Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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hyena said:
@zeanra: well, being in love is cool. sressful and dangerous, but cool. and you are not affected by the wave of lame boredom that seems to have swept over the board recently.
Oh, this is not love :p Let's just say someone made a really good impression on me, it kind of surprised me and it surely does not happen often.
@rahvin: Sorry for not introducing myself. I came here really looking for a friend I miss much, and registered because I wanted to tell her that I'm happy to see she is doing well. :) She truely deserves happiness in her life.
At the moment I don't have enough time even for people I care much about :( so I don't think I will be disturbing your conversation more. But maybe I will check this forum later again, all you here seem to be nice and interesting. :wave:

@Dark Jester: Sure. ;)

fireangel said:
So please enjoy your stay here. :wave:

Thank you for the warm welcome!
NF: very crappy. i'm at a friend's place (another finnish au pair) with two friends of mine (both au pairs) and we were supposed to have a lot of fun tonight, first drink some alcohol and watch a movie, then head off to the center of Bern, meet some friends and go to a club. they probably will, but i can't cause i have a terrible headache and i feel like puking. i haven't even really drank anything. this exact same thing happened to me a week ago. we were in a club, but all of the sudden i started feeling horrible, i was all white, my head hurt a lot, i wanted to puke and i had to go home. i don't know what's wrong with me, this has never happened to me before. alcohol can't be the reason, cause i haven't drank shit.

edit: heh. thanks Hevosmies i guess.

Something awful happened yesterday.

It was my last day of school before braking up for half term, of course the day wen ok and there was nothing to complain about.
On the night I had a band practice with my friends... which was frankly appauling. I didnt enjoy playing guitar and I felt uncomfortable with my company. Im slowly starting to hate him [/ambiguous statement].

So I leave for home with one of my good buds at about 2.00 AM. Im tired and pissed off. I really have been storing up alot of anguish and anxiety about alot of things. Then the bad thing happens. We have to walk down a dark over grown alley way on our way home. Some dude is fucking raping a women against the wall. :cry:

First we heard a whimpering then I saw it for like a second but Ive totally repressed the Image. I cant reconjure it. We freeked the fuck out. We hadn't been seen and our reaction was to just hide for a second out of site and plan what to do. My friend has a phone so we call the cops, who just weren't helpful.

I know what you're thinking at this point "Why didnt you run in and break it up straight away". If you'd have been faced with the situation you'd have done the same I think. We didnt know how many people were there, if they were armed. :cry: I was freaking out insanely, but trying to think logically.

We finish on the phone to the cops and here some scampering around. I just grab my friend and tell him, we have to think kung fu style and break whatevers going on up. We march toward where it was happening, enter the alley and there's no sign of them anymore. I fear now that the scampering we heard (going off in another direction) was the rapist dragging the victim to another spot out of our view entirely, as we may have disturbed his vile act upon first appearing at the head of the alley, although Im sure he didnt see us. I cant get this out of my head. I feel so sick. Sick of all this. Ive never been so scared in my life. I havnt really been able to eat since. I've tried to search for some sort of refuge by trying to talk to my girlfriend, my brother and my parents about the event. So far I feel like no one has understood the feeling of guilt I have for not trying to break it up straight away, or the uncertainty I feel about what happened after me and my friend left the area. My girlfriend has tried to convince me it wasnt a rape and Im exagerating, but I remember clearly how I felt even if I dont remember clearly what I heard or saw. My parents tell me I did the right thing, but thats probably because they didnt want me to get into any kind of tussle.

I wish now more than anything that I'd have not hesitated and me and my friend would have just walked in instantly, without making the call first, and beaten the guy to a pulp. :(
@kc: not that i or anyone else can be serious help in such a situation, but:

- first of all, i sympathize with you. witnessing violence and being unable to do anything because you're frozen shocked equals a very bad feeling. still, you're young, and so is (i imagine) your friend. it's reasonable that you wouldn't want to put yourself in harm's way against a grown man who probably wouldn't stop because two kids tried to halt him.

- are you sure the couple was not having regular sex? i mean - now i'm getting ready for all the saucy jokes, but this has to be said anywhoo - maybe they were enjoying a bit of rough intercourse up against a wall. you heard scampering, not screaming. to me, this sounds like a couple looking for further privacy, not a rapist dragging a victim away.

- if it was rape, and if you want to be a good citizen and do the right thing, file a complaint against the cops who didn't intervene. it's their duty to protect the community - they have weapons and specific training, which you don't have, so it rests on their shoulders more than yours. denouncing ineffective police can help your community.

anyway, don't be so hard on yourself.
hyena said:
@kc: not that i or anyone else can be serious help in such a situation, but:

- first of all, i sympathize with you. witnessing violence and being unable to do anything because you're frozen shocked equals a very bad feeling. still, you're young, and so is (i imagine) your friend. it's reasonable that you wouldn't want to put yourself in harm's way against a grown man who probably wouldn't stop because two kids tried to halt him.

