Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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nf: pffff. i don't want to go to work with the huge cold that is affecting me, but i guess i have no choice.
Having experienced the good old wood-heated sauna in Finland, I swore my house would have to have one, wherever I may live. (or at least having a similar summer cottage by a lake somewhere with one of those)

Hiljainen said:
i was inhaling just half of the hair i was exhaling. not fun.
Well.. inhaling hair can't possibly be good for you..

NF: Stressed :erk:
i'm going through a period of frantic activity, both because of increasing demands from my job and a rather intense weekly schedule of classes and side phenomena of university life. i must say it's all pretty satisfactory so far, if not exactly relaxing.
my classmates are young, shy, naive, cute. due to my job at the library i get to know some things concerning our classes in advance, and this is why they're all eager to have me help the whole group. feeling the responsibility for others, much like in every other area where i have experienced the same attitude, has the effect of making me attentive and thorough, so it's all for the better.
i do feel that i'm learning a lot of interesting skills, and perfectioning my french is not half bad either. the pressure i feel at work is quite tolerable as well, since it seems to be the antechamber of a swifter career advancement and a more prominent role in the structure.

no bad news to report so far. :) last night i got slightly more drunk than i should have had, and spent the sunday proving cot's theory about why sundays have been invented in the first place. he was absolutely right.
@rahve: cool. i'm really glad that everything is turning out to be so smooth. you know, it's extremely funny - seeing that it works for you gives me the impression that a similar change in scenery could do something for me. only, i have no idea about what i should be doing. pfff.
NF: Worn out after a stressful and busy weekend. On saturday it was dealing with an awkward and incredibly irritating uncle, and today it was re-arranging the furniture in my room. Coupled with next to no sleep last night and a couple of other things, I'm feeling very haggard.

At some point recently came the decision that I will bugger off abroad to study or work next year, not just want to do so. Yet for some reason I can't bring myself to start gathering information about it. To that end, Ben and Gaby, next time you see me on MSN, you have time, and think you can bear a conversation with me, please yell.
nf: not really ready to confront the whole wide world, armed as i am with two handkerchiefs, cough syrup and two faith no more records. but i guess that i have to put food on the table (eventhough technically tonight my father is buying dinner). frozen scooter of doom, here i come. :(
today has been a shitty day. my car broke down, and my friends let me down, not necessarily in that order. 2 hours under direct sunlight were enough for this poor old vampire. at least someone made my day brighter, and i'm not talking about the sun.
today i've been invited into some pubs in pavia, i hope i'll check them out soon :)
then a classmate and i started to talk about piercings (no, i'm not piercing-obsessed, also if half of my posts lately are about the last tortures i inflicted to my ears), i think i frightened her about the pain for a certain ear piercing, but reassured her about the nose one, so now i'll be some sort of moral support (???) :p lol i'm always the moral support for this kind of things, i should be a piercer or another evil pain-inflicting creature in my career.

i'm a little tired, and not so bad.
I've returned from Åland. I did feel a tad pathetic when I remembered that I can't travel on open sea without becoming more or less seasick. :eek: This time it was 'less', luckily enough. When my classmates and I arrived we almost immediately started to booze and had a good night at a place called Archipelago (I think), where we drank too much, sketched the line-up for my class' upcoming amatuer football team and one of my male friends and I danced a waltz among a lot of older couples. Then we left the place and went to the beach taking a very short swim. :ill: That plus the waltz says pretty much all about the permillage of alcohol that night.

The sunday was spent sightseeing and playing cards, and before we left for Gothenburg yesterday, we took a trip to the ruins of a large Russian fortress from the early 19th century.

Now I'm having a cold and an aching wallet.

EDIT: We were also very amused when we saw that a 'big bag' (with potato chips for example) is called "megapussi" in Finnish.
NF: completely overwhelmed.

I decided yesterday that I am gonna marry :oops:. Well, not today or tomorrow, but one day :dopey: I chose already a hot metal band to play at the party =)

(contributing to the wedding-mania on this board :loco: )
rahvin said:
ok, let's follow the trend: i'm gonna marry as well.
ye be warned.

:D I guess you do know that my reference to the trend was not too serious. I don´t do it for any outer reasons.

I wish you the perfect girl to marry, dear rahvin!!

PS: where is my congratulations? :cry:
rahvin said:
congratulations. now where's my invitation to the wedding? ;)


I am pretty sure you´re on the guestlist :) After all you contributed to the meeting and are a dear friend (even though I have to ask for the congratz :D )
NF: Like I want to massacre the people that watch Viva La Bam. And it was only a commercial. Jesus fuck, ugh.
Ok, that was a bit exaggerated.

Otherwise, I'm feeling ok, thanks to the huge support.
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