Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Well I keep having dreams that people are trying to kill me, and a good friend may have cancer and never have children, oh happy fucking day.

Edit: What's worse is she could have given me what she has in the week of 17 y/o passion I had years ago. :ill:

Siren said:
So ok, if thousands of kids die everyday of hunger, let's not care and keep focusing on our oh-so-important little lives instead.
Btw, it's wrong that it doesn't affect Europe, because hundreds of european tourists were lost there. Kids died, were left orphan, got separated from their families. The worst tragedy in my opinion is not all those who died (which still is a great tragedy). It's the kids that were lost and will end up being killed and having their organs sold, or being illegaly sold for adoption or -the worst- being sold for child prostitution (which as we know has a blast over there).
I'm not trying to preach anything with this post. I, myself, didn't contribute a penny for this cause so far (even though the small and unimportant Greece of a little bit over 10million people and their economic problems has already gathered over 12million euros for this cause in the tv marathon). But at least i can't say i don't care.

The Tsunami is just a pimple on the amount of fucked up shit in this world. Kids are whored out hourly all over the world... A tsunami isnt changing that. I've given moments of silence and said prayers to those lost, and suffering, in the tsunami, and I can see that this is terribly tragic. But some people who seem to think it's the most traumatic devastating thing ever should just read a newspaper dailey, and thank god those swept away by the waves weren't Fucked then cut up into little pieces and had the giblets of their body spread around 4 different districts. Or in other local news, run over 5 times by the same driver for no apparent reason except road rage. Or kept tortured and alive, in a cupboard, for a year as a violent gangs sex toy.
I really do care. I care enought to know that it's not only 'time to care' when an earth quake pisses on someone's bonfire.

@ Nick: Whoa man, that's some scary shit. :ill:
Sorry to hear about that. :erk:
nf: come to think of it, quite bad. the effects of the massive drinking are wearing out in the mental sense and bearing down on me in the physical sense - and, summarizing this long day, i am just a little more full of hate than yesterday. :rolleyes:
hyena said:
i yeah, me and millions of europeans and americans alike were surprised by the fact that indians wailed on TV - aren't there 1bn of them left? :rolleyes:
i'm not missing the considerations you were implying with this, but i feel like adding that in india, like in other parts of the world, the wailing and tearing of one's hair out is a social ritual for exorcizing the suffering. like mothers veiled in black and beating their own chest at a funeral, it serves the purpose of giving bystanders a channel for the pain: once the conventional process of projecting the grief to the outside is done with, the community can return to its normal activities. it saves some time, among other things.
King Chaos said:
:lol: Yeah, I had to introduce her in to my family slowly but surely for the reasons you mentioned.
I'd been at my boyfriend's place a lot before i met his family. I'm kinda shy, so i tried to avoid them until my boyfriend forced me to go talk to them :lol: They were extremely cool and nice people though, and they thought i was really sweet even though i was shy at first. My shyness didn't last long though, because being around them is so easy, i get along with them perfectly well. I also met lots of other people..his uncle, his ex-girlfriend, his family's friends etc, and they all liked me a lot. I was surprised that even his ex thought that i'm adorable.
I was most scared of meeting his sister though, because she's a bit judgemental, but when we first met she said i was "really attractive" (she's lesbian, god knows what she meant)
Also meeting one of his friends was a bit scary, because he's judgemental and if someone or something pisses him off he definitely shows it. I was pretty sure that he wouldn't like me much, but he did. He was surprised that my bf's found a girl who's this nice :p
I'm at my bf's place most of the time now, because his family is awesome and they like me a lot, and my family is shit and i don't like being at home. Though i miss my cats like hell :cry:
His mom always hugs me and i think it's really sweet, because my mom hasn't hugged me since...i don't even know if she's ever hugged me. I'm a lot closer with these people than my own family.

Then again, my parents don't really even know my boyfriend. I guess they think he's ok since they haven't complained about him. My sisters (and my sister's husband) know him a bit better though, because we've hung out with them quite a bit. They like him :)
I was more worried about him meeting my cousin (this super-close cousin of mine), because he's sooo protective of me and thinks that no one's good enough for me. At least no one got killed when they met, phew. My cousin didn't seem too happy about it though.

