Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Taliesin said:
Im back in "my" appartment, came back from my familie's place today. I dont think I'll ever get used to the feeling of just being a guest in my old place.

I know how it feels. When I came back home a few days before christmas it really felt weird. The room I lived in for 15 years felt almost like a room at a bed & breakfast place. :( It did feel better after I had put all my stuff on my desk though. :)
Thanks everyone for the congratulations :) Now I'm just hoping that I'll actually manage whichever course I pick...

@sunjammer: Nice to see you around here again :)

NF: Pleased. I just bought some frames for the art posters I have and now I intend to put them up on my walls. Yay.
People seem to be returning slowly but surely :)

Nf: Last day of my holidays, so I've got the blues :(. I know itll be cool to get back, I just dont like my school enviroment. Im pissed off that all the Forums I write have turned pretty hostile. I'm shocked at some of the stuff going on around here. I had no idea people could get so personal on metal forums. All I've done is bare witness to it however, but I'm still thinking about logging out for a while.
nf: quite confused about what should i look for in a partner and where i should look for him, but it will go away. otherwise alright and a bit stuffed from eating too much cheese.
NF: sort of relieved? this evening i got an explanation i was waiting for from a person, and it feels fine, i don't know why it feels fine since it was after all a "negative" explanation, since the reason said was probably a lie and since the rest of the conversation didn't quite have a ending.
but this person re-gained all his points in my mental diagram-of-the-persons-i-know, and this kind of things makes me more hopeful towards people in general, and well, i like to have still a good opinion of him.
i'm thoughtful about the conversation though, anyway i really feel relaxainen.

i should stop writing about it before it doesn't feel fine anymore and before forum members shoot me for meaningless posting :p
It's not meaningless.. in fact, it renders the email I sent pretty much obsolete :p

Im happy for you then, and Im going to bed not feeling guilty for giving bad advice anymore :)
You should always feel guilty for giving bad advice (naturally, I therefore always feel guilty).

NF: Just got back from spending a great week in Finland, but unsurprisingly enough I feel really bad now that it's over and regular life restarts. However, every attempt will be made to become positive once the initial bout of post-holiday syndrome has gone down. No, really.
It goes like this: me opens webpage with greek gigs to feel better for not missing anything special -> me finds out every goddamn time that there's a new date for a band i'd love to see -> me realizes said date is impossible -> me :(
nf: kinda cold, but tomorrow the weather's supposed to improve so my suffering will be swiftly over. other than that, a bit melancholic about my friend who died in september, and a bit warmed by receiving some qualified praise for my research this afternoon. ha.
*note before this that it is completely serious, and i'm not joking like i usually am*

feeling tired but dont feel like sleeping.... i was going to sleep but then i had to put up with almost 2 hours of bullshit with death threats because someone i hate is in jail because of me... the kid sells pot to 2 people right in front of me, and he's been an asshole to me and my girlfriend for 2 years, and also other friends. at the time i thought he would just get suspended from school for a while, but because the 2 kids he sold pot to narced on him, he's going to end up in jail, and some of his pussy friends want to kill me... i talked to him for a while and i think i've convinced him that its not my fault, but it's still fucking annoying that idiots cant take responsibility for their actions.... sell pot and have a chance of being convicted for ONE out of alot of charged he could get, and then his pussy friends want to kill me.... maybe if this idiot hadn't been such a fucking cunt to me for years then made this so obvious to me.... and also where 4 people who are stationed and one camera could see him....
i know alot about the legal system, and also how to write, but some idiots i've never met and dont know want to kill me because of something they dont know much about...
people just cant take responsibility for their own fucking actions... i've gotten alot of bullshit an punished more than i could have been because i didnt say what someone wanted me to say, and now people think they arent responsible for so much more....

well, i'm gonna try to be around here more than i have been... although the color scheme makes me think of the old IF forum.
@steve: good luck. if i were you, i'd report the threats to the cops. and keep a watchful eye on your girlfriend: you're a big guy, but she's probably not.

nf: good. no, really. i went drinking with a couple of mates and i was unabashedly silly for the whole night. laughs abounded for the first time in weeks. found out that when i meet my soulmate the first thing i have to tell him is i love you because you're sitting in a corner, no matter where he is actually sitting. and swipecard-operated doors are apparently going to play a serious role in my career and sex life.

i'll most likely be hungover tomorrow, but there's still hope seeing how i'm drinking loads of water right now.
eh the threats are more or less bullshit from druggies with guns who are completely incompetent, but i've managed to convince the kid who got arrested that it wasnt me and that it's the fault of the two people who testified against him (although it actually is because of me that he's there)

I'm feeling good, i've just destroyed several more egos on the internet (this time people who play Diablo 2)
NF: Not bad... although some thing crazy bad happened yesterday. I decided to try and do a whirly bird (Throw my guitar around my head). I thought it would be best to do it outside, on my drive. If I tell you this tale is a tragic one, you'll be able to predict the ending. I did one fine and was happy with my achievement, but, I though Id try it again. Strap came off, Guitar felw in the air and landed on cold wet pavement. It's screwed :p. Still plays fine, but has a huge chunk ripped out of it and the headstock is split open. I find it funny though, not tragic. Please dont feel bad for me :p .

Has anyone spoken to Caelestia recently?
@King Chaos: Yes, 3-4 days ago. She's doing alright.
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