Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I honestly think Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (for NES) is the best game of the whole series. I still managed to play it through on an emulator a few years ago, while I just couldn't crawl through the second dungeon of the first Zelda before I was killed by boredom. It is funny how some games just lose their "magic" through the years, while others seem to carry on forever...

nf: like i gotta get my shit together real soon, yo.
yesterday i didn't do anything at work, besides some minor stuff that doesn't really make a difference. i also got a change of workout program at the gym and the new one must have the goal of killing me, because now i'm exhausted and it's just 9.16am.
anywhoo, today i need to put at least one of the parts of my current paper in the bag. by "i need" i mean that i actually have to. it's going to be a long tough bu day. :(
I was gifted with a Nintendo NES first (Super Mario Bros. included, one has to start from the classics), and then I moved on to Nintendo SNES, with Fifa ¿95? as my first videogame. Yes, I was a Nintendo-boy, so what? :p Unfortunately, SNES arrived in bad times for me, and my moderated passion for videogames ended abruptly soon after buying the machine. No Playstations or XBoX catched my eye afterwards.

NF: Pretty indifferent about almost everything. It is not like I don't care if my dog dies tomorrow, but you know, subconciously I don't expect so much from life, I guess. It's the natural sensation of carrying with my kind of life, I suppose. Big changes is what I need, THE APOCALYPSE I SAY!! :loco:

Hiljainen said:

nf: huge loser

don't say so, I guess it can't be true... after all you have good tastes in music, so you can't be a real loser...

c'mon, life is good! (pats Hiljainen on the back reassuringly)
@hilj: if you're talking exams, one week can make the difference. work all you can and you're going to pass.

nf: i'm having a beer so i'm happier than average. i'm seeing rahvin on saturday so i'm much happier than average. tomorrow the EU constitution will be signed in my city, hence i have to go to work before 7am because my office is in the center and the center will be closed to traffic and pedestrians from 7am. this would normally make me depressed, but it's nothing compared to what will happen when teh plan comes into operation. which makes me definitely happier than average.
well, i have a chance to pass one, because it is a reasonable amount of stuff and it's not completely new. the other i doubt i will, cause it's way too much considering it's all new, i barely did 1/3 of it and trust me i didn't take many breaks.

NF: down down down, when it goes bad it's always all together, i'm not going well with uni (i like it a lot, but i'm bubu), sentimental crap is killing me more than ever. i want to curl up and become an armadillo. a bright colored one.

ok, after the succesfull whining i'm going to read the lastest news about the wonders bacteria do with N. o_O
@hilj: best of luck anywhoo. my catchphrase (which rahvin loves soooo much) for these situations is i've both might and will to fight. i hope this applies. to you, not me (i'm semi drunk, so it could hardly apply or not apply).

@fire: come on. you're getting married. what else do you want? a hand grenade? :D
Hey Hilj, Im feeling the same, although I dont have exams coming up.
I feel like a loser, like a failure.. sometimes I feel ok and I think I can do it and then only thinking of all the work I'll have to do makes me so endlessly sick.. working is the least of all things I want to do right now
Hope you feel better soon
I wish everyone good luck in living their life :)

hyena said:
@fire: come on. you're getting married. what else do you want? a hand grenade? :D

:D this part of my life is perfectly fine, agreed =) Salamurhaaja is teh cutest :dopey:

Just the rest is not a walk in the park, it´s really much and it contains a lot of elements I can´t even solve, I just have to watch it happening (family members being ill and other crap), while on that background one is expected to function well and not contribute even more trouble to what´s already there. :cry:
I think you as commited study-person might have an idea of what it means to be only noticed when producing good grades/results and not being understood otherwise. ?
are you marying Salmy? :D

i sort of know what you mean, although when i fail i tend to be attacked rather than ignored. but i most definitely feel your pain about the ill family members. i wish you and them all the best.

nf: proud of myself, i managed to wake up on time. now i'll try to brave the cold and dark in order to get to work before the city is shut down. i wouldn't expect any attack, but still...

i also almost died laughing because my friend wolfy mistakenly sent me a very saccharine goodnight message which was meant for a friend of mine, and now i'll never let him hear the end of it.
Northern Viking said:
working is the least of all things I want to do right now

In fact, working is a wrong balanced thing in our lives, socially speaking. One can't work more than five hours, it's physically impossible. Tell your boss it's not possible. Right now. :p

|ngenius said:
In fact, working is a wrong balanced thing in our lives, socially speaking. One can't work more than five hours, it's physically impossible. Tell your boss it's not possible. Right now. :p


I did, just as you suggested.

I got fired.

Wait for my lawyer to call you. We'll meet before the judge...

hyena said:
are you marying Salmy? :D
yes :oops:

i sort of know what you mean, although when i fail i tend to be attacked rather than ignored. but i most definitely feel your pain about the ill family members. i wish you and them all the best.
Thank you a lot for your good wishes. I read about your father and also wish that things go well.

nf: proud of myself, i managed to wake up on time. now i'll try to brave the cold and dark in order to get to work before the city is shut down. i wouldn't expect any attack, but still...
fine :) Let´s see what happens concerning the EU-meeting.... Keep us updated as you being the UM-correspondent in Rome ;)
Strider said:
I did, just as you suggested.

I got fired.

Another valuable lesson: do not try things out yourself, let others to do it first and re-evaluate the consequences afterwards. In any case, I bet you didn't sound matter-of-factly enough, that's why you got fired. Otherwise, one gets promoted, it's a straight move.

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