Why am i going on about this forever? :err:

NF: I feel silly now for writing a fucking book here. I'm going shopping.
NF: A little down after returning from 3 weeks of holidays with family and friends...I still have a week of holidays to go, but it will be mainly by myself, so I have a lot of time to think...and that isn't always a good thing.
Ethereal Sage said:
NF: A little down after returning from 3 weeks of holidays with family and friends...I still have a week of holidays to go, but it will be mainly by myself, so I have a lot of time to think...and that isn't always a good thing.

Welcome back man. Hope you had fun! :wave:

@Santu. My girlfriend was mega shy at first, but that's one of the reasons my parents liked her. It showed she cared what my parents thought for one thing and I guess in a wierd way that's kind of flattering. Her dad is mega rough though and when ever he's around me he gets this totally protective, surely aura. It's freaky. I try and just act matey with him, and it usually cracks his 'big hard man' shell. :p
@King Chaos: yeah, i can see what you mean a lot better now. btw, i do agree with some of your points, for example i, too, hate seeing people brag about the help they offer (i think that if you want to help it's better to do it silently). And i do agree a tsunami isn't the end of the world and there's lots and lots of fucked up things besides that. But it's nice to see that you do care after all.
As for the "If I had to mourn for all the death in the world I'd need to be able to stop time" feeling, i can relate to that very well and i've said it myself (though in other occasions). It's one of the things i hate about what i'm doing. :(

@Nick: I'm really sorry to hear that, man, please try to not freak out. :/

@all those coming back from holidays: welcome back. stop getting depressed over the fact you're back, some people didn't even go anywhere. :p

@Cael: nice to know you're ok, i also got a bit worried when i heard about the disaster. where is dirk going, if i may ask? anyway, don't get sad, enjoy your time there, you're in a nice place. ;)
idari said:
when we first met she said i was "really attractive" (she's lesbian, god knows what she meant)
well, it sounds pretty obvious to me :Spin:

nf: a bit bored, although i'm drinking so i will be more relaxed in a short while. i keep on envisioning scenarios, exchanges (anyone who guesses where the quote's from - aside from rahvin, who might not know the quote but knows me too well for his own good - wins a pineapple-shaped teddeh) which depend crucially on the fact that someone should send me by mistake an email detailing what could be broadly described as an evil plot to take over the world. :rolleyes: cue once again to the most relevant phrase evah: yeah yeah how many times have i done heard that shit?

moreover, i am in two minds about "a healthy distrust"'s chances of becoming a superhit (on the one hand, that particular market is already taken by a product that is in general quite similar, but ten thousand times better; on the other hand, snowballing effects are not to be ruled out). and i really want to smash something, but when don't i want to?
Let's not talk about snowballing, ok. Please think of the children.

Erm, good to hear that you are doing active. People with a vivid (hah, I was going to say "livid", but checked it in time) mind are always interesting, even if too incoherent (or just challenging) to be enjoyable.
it probably only means that she thinks you're attractive, is that too complicated? my brother has a gf and I said she was attractive (which is a polite thing to say) and that doesnt mean I have fantasies about her. same as if one of my girl friends has a bf and I say he is attractive, that doesn't mean I want to have sex with him.

NF: dreading school in a few hours
idari said:
I was surprised that even his ex thought that i'm adorable.
That's cos just about everyone thinks your adorable silly! :p I'm just suprised she gets along with you is all! :lol:

It's must have been a really 'good' (amiable) break up with his ex. Anywho, tis good to hear some nice folk are looking out for you.

Scuse me while I go feel grumpy/tired cos it's too early and I gotta go get ready for work. :bah:
I cabt read, 18th birthday. mega drunk. Head spinning. I'm hiccuping. Im fighting with consciousness. In the morning I wont remeber this. Happy Birthday everyone. I really do lovey'all..


(If I was sober this sort of post would piss me off. Dont hate me. You've all been in my *need of Stomach pumping* position.)

If stuff is spelt right in this instinctive post its fooking miraculous. Merrychrist mas.
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