pie king
nf: like i wanna change my university course but i'll never actually do it. this is driving me insane.
OH NOES!YaYo said:and worst of all monday is always muffin day at work, so i miss out on my weekly chocolate muffin now!! :/
Oooooorrr (as always)...... you could just ask?idari said:NF: I want to kill Spike so that he can't post with that sig anymore.
pfff, i just got home after spending the last 5 hours in the cold (wind) with my feet and hair soaked for the rain. i looked like alice cooper. the hairstyle.Strider said:as stated by someone else, here in Italy the temperature dropped abruptly this weekend. As an outcome, I feel I'm getting sick... if I know myself, this evening I won't be able to headbang like a madman due to fever![]()
well at least tomorrow I won't be working...
EN btw = Edward Norton, my favourite actor. Not that the e-mail makes more sense now, but anyway...One thing for sure I am coming to the Netherlands ... I was going to wait until Rammstein toured the EU but who knows when that will be ??? Will I be in EHV ??? of course, will I do the bump into or knock on Your door ??? Probably not as I was never invited (even in the good times) plus I don't go to 9 out of 10 places I am invited ... I'll tell You this I may walk past You , maybe be shopping at the same place You are or I'll look up and Your will be sitting in Your window ??? Will You know its me ??? I doubt it ... the only clue is when I go by something should remind You of EN ...
For the record... I took all auctions down the second I found out the CD's were illegal and returned them to the sender.Hi Diana
Hope all finds You well ...
Just got back from NYC ... You owe it to Yourself to visit NYC ... there is no place on this Earth like it ...
Casey asked me to write You about Him posting the illegal CDs ... I told him You have Your panties all up in a bunch and would not answer ... but that I would ask ... btw ... Are You Bipolar ???
Take care ...
... cleaning out my closet ...
Hi Diana
I am going to try and explain a connection I made as it has to do with You ... this is not an easy thing to put into words ... I told You something I found out about all of this when I went into my depression and that I would tell You all of this when we meet in person ... as that is not going to happen ... this is the best I can do ...
When I first saw the photo of You in Portugal thought to myself ' Diana sort of looks like Marie Latos ' ... and ' diavata ' (<-- my Ebay username + my name diana van tankeren) is a town in Greece ... there is probably more to do with this but the deep recesses on my mind will not let me have them ...
In the late 1960s I was living in California ... meet a woman, Marie Latos, and as our relationship developed as these things do, She became pregnant with Our Child ... at the time a Child was the furthest thing from my mind ... this may sound shallow but the sex was sharing pleasure with Someone I cared about in 1968/9 ... Even though it was an unexpected surprise I was happy/positive about this ...(Marie's Family was Greek, I don't know if you know but Greeks are very much with Greeks being with Greeks) ... to say Her Parents were unhappy about this is an understatement ... She had turned 17 on March 25 ...We were going to do what was best/right for Our Child ... when Marie was about 5 months with Our Child ... the Latos Family went to Greece to visit ... never to return to the USA or if they did I could not find them ??? only by chance did I bump into someone(Latos family friend) who told me that Marie (and Dave) had a Girl ... this has always been in my thoughts (how could it not) ...
During my counseling my psychiatrist asked the correct questions and what She said made sense to me ... from the beginning of our communication I could not understand my *fixation* with You :-/ my subconscious had [ this is difficult to put into words] made me think that You were my lost Child ... Yes I know You are not but in some way my thinking had done this to me ??? So maybe in some small way You can understand why Your friendship is the most special for me and I know I went overboard at times with my mails(positive,happy,confused,pissed off) and wanting to give/help You with anything I could (I still would) ... I remember when You first wrote me about Your Dad and I tried to explain my thoughts on fatherhood, You just ripped into me (I would guess things are not always 100% positive at times, believe me at times I've been at odds with my parents) ... then when You wrote about asking for a ride to Essen for DT and how You never asked for favors ... that tore me up ... as I would give everything I have to be with My Daughter ... will I ever get a phone call, letter, a knock at the door from Her, not likely ... will I ever hear from You (I would like to but that's up to You) ... other than the Latos,the only people who know about this now are You and Dr.Jones ... if anyone ever asked or even if I brought up about having children I always said no ... too, too, too personal ...
Our Child was born sometime in Jan. 1970 ... I just chose the 1st as Her Birthday ...
Diana, You know more about me than any other person ...
As my life is nearer to the end than the beginning I'm so sad that this is the way things have worked out ... all I have is the dream/hope that someday that Both of You will be part of my life ....
I could have explained this much better, over dinner or walking on the OBT ... of course You did nothing to cause any of this its all in my mind, I'm happy I have some understanding of my feelings about You ...
Hope You don't mind me ending this mail with ...
Take care , Sweet Child of Mine
ONE love ...
Dave West
I've only my dreams
I spread my dreams
under Your feet
tread softly
You tread on my dreams
KdG to 90 = Karel de Grotelaan - the street I used to live on.I could go on and on BUT ... I wish I could stop but the real question is what am I going to do when walking down the KdG to 90 ???
Until the next time or until the end of my time ...
Take care ...
I meet through the Internet some very friendly DT fans ... it seems to be a small but outgoing bunch of metal heads ... it sort of interesting when they write me with rumors about forum members ... only thing I ever wrote about You is 'Gtranquillity takes great pictures' ... sure hope I'm an unknown as far are You and the forum is concerned ...
i see.Gtranquillity said:@hyena & Rahvin: as for the capitalized letters... it's not a habit. He started with this last year when I wrote him the friendship was over