Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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King Chaos said:
Thanks man, I was worried she may have been in Thailand :ill:

NF: Relieved.
Im pretty happy, I have 2 weeks of stand down coming up (next week and the week after). All for three mock exams. It makes me happy to be this free.

NP: Sun Caged - Four guilders
Hehe. Li's in the US and she's doing fine :)

NF: Bored.
NF: Today I suddenly started getting the urge to write, and not just the short, silly, and surreal stories I wrote when I was 14. I've not written anything really since I was 18 or so - I'm terrible at going through with anything when I get these urges, since I they never last long and I always get frustrated that nothing comes out how I see it in my head. My fingers are just far too slow for my brain, and I'm too impatient, always wanting to write the next part and the part after it before I've even finished the current one. Everything ends up in a terrible mess, and before long I get too fed up and pack it all in. So, all day I've put this urge off, but very soon I'm going to open Writer and see if I've become any more patient and controlled in the past 2 years.
Jeez, i was listening to this greek cd i just bought.. First spin and i didn't really like it. Second spin and i'm starting to get into it. I'm not really paying attention, but as soon as the last song kicks in there's this tingling sensation all down my spine.. This cd is bound to make me feel some deep nostalgia for a place i've never even been to.. :cry:
@kc: wow. hooray for italian restaurants and especially hooray for you for being brave enough to go out with your parents and your partner - i am really loathe to introduce boyfriends to my family and more loathe than anything else to meet their own families, there's a light going off in my head screaming "interference!" every time i picture meetings of this type.
King Chaos said:
Weather has been brutal around here recently.
Yesterday I went to watch a rugby match in Otley. Brutal sounds just about right to me. :p

NF: My last NF didn't last. It's a good thing, since it will save me from unnecessary frustration and besides, I should really be revising for an exam. :zzz:
hyena said:
@kc: wow. hooray for italian restaurants and especially hooray for you for being brave enough to go out with your parents and your partner - i am really loathe to introduce boyfriends to my family and more loathe than anything else to meet their own families, there's a light going off in my head screaming "interference!" every time i picture meetings of this type.

:lol: Yeah, I had to introduce her in to my family slowly but surely for the reasons you mentioned.

Nf: Propa Grotty. Just woke up and I have that greby feeling. I'm starting to get concerned as to why Im so pissed off about All the attention people are giving the Tsunami, specifically money wise. It's become like a competition for 'who cares most' and people are bragging everwhere about how much they've given. Its like a great purchase giving money to the Tsunami appeal, cos you buy a shit load of self admiration and a larger ego. This Forums awesome, its one of the only ones which doesn't have 5 threads about how - "You must pledge or you dont care".
Have you heard that only 30% of the money collected in the UK even makes it out of the country. It's even lower in the US. Natural disasters are such a cash in. It's really quite sickening.
King Chaos said:
This Forums awesome, its one of the only ones which doesn't have 5 threads about how - "You must pledge or you dont care".
Actually, one thing that really surprised me here is that there is a thread with over thirty replies about a shooting in which one person was killed, but no thread about something which killed hundreds of thousands. Maybe the tsunami would've been a bigger deal had a well-known metal icon been killed as well.
Maybe people go here to escape all the tsunami related discussion?

Maybe not.

On that note however, Australians (Me amongst them) raised over $20Million last night in a nationwide telethon/concert special thingy.

Admittedly I changed the channel (hard to do when 3 of the five stations were running the same live feed) when we hit the $4million mark, mainly cos the telethon itself was DREADFULLY boring, and I'd already caught the best part, where Rove McManus kissed Bert Newton to gain a $15k donation. Not that that actually says much for the quality of entertainment in said telethon.
Rusty said:
Actually, one thing that really surprised me here is that there is a thread with over thirty replies about a shooting in which one person was killed, but no thread about something which killed hundreds of thousands. Maybe the tsunami would've been a bigger deal had a well-known metal icon been killed as well.

