and having a good time.

- like i wouldn't know what to do if had a holiday starting tomorrow. now this is depressing.

- like i'm about to go to bed too late.

- like i need to make two plans. i already have a plan for my professional life, now i need to find two for my personal life. plan 1: find new friends. plan 2: find mate.

- like i'm fed up with lies.
-I feel childish lately.. I went home this friday for the first time since I moved up here.. It felt weird to see my room all empty.. I finally realized that I have no place to return to even if I wanted to.
-It feels weird to think I'll never live with my family again, that the Triumvirate of us three brothers has broken :)p)
I guess it's normal for someone as nostalgic as me to think of past times and focus more on what Im losing than on what lies ahead..
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