Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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hyena: that´s just the way it has to be, the surprising endings ;) Also just this kind of stuff makes you see things/happenings from a different point of view. How boring would it be if all goes always along the rules? :loco:

Naku ist krig said:
@fireangel: I need feel silly to make them up, and it has been weeks when I´ve felt that feeling. My creativity has suffered quite and I find it hard to even send a single post nowadays. Today I posted onto a finnish musician-forum about changing tuning of a bass to lower one, after I had postponed it almost a week, and when got to writing the post, I had to use from 1 to 3 hours to get it complete.

yes, I understand that a certain mood is required :) I hope, though, that this mood comes back one day. I know, too, when you do too many regular things then it can kill creativity. Ideas (in many cases, not always) need space and a free flow of thought, away from the normal ways.
I definitely hope your sillyness returns :cool:

NF: I don´t know. I want to throw away a lot of accumulated things (old papers, brochures, free CDs etc) but I fear I might need it one day, especially the university-stuff (I don´t mean my books and so on, just the "extra" material that appeared through random ways....) :erk: or I would have to re-search it all over again. I have not used it before, so what....
But renewing is so refreshing! :dopey: Probably I do...

*hehe* today is inconsistency day...
@lina: hey, you flatter me, "good conversationalist" that i am. :lol:

(btw, she tried to trick me into signing a document about the supposed evil nature of don rumsfeld, but i was extremely steadfast).

i just finished doing a bit of household stuff, now i need to hang some clothes out to dry and then i can watch a movie that i've been interested in for a while. i'm listening to the new samael, thanks to master rahvin, and i really, really enjoy some tunes, especially "as the sun". it's refreshing not to listen to gay disco for a while. :D

as for how i'm feeling - kind of distant and unable. the poor moderator heard me whining on the topic for a good portion of the afternoon yesterday, but you all didn't, so there. ;) i just cannot find a way to get in synch with most people. they feel stuff i can't feel and they say things i wouldn't dream of saying. i'm aloof most of the time.
fireangel said:
I want to throw away a lot of accumulated things (old papers, brochures, free CDs etc) but I fear I might need it one day, especially the university-stuff (I don´t mean my books and so on, just the "extra" material that appeared through random ways....) or I would have to re-search it all over again. I have not used it before, so what....

Fun fun fun. I think it's difficult as hell to throw something away. If I had like a spare room, I would fill it with completely useless info stuff. :erk: You never know, it might become useful some day. :eek:
Child of Time said:
Fun fun fun. I think it's difficult as hell to throw something away. If I had like a spare room, I would fill it with completely useless info stuff. :erk: You never know, it might become useful some day. :eek:
absolutely correct. Only that I don´t have a spare room. I noticed that I feel better in more empty rooms, where is only the things that I like. But I practically live in one room (large though), apart from that I use our families kitchen, garden and so on, so I have my workplace and living space combined. I already occupied a lot of closets in other people´s rooms, just for the metres of files and folders, or to change between winter and summer clothes. I can´t breathe anymore with all the stuff.

It´s like what I said above, I even can´t have creativity with a ton of crap around...

Same goes for things that I don´t need anymore, and would have to sell at the flea-market when_I_have_time (nothing for ebay, not collectors items, just the usual) , and on top of that, I didn´t pay for many things, I just kinda inherited them or are leftovers from other people´s households which may be useful one day... :yell:
I have to go now, I need to throw away something :D
fireangel: :D Sometimes I think that the best thing to do is to burn your house down and build a new one on the ashes of the old. :devil: Repeat next time you have filled it with crap. It might cost a lot to build a new house, but probably it's worth it.
i just went close to an heart attack hearing a certain voice on the phone, that then turned out to belong to a guy from uni i don't even know (the voice, not the phone o_O ) and not to who i was afraid of.

next step: i'll start to hear voices from nothing (not only to mistake people, cars or people's voices for a certain person and hide under the bed/behind the unlucky friend that is with me in that moment).
CoT: not correct. The house is fantastic. It should just be more empty.

I accomplished my mission for today, though. I threw away a couple of (my own!, not other people´s!) the hated, randomly accumulated, single-pieced, inherited porcelain. Actually I just let the whole box fall down and claimed it was an accident :D So that left me without any discussion, and since it was in a cardboard box, no mess either.
I'm in love,
butterflies eat my fingertips
and I am smiling madly
while the mornings are still grey
but the ginko tree outside my window
is like a lemon, and bright sunshine
My love is far away
but my love for her is here.
The hell? Those lyrics aren't anything like the ones in Trumpets Of Jerico. Actually they're pretty hilarious. :lol:

Or maybe it was a poem, seeing as this isn't the NP thread. Oops.

For the sake of some meaning, I'm feeling a little better (than bad).
nf: not really in top form. my father's health has deteriorated considerably, his tumor having migrated to a lung. this is the year where every single awful thing happens apparently.
Child of Time said:
Where do you live now? (I've 10mbit too, btw :) )
Oh, my!! I got a simple shitty 512 K/s, albeit I manage to control three of these basic inet connections and I do fine. Hope next year I will be able to get to Sweden (finally, because last year I had problems and didn't make it), a friend of mine is quite interested on living over there, I can go and try myself. :)

@hyena's dad: Hey, man, I'm so sorry. Hopefully, Rahvin's hugs will embrace us all.

I went to bed at 9pm to supposedly take a nap, and now I'm up at 3am with a new fucked up sleeping pattern :bah:
At least I'll have many hours of quiet in which I could maybe get some work done..

hyena: I'm sorry to hear that. I know all about going through a parent's suffering due to cancer. I extend my sympathies.
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