Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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King Chaos said:
you're not from my town either ;). No... you aint like this one... this one was a souless little wretch. She had zero IQ and knew only hostility. Im quite glad she's dead (although I feel mean for saying it :erk: )
Yeah, she deserved to die. Though she might even have deserved dying in a more painful way.

@Horseman: Well, i don't kill people in my imagination, but i might be capable of doing it. I've always wanted to throw a pie in someone's face :/

@Li: Oh, well then Dirk was there, whatever :p how are you sweetie?

nf: fine.
idari said:
Yeah, she deserved to die. Though she might even have deserved dying in a more painful way.

Well She got shaved bold aswell so they could mess with her skull (Humiliation factor). Shes been in a disabilitated possition for about 6 days now... showing signs of life but not much else. I reckon 6 days of inner trapment, nothing but your own pain amplified, only thoughts of the evil deeds you've carried out left inside your mind... and you see a tunnel but at the end of it is a bright hot fire.
It's a pretty shitty way to die :p . I wouldn't personally wish it on anybody, but if Karma serves correct, this death is evening things out abit.

NF: Pretty good. Wish I'd have woken up earlier, but whatever. I actually got some good revising done. I always found revising difficult.
King Chaos said:
Well She got shaved bold aswell so they could mess with her skull (Humiliation factor). Shes been in a disabilitated possition for about 6 days now... showing signs of life but not much else. I reckon 6 days of inner trapment, nothing but your own pain amplified, only thoughts of the evil deeds you've carried out left inside your mind... and you see a tunnel but at the end of it is a bright hot fire.
It's a pretty shitty way to die :p . I wouldn't personally wish it on anybody, but if Karma serves correct, this death is evening things out abit.
Sorry for not being able to understand but what's going on? :eek:
nf: like there's something seriously wrong with me. my dates always work very well (good conversation, insight etc) while not working at all (never go past the stage of goodbye kisses on the cheek). i'm, like, a total nerd. and an unfocused one at that.
@hyena: maybe you focus too much on neutral subjects? perhaps next time you're interested in someone you could start throwing sexual implications here and there, or smt to that effect.. anyway, i'm sorry to hear that, i hope things will work out for you soon.
@siren: thanks for the sympathy... and i'm too afraid to throw implications, i really don't want to be rejected so i'd rather learn my lesson the soft way this time (ie if nothing happens then nothing will happen, no major showdowns, no major no's flying around)
hyena said:
@siren: thanks for the sympathy... and i'm too afraid to throw implications, i really don't want to be rejected so i'd rather learn my lesson the soft way this time (ie if nothing happens then nothing will happen, no major showdowns, no major no's flying around)
oh, i didn't mean anything major that would make it sound like a suggestion, and therefore would hide the danger of rejection. i thought maybe you could throw harmless jokes that would just make their mind wander off to that side and start thinking you might have a womanly nature besides the smart one. i was thinking for example giving a slight sexual twist to words in order to create a joke, or something along those lines, something both slightly-naughty and not-straightforward.
@hyena: i agree with Siren, something that will not be so explicit to make him think "she definitely likes me" but that could make his mind...well, wander.
it would be a lot more useful if i had an example but i'm actually very bad at applying my own advice :p i either go for an extremely direct approach or just some randomness that i still don't know how and why it does or does not work.
@lobo: i'm moved, although actually i would like things to progress farther. not because i want sex here and now... but because i want a true relationship. well, i should go look for someone else soon. been there before, will live. :p
hyena said:
@lobo: i'm moved, although actually i would like things to progress farther. not because i want sex here and now... but because i want a true relationship. well, i should go look for someone else soon. been there before, will live. :p
i too hunger for a serious relationship, not now though, still have some very deep wounds to heal and don't want to hurt no on with them. don't worry hyena, things always work out, it things didn't get further it's because they weren't meant to be. looking for serious relationships is hard to find, hope you manage though:).
My first post in this board, and how shallow, it's about myself.

NF: heart broken, unable to reach, helpless, useless and... overdramatic.
@para-void: welcome. i concur with taliesin. :p

nf: scheming, and that's a bad thing because my schemes have a worrying tendency to turn everything into low-level comedy.
Nf: Nervous and crappy. I got an English exam, granted it's only a mock, but I'm still nervous. I have to set off for it now. I'm pretty unprepared and not feeling up to writing 2 essays on authors I don't really like, but whats got to be done has got to be done. :(
I hate Americans.
"Hey guys, I have an awesome idea - let's set up a military base at Babylon! Y'know, we gots to protect it from all them terrists, so we'll need to drive tanks through it and use parts of it as stuffing in sandbags and all that other cool shit. We could of course always make it a minor base and set it up OUTSIDE the actual city remains so that them terrists and looters won't be able to get past us, but that's too inconvenient, so lets use the actual city, and lets make sure to make the base a BIG one, we've got a reputation to maintain!"
Fucking morons :yell:
(And in all honesty, fuck the Poles as well for taking over and continuing to damage it. But they didn't actually build a base on a historically and archaeologically important site. The Americans did. Fuck off assholes, how would you feel if Iraq invaded America and built their army base around your... oh, I forgot. There are no important historical remains in the US. Nevermind.)
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