Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: quite confused.... I'm in a one of those moments when you know that an era is over and who knows what's next? confused in my head, in my heart and sometimes in my stomach... not in my ears anyhow... music is always there, something I can cling to... and a few, precious, friends
1)extremely irritated and upset, because of the retardedness and lack of professionalism of my colleagues :mad:
2) very very happy and excited: we're going to Greece in 2 weeks, we'll stay for 2 weeks :Spin: beloved Eretria *melts*, Grigoris, Dimitris... yippie :) :)
3) worried if my sister will be able to take a GOOD care of our cats. :Smug:
Good news. :D I have passed my first uni exam. Don't know the exact result, but I recieved an email today that said that I've passed the first course, therefore I know I've passed the very exam too. This means that I must be shitfaced drunk this weekend too. :kickass:
tack :)

ah well, you passed, that is important, so you coped with uni fine. You can improve of course, but I think it is good to not start the exams with a failure, which did happen to some study mates of mine in the beginning, their subject was law and somehow they only want to have a certain amount of students pass, which can become very evil for those singled out.
Your way is better for self-confidence, and it is nicer to have as aim "to improve points" than "to pass at all", especially when it is an exam which can be repeated only a limited amount of times, and that can make people nervous (and this happened to me, but the third time I got that not-liked_required course_in_a_minor)

@cot: good job at passing but we all know that you deserve more. smash 'em next time.

nf: depressed. going for a workout, then dinner, then a self-pitying phone call to my infuriating could-have-been lover for some pointless lamentations.
hyena said:
nf: depressed. going for a workout, then dinner, then a self-pitying phone call to my infuriating could-have-been lover for some pointless lamentations.
Wanna trade? We can both be depressed, but you can have my lame boredom instead.
Claudia: thank you!

fireangel: Good point. I think this result is good for me. If I haven't passed, I might have become despirited, and if I had got a high score (i.e. a higher grade on the course) I would become presumptuous.

TFH: You and I can trade. Then we can see if there're various degrees of lame boredoms, and if it differs in different countries.
Would be an experience for life I'm sure. I'll have to try it sometime in a slightly less magical way, which will probably mean a lot of traveling.
Oooh, a scientific experiment which can suddenly make boredom interesting!
I'll happily switch with anyone who complains about their job. YOU can be unemployed and sit in a house in a city where you know 0 (zero) people, and then I don't mean just not having friends, but literally not knowing anybody, and see how fun you find it.
Next project: projektanställning. I hoped for a decent salary, but alas, it was too much.
TFH: I hope you'll experience something else than lame boredom during your journeys. It would be a pity otherwise.

NL: Be glad as long as you're not on "kommunal ungdomspraktik". If you have bad luck, it's slavery.
NF: Hmm better than normally. I have no money, I have no beer, I haven't got much to eat and I sort of have a week vacation ahead, I should catch up with my studyings....still, I feel rather good. I've had this funny, excited feeling inside of me for few days, it makes me smile and sort of happy, that hasn't happened for quite a while. I'm waiting too eagerly an email from someone :eek: this also makes me feel all stupid and girly :| I should calm down a little.
Oh, and it's raining and thundering outside, my evening looks so much brighter now.
@zeanra: well, being in love is cool. sressful and dangerous, but cool. and you are not affected by the wave of lame boredom that seems to have swept over the board recently.

@tfh, carl: i'm not bored and i don't hate my job, so i'm in no position to trade with any of you. and i never got a grade below 20 out 30 in uni (the 20 was only the once, all the rest were 25 or above), so that's another reason not to trade :p

anyway, i completed the workout and dinner part of the program, the former being a warzone kind of affair because i was really angry at everything and needed to unwind, and the latter being based on very good norwegian salmon (is that supposed to be grim and tr00?). now i'm on to the phone call part, then it's sleep.
NF: Relieve because it's Friday! Better news with the school-front. I hope there won't be any bad news to counter it. I've been on a movie watching blitz, renting out movies, which keeps me entertained.
@carl: being an economist brings joy to one's life. :lol:

no, seriously.

the salmon was sliced, alas. i'm knackered.
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