Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Northern Lights said:
Fuck off assholes, how would you feel if Iraq invaded America and built their army base around your... oh, I forgot. There are no important historical remains in the US. Nevermind.
Northern Lights said:
I hate Americans.
"Hey guys, I have an awesome idea - let's set up a military base at Babylon! Y'know, we gots to protect it from all them terrists, so we'll need to drive tanks through it and use parts of it as stuffing in sandbags and all that other cool shit. We could of course always make it a minor base and set it up OUTSIDE the actual city remains so that them terrists and looters won't be able to get past us, but that's too inconvenient, so lets use the actual city, and lets make sure to make the base a BIG one, we've got a reputation to maintain!"
Fucking morons :yell:
(And in all honesty, fuck the Poles as well for taking over and continuing to damage it. But they didn't actually build a base on a historically and archaeologically important site. The Americans did. Fuck off assholes, how would you feel if Iraq invaded America and built their army base around your... oh, I forgot. There are no important historical remains in the US. Nevermind.)
kill all the white men!
Northern Lights said:
I´ll add a little extra fire. Because in the war not only Babylon got damaged, many more sites and historical places, since, well, the Middle East was a cradle of civilization. Aswell the invasion of museums and the like, by professional art thieves and smugglers aswell as normal people, reduced the amount of things we could still study about early history.

On the other hand, many important pieces for history got simply stolen by colonial states way before, so you´ll find truckloads of Middle Eastern museum -pieces in Berlin, London and Paris, for example.

This topic has many sides. Of course it´s sad that old places are destroyed, but on the other hand, if you keep everything that´s old, you don´t have space for new things and buildings. No country can be expected to preserve each and every archaeologic site on their area. I know about places where they had construction works, accidentally found something important, let it check, photograph and whatnot by archaeologists and historicans, and then a new building or road was built above, though.

And you probably heard about these churches which have a long history and were destroyed, rebuild and re-used by many religions (for example in Jerusalem), so that you find in one church a long history of different uses and changes. People always changed things. If you cannot change anything, you live in a museum.

That said, of course I agree that maybe for military reasons, it was not exactly necessary to make a camp just right_there, and there is no overpopulation forcing you to build something else, either. But the story is old, I read it maybe a year ago, I wonder it comes up now again.
:yell: WTF?! How the fuck could they do that? They should stop making hard man excuses and admit - Pure ignorance!
This is exactly what Team America is about. Bloody hilarious that a movie totally taking the piss out of USA's military tactics hasn't even embellished on americas general idiocy.
It's very sad to see human stupidity in all its glory, destroying beautiful things.

NF: headache again. i dread having to go out in a while, it's so cold... :(
nf: i just found out that someone i quite like has four kids. talk about driving the point home. :lol:
Northern Lights said:
oh, I forgot. There are no important historical remains in the US. Nevermind.)
I'm 110% with you about the U.S. military there, but I just want to point out that the northwest of the American continent is one of the richest sites of prehistorical records in the world ..I guess the Mesozoic era in particular.

EDIT: know, dinosaurs and shit
MagSec4 said:
I'm 110% with you about the U.S. military there, but I just want to point out that the northwest of the American continent is one of the richest sites of prehistorical records in the world ..I guess the Mesozoic era in particular.

EDIT: know, dinosaurs and shit
But isn't that Canadian/Alaskan soil? Hardly in the US, to my knowledge.

NF: Good enough, but sadly schoolwork will limit things a bit and I need to find motivation. It's there, but starting is always ridiculously hard for me.
Aren't there quite much ruins from various Indian/South American peoples' societies in the southwestern U.S? I heard about some weirdo who had the ruins of an entire village on his ranch, but he didn't tell anyone. It wasn't discovered until he sold the ranch.
MagSec4 said:
I'm 110% with you about the U.S. military there, but I just want to point out that the northwest of the American continent is one of the richest sites of prehistorical records in the world ..I guess the Mesozoic era in particular.

EDIT: know, dinosaurs and shit
True, I forgot about to dinousaurs (they're so easy to overlook, considering their size... ;)) And as much as I love dinosaurs, I'm terribly fond of old pretty buildings as well :D

@fireangel: Yeah, sometimes the old has to make way for the new. But not the city that is the cradle of civilization, and not when it still has those magnificent gates of Ishtar (which, by the way, are somewhat destroyed now because moron fucking soldiers have been trying to pry bricks out of them "look ma! I boughts me a souvenir! ain't I clevah?")

And you may call me a conservative, but I absolutely hate modern day architecture :) I'm quite fond of the idea to restore old houses and use them instead of building new ones, I think old houses look so much better and would be more fun to live in. I hate the concrete lumps of today.

hey i was there :D !!!
Gate of Ishtar! where is it anyways, was it berlin? i get confused with all the museums...
Northern Lights said:
And you may call me a conservative, but I absolutely hate modern day architecture :) I'm quite fond of the idea to restore old houses and use them instead of building new ones, I think old houses look so much better and would be more fun to live in. I hate the concrete lumps of today.
I think I mentioned that I agree with you about cradle of civilization ;) I visited places like Palmyra, Baalbek, Ugarit, Byblos, Aleppo and Damaskus, Bosra, and saw crusader-castles, too. So, yes, that is very important and worth to be preserved.

It could be, btw, that the armies knew pretty well where they are standing on, but kept the place as a symbol. In the way that, "look, our civilization won over your civilization". Of course that´s then not very clever, and neglecting that european (and later US-culture) came just from there, amongst other sources, but it could be a reason.

About old and new, I meant more than this, started in the example about multipurpose churches. Houses from 1760 are also newer than from 1250 (in case they still exist), see? ;) Things develop all the time, and a historic town quarter in Sweden may very well stand on a previous, also historic quarter. When you mean old, you probably prefer nicely renovated, though, not in original shape probably :D Otherwise it could be a bit dangerous to live in, when the roof leaks and walls start to crumble. That´s what I was speaking about, that things do develop, and what you call "old" was new once (maybe in 1850), it all depends on the perspective. And no, I am not paid by concrete-industry, I live in a house from 1801 =)
Yeah I know you agreed with me, I was in a bit of a hurry when I wrote my post, it might show ;)
Speaking about old, yes you do have a point that things built in the 1800's were still new then, so maybe I'll have to clarify a bit and say that it is old architecture that really appeals to me - be it 12th century or 19th century, they knew how to build beautiful houses. Obviously, all houses need to be repaired, so renovations would be fine - and so would newly built houses, as long as they were built in the "old" style. But then again, really old houses have a certain atmosphere to them that is difficult to beat... And you're lucky, your house must be very nice :)
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