Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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King Chaos said:
I have also had bad backs... although not paralising ones, just cant jump or sit up easilly ones.
I'm now having visions of you having more than one back. Bedtime, methinks.
NF: Strangely relieved. I have an online business law class. I checked the website for my testing schedule. It says today. !!! I bolted out the door, sluggishly drove through traffic, went to school, and found out the testing center was closed. Pissed off, I drove back home. I re-checked the schedule on the webpage... the professor has both days listed, today's and tomorrow's, each on a seperate webpage. Ugggh.
nf: my throat is annoyingly sore, and i will not go out today lest i fall victim of a full-blown flu. but the cold is slightly better, so i believe that on monday i'll be up and running for work. i just wish it would stop raining, i'll never feel good if the weather is so humid.

today i'll work on a paper a bit, since i'm effectively barred from doing anything funnier. i'll miss a movie with the guy from the relationship thread, but fuck it, i don't need a sore throat and a sore heart simultaneously.
hyena said:
@fourth: i don't know exactly, by the feeling of it i'd say it was in the upper 50s.

Ookay, so you went to a "sauna". :Smug:


-Villain (who can't take the typical Finnish 3-hour sauna-session in the upper 80's, so he should probably shut up)
I can't remember exactly what temperature mine was at, but I'm certain that a 50 degree sauna would be pretty pointless.
In fact, many wood-heated ones are very nice at 100C or so. ;)
NF: Got some pain in my lower back, probably all the tennis causing that. Tired as hell, leaving to a restaurant with mom in a minute. I'm wondering if I'm supposed to come up with something to talk about too...well, I guess we'll manage.
It'll probably be the first time that I'm in a restaurant with her and won't order something that I could get at a local fast food place for ten times cheaper. Now I'll probably just order something that I won't like. :Smug: Ah, the positive attitude.
Our old wood-heated sauna went up to 120'C, which was kind of hot but bearable. Going to a sauna under 80'C is pretty useless imo :p mmm....sauna[/homer]

NF: Rather good after a drinking night, no hangover really although I drank quite a bit. I see a flu coming this way though :erk:
Wood-heated sauna is only and the best sauna. There I can bear temperatures over 100 celcius. I don't like electricity-heated saunas, them are somehow dry, I mean the air is too dry..

NF: Getting drunk =)
NF: i'm a bully. some hours ago i was at a traffic light and when the green light came i actually made the tires skid, not on purpose. that's it, i'm a bully, it's in my blood. :p

always this evening, but in a different moment, i nearly collapsed for not really clear reasons (i didn't drink nor do anything strange), all the blood ran away from where it was needed in me and at every breath it seemed that i was inhaling just half of the air i was exhaling. not fun.
@hilj: scary. i'm prone to such accidents as well. rahvin witnessed one in the courtyard of my university some years ago - please do sleep and devote time to exercise. fainting is evil and heart attacks are much worse.

nf: the sore throat seems to be gone, although the cold is still in high season.

i need to get some stuff done today. illness will make me less productive at work, so i've got to anticipate the enemy's move. the enemy being a paper called a dual-regime utility model for poverty measurement.
@hyena: i black out often, and i felt like fainting before, but not bad as yesterday, and it was usually related to something, like summer heat, or heat+lack of sugar :erk:
i do sleep, unless when i'm hyper (sometimes i think my cat puts drugs in my glass at night, for fun), and i guess i do enough walking and stuff everyday with uni, i don't really have time for proper exercise (gym). to solve something i think i should actually change my parts, like people do with cars. (this was fun :p )

NF: so-so. i'm not looking forward to have my hands covered with scratches for putting the antibiotic in my cat's eye, this mornng i managed to do it alone anyway, with no damage.
Hiljainen said:
sometimes i think my cat puts drugs in my glass at night, for fun
okay. i see. right. you're not suffering from exhaustion. you're raving mad. :tickled:
Absolutely the opposite of Wolfman and I don't know what to do at all. :( I'm unable to possibly hurt anyone (well, someone I care about anyway) by deciding on something and then proceeding to tell them about it, and this of course leads to me fucking myself up even deeper. I guess it'll have to resolve some way sooner or later...maybe sooner, then.
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