Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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whoa i should get married then.

NF: in that point of equilibrium in which the right word can make me feel happy and sane, while the wrong one can turn everything into gloom and despair again.
i've never understood the whole bubu concept, it must have some profound meaning and connotation only the elite get. hmm in fact this is the first time i use the word bubu.


NF: good, because its snowing, and my final presentation went great. i just wish i didnt have a roommate. now i will watch Battle Royale so I can have more gruesome dreams full of gore and violence.
@Gaby: there's no really a bubu concept to understand :p

NF: ok, last night i stayed in pavia and had a lot of fun, and drank the cheap wine i drank in highschool parties for the past 4 years, :D tastes like pills but it represents a part of history.
i'm having some weird thoughts that i'll not explain cause it's too long, and weird.
I think bubu is fairly easy to understand...but then, it's just bubu, you either get it or you don't.

NF: Generally refreshed. Showering is good. Bought some "dessert"-stuff for myself because I'm too sore to not have something good to eat. I was almost going for Pringles but then I started thinking about being fat and what not, and settled for chili nuts and a croissant. Dunno if it made a difference, but it probably did.
I dont get bubu at all, even though its my girlfriends pet name.

NF: Pretty bad, I cant find my Girlfriend. loads of people have started rumours and I have that crazy doubt thing where I think it could be true... but I know its probably not, Still Im freeking out mega bad. I got that shaky sickness. Bah humbug
I'm wearing indoor football shoes and shinguards right now. :D Got to get used until Saturday when my class' team will get our asses kicked. We're quite used to the thought anyway, and the earlier we're out the earlier teh partay will begin. ( :kickass: )
My uncle was found dead today...people hadn't been able to contact him for some days. He was in his late 30s, I think...
It's always so sudden. Mom is crying a lot...I cry right now. God.
It's funny (except it's not) how everything becomes so faraway when you're hugging your crying mother, even though the TV spouts about dead Israelis.
Feel like cursing a lot, but I guess I'll just go sleep.

So, feel like fucking shit.
Exam coming up in 7 hours. Ugggh. NF: Stressed.
NF: Annoyed at all the problems at work, it's kind of scary dealing with a companies General Ledger financial details and not having the knowledgable supervision around. But my bosses both thanked me recently and mentioned a payrise for my recent efforts so i shant complain too much.

Glad at all the game playing at work, fun fun fun.

Glad at Half Life 2, seems awesome so far.

Frustrated by my mixing abilities, if i can get 3 songs mixed properly then i will put out a promo for record labels and other general distribution.. but im just not good enough at this mixing thing to satisfy myself.

@ The Fourth Horseman: Sorry to hear that dude. My thoughts go out to you and your familly. Ive never felt the loss of a familly memeber, all my grandparents pretty much died before I was born and my uncles and aunts are quite young... so I cant relate to how you feel, but I know it must be tragic. Once again Im sorry to hear about this.

@ Yayo, I just cant see myself doing a Job with loads of responsibility especially with financial details. There'd be too much pressure not to fuck up and Id Probably end up with General Adaptation syndrome and Keel over, a gibering wreck of a man.

NF: Pretty good. Im Assured the shite about my girlfriend was a rumour. Its this little cow that has a major problem with her. She openly admits to being jealous of her. Has she no pride? I just want to crush her little pin head! Argh. But yeah Im ok now all that shit is sorted.
@tfh: i'm sorry to hear that. loss of a family member, especially when unexpected, sucks bigtime. i hope both your mother and you recover fully from this.

@carl: i guess the "shitload of really short song" is the album i recommended to you? :p by the way, that's the correct length for a song, all the rest is gratuitous boredom.

nf: okay. i finally managed to get a decent workout. tomorrow i have my third and final management training day, if i go to sleep about now i could even not be as exhausted as i was today until the first break. then i have plenty of time during the weekend to do fun stuff such as watching movies, figuring out how i can contribute to economic research on p2p networks (do i even have anything to say? it's a spiffy subject tho), and going out for drinks.
NF: Good that I've got a long weekend, but a little annoyed that I have to go back to finish a boring course for work. IAs I've been away from my car for a decent amount of time, I have a little money to spend. Many things pop up on my 'to buy' list, but at the same time I suddenly realise how much I can do without....except CDs...I'm going to go on a CD spending spree, I think :D
Claudia: Yes, it's 'no control'. You know, I like when I have a chance to notice that the song starts before it ends. But except for that, it's good. I understand why 'change of ideas' is number one. Catchy!
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