- are you sure the couple was not having regular sex? i mean - now i'm getting ready for all the saucy jokes, but this has to be said anywhoo - maybe they were enjoying a bit of rough intercourse up against a wall. you heard scampering, not screaming. to me, this sounds like a couple looking for further privacy, not a rapist dragging a victim away.

- if it was rape, and if you want to be a good citizen and do the right thing, file a complaint against the cops who didn't intervene. it's their duty to protect the community - they have weapons and specific training, which you don't have, so it rests on their shoulders more than yours. denouncing ineffective police can help your community.

anyway, don't be so hard on yourself.

Thankyou for your kind and reassuring words. :)

I tried to convince myself it was just a couple trying to find privacy, but there's no way. The sound she was making was a feared crying. It wasnt orgasmic at all, and it was a very wet disgusting path. Noone would take enjoyment in 'making love' in that setting. I've tried to convince myself of all the things it could have been other than rape, but its just not working.

I wondered why there werent anyscreams, but I guessed if a guy went out intending to rape someone he'd probably have a weapon with him, and people tend to shut up when a blade is pressed to their throat... this is an assumption though, but the scampering sound I heard was like a strugling limpy walk at a frantic pace. It didnt sound like fast walking more than it did crazed shuffling. A bad night it was :(.

The police were dismissive on the phone and acted suspish towards us, they seemed more bothered why we were there than the fact that 20 ft away some woman is having her life ruined. We told the what we knew. saw and heard... and our position, and he didnt advise us on what to do, he just said he'd make record of the complaint.

That's when we knuckled up. I knew there was bugger all we could have done against the guy, but Id have felt alot better knowing we'd tried to bring him down. Any way, it was dark, and Ive been practicng my dragon kick, I could have been in in a sec and the two of us could have shocked him enough for him to leave his jaw open where at that point he'd have become subject to some facial abuse. But as ive said he'd moved on when we got there :cry:.

My biggest fear is that he's a serial rapist, as the event took place pretty much right outside my girlfriends house. If that's his favoured spot for attacks then I've got alot more than just the guilt of not intervening in one rape to worry about.
KC: Don't know if this will make you feel any better, but I believe you did exactly the right thing. There's a huge bunch of people, who would have just ignored it and walked away - at the very least you tried to do something. Whether or not it was the best thing to do, that depends upon the personal opinion and the exact circumstances. Had you tried to stop him, and had he indeed been armed, she might be dead now.

A couple of times I have talked with young women, who have been raped - once quite soon after it had happened - but I've never had to witness the raping itself. I don't think I know how I would react and I don't want to find it out anytime soon.

Thanks villain. Your words do help. the weight of the guilt is subsiding now definately. I just hope they catch the guy before anything else happens... and I hope the victim speaks up, as I know rape victims can sometimes just keep the event to themselves.
KC: (this may not even remotely do justice to the case but I say it anyhow) In today´s world it is already a sign of civilization that you were aware and tried to do something and cared.
You could maybe contact a kind of "women´s help centre" or something like that in your town and ask there if someone knows anything of the woman (of course it may be that then they think you were the criminal, and want to spy, so maybe let your mother call) and offer that you can give information.
My friend gave all his info to the police and he's probably been updated with what went on, but we havnt spoke about it yet, as I havn't seen him.

Thanks for the suggestion Fireangel, I'd consider it if I knew of any of these support groups or help centres.

Scariest thing is this guy that used to go to my old school and who I used to be friends with matches the image of the rapist, he has just got a new coat just like the one I remembered the guy wearing and he lives 30 seconds (literally) from where it happened. The guy is pretty unhinged aswell. He used to have fits and once he told us that he got turned on by a diaper advert, and he swore he wasn't kidding... and I believed him. What if it is this guy and my suspisions are right? Worse still what if it isn't and if I try to take action or raise awareness some how he is wrongfully convicted. :( 'tis not a time of meriment. Im thinking about treking out at night and patrolling just once to see if he's hiding in the bushes. He's my age and I could easilly bring him down... but then there's the problem with the fact that a rapist has been spotted out and about the area, someone see's me prowling at 2.00 in the morning... they'll probable make the assumption Im up to no good.
King Chaos: first guess: the phone book. Some are not listed there in order to protect women´s privacy and safety and then a call at the town office, or some kind of "social office" may help.

Let your mom or gf do it, otherwise applies what I said above.
They´ll surely get a lady on the phone where they can report to what you experienced and maybe just the woman gets there to find help, so they can connect that. I wouldnt try to find out via the police, because as you said, they were not that_helpful. Keep those things separate. I think that in most european countries/cities are some kind of women´s centre´s, if not in your town, then the next city.
@kc: as for your suspicions about a specific person, contact the police again. they'll probably pay more attention if you have some potential culprit in mind. then, following him and seeing what he is up to is their job.
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