He's not particularly well known but apparently the Nasum guitarist is still missing from the splash.
It is a terribly tragic event, and I wonder also why there hasn't been threads. Probably because With Dime people were infroming each other of the occurence, where as in this case everything you can discuss is discussed every 5 minutes on television. We'd just be reiterating what we already know if we made a thread about it.
Well, I officially dont care :)
It's just another catastrophe that the medias feast on, nothing more. I bet the studio officials were happy about it, as they didnt have to worry about how to fill the program for the next 2-3 weeks.
Ive heard numbers of 50.000 african children dying of malnutrition every day, and no one cares. It's an old story and not something you can make a good story of and stun the audience with.
Yes, I know this shouldnt prevent me from donating money and feeling sorry for them but somehow, it does :rolleyes:
Taliesin said:
Well, I officially dont care :)
It's just another catastrophe that the medias feast on, nothing more. I bet the studio officials were happy about it, as they didnt have to worry about how to fill the program for the next 2-3 weeks.
Ive heard numbers of 50.000 african children dying of malnutrition every day, and no one cares. It's an old story and not something you can make a good story of and stun the audience with.
Yes, I know this shouldnt prevent me from donating money and feeling sorry for them but somehow, it does :rolleyes:

Exactly how I am with it! Christ I was starting to worry that I was seriously insensitive or something, but ney, I'm glad someone else sees things my way.
i guess its very easy to not care when you live in europe and have no chances of such a catastrophe happening to you :rolleyes:

yes, people die all the time in accidents, war, starvation etc, but there has never (in recent history, as far as I know) been a natural disaster of such scope and size. which could've been prevented.

while a thread is a bad way to measure the importance of an event in "the big picture", i'm as surprised as Rusty is. i remember the thread made about some swedish woman politician being assesinated some years ago and how shocked everyone was and blabla, and I didnt give a damn.

i just dont see what the deal is. sometimes its ok to care, sometmes its not... on what does it depend? so if the media DONT abuse the subject, then it's all right for people to talk about it, as no one is making money out of it?

my (very fucked up) country has sent money as well... and some friends are considering going as volunteers...

NF: quite pissed off, damn jetlag. and I dont want to go back to school on monday. and i need to get a job.
On the one hand, it wasnt evil will, like the death of the politician or Dimebag Darrel and on the other hand, I dont have any emotional tie to the region or anything affected by the catastrophe, so why should I care so much?
Hitori said:
i just dont see what the deal is. sometimes its ok to care, sometmes its not... on what does it depend? so if the media DONT abuse the subject, then it's all right for people to talk about it, as no one is making money out of it?

There's many things it could depend on. I didn't know one person in any of the effected countries. As a result I have no emotional connection with the disaster. It's just words and images on a TV screen. I dont get upset for this because we're all fucking cursed. In the past 2 weeks three people have been murdered in my town... in the past 2 minutes someone in Africa died of malnutrition or disease. If I had to mourn for all the death in the world I'd need to be able to stop time.
I'm more with Hitori on this one.

The fact that you have no connection to the countries affected by this as an excuse to why you don't care, only shows lack of empathy in my book (not trying to accuse any of you, i'm just trying to explain how i see it). The excuse of the media feasting upon it and that it's just another thing on the tv, shows only some of the desensitization tv has caused. The "oh, someone else feels like this too" doesn't mean you're not insensitive, it just means you found someone else (and there's plenty) with the same level of sensitivity on this subject as you. So ok, if thousands of kids die everyday of hunger, let's not care and keep focusing on our oh-so-important little lives instead.
Btw, it's wrong that it doesn't affect Europe, because hundreds of european tourists were lost there. Kids died, were left orphan, got separated from their families. The worst tragedy in my opinion is not all those who died (which still is a great tragedy). It's the kids that were lost and will end up being killed and having their organs sold, or being illegaly sold for adoption or -the worst- being sold for child prostitution (which as we know has a blast over there).
I'm not trying to preach anything with this post. I, myself, didn't contribute a penny for this cause so far (even though the small and unimportant Greece of a little bit over 10million people and their economic problems has already gathered over 12million euros for this cause in the tv marathon). But at least i can't say i don't care.
Yeah, I'm with Siren and Hitori. Incidentally, my original point wasn't that I thought having no thread specifically about the disaster was necessarily a bad thing, just that I'm surprised no one started one.
i concur with gavin - people didn't need to inform each other of the tsunami, everyone knew already. as for the absence of a thread, really there isn't much that can be said. yeah, horrible tragedy. yeah, i'm sorry. yeah, history is filled with episodes of natural demographic containment like this one. yeah, for an episode of demographic containment it was kinda small. yeah, me and millions of europeans and americans alike were surprised by the fact that indians wailed on TV - aren't there 1bn of them left? :rolleyes: yeah, i donated and so did many others. yeah, yeah, yeah.

nf: like someone who's been drinking uninterruptedly from 1pm.
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