Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Good, good and good. It feels like I'll get a good grade on my exam, so that course is over, I was downtown a while ago and bought Character (which I'm listening to now, of course), and I'm going to a party in a while. :)

EDIT: And the best song on Character this far is "Out of nothing".
@carl: hooray for you, drunk at 9am :lol:

nf: suffering from a sore throat, about to go to the gym anyways, mainly because i really, really feel jumpy.
NF: stupid. i applied for a job and just got a call from them telling me I forgot to fill in the back side of the application sheet :waah:
"There there, you aren't stupid, we all make mistakes..."
It is kind of funny from an outside viewpoint, though...well, just think how you'll be laughing about this in two weeks and go fill a new application. :) Unless you finished it over the phone of course.

NF: In that slumbering stupor caused by naps that you aren't used to, even though it's wearing out by now (it better, I need to go to sleep soon again).
Nf: :ill: Freaked out. I was walking home and the wind is at like 90mph+. So there's a sudden powerful gust and then - SILENCE :ill: . Almost absolute tranquillity. I do one of those *Just checking around* sort of looks (cos it was an abnormally sudden break in the ferocity). I keep walking, although still freaked out by this piercing silence. Then, Something really black rose from the ground right up at my side. I jumped out of my fucking skin. It gets wierder. I assumed it was a cat and tried to step over it, but tripped and fell... I looked hard at what it was on the way down, and I noticed - It was my own shadow!!! :yell:
'So Gav's scared of his own shadow' one might think. That would be all well and good... Apart from the fact that I felt it brush my leg as tripped. I was on a flat concrete pavement. There were no cats. Theres was little lighting even to create a shadow.

So aside from this Im also v nervous. I have to go to a University Open day tomorrow. Its for a sound production for Film and Television course and It's going to involve interviews, tests and lectures. I'm going to make such a dumbass of myself for sure. Plus it's going to go on forever. Anyway I'm going to treat myself by going shopping afterwards. I just made a big order from Century media so No CD's for me. I'll probably get some Artsy fartsy movie [/nervous ranting]
yeah I went to fill it in properly again, and got asked questions such as whether I'm religious and go to church, whether I drink or smoke etc. what this has to do with working in a library i dont know, but of I lied just in case
nf: bubu. no other words for it. it's 00.04 am on a friday and things are already looking up - you know, friday. i hope i don't wake up with a sore throat again, i hope this weekend is not as shitey as the last, i hope i find some aim in life this time, i hope my paper gets accepted, i hope i'm wrong on some counts but none of the above.
@KC: hey man, you gotta stop the horror movies. ;)
good luck with the University Open tomorrow. :)

NF: :yell: i need to ff to a month from now.
King Chaos said:
Nf: :ill: Freaked out. I was walking home and the wind is at like 90mph+. So there's a sudden powerful gust and then - SILENCE :ill: . Almost absolute tranquillity. I do one of those *Just checking around* sort of looks (cos it was an abnormally sudden break in the ferocity). I keep walking, although still freaked out by this piercing silence. Then, Something really black rose from the ground right up at my side. I jumped out of my fucking skin. It gets wierder. I assumed it was a cat and tried to step over it, but tripped and fell... I looked hard at what it was on the way down, and I noticed - It was my own shadow!!! :yell:
HAHAHA :lol::lol:! oh dear god.

NF: I can't stop giggling at Gav. Other than that i'm freezing, waiting for my bf to come home so i can hug him, and i'm feeling fine.
NF: I ballsed up my exam this morning. I'll have a B easily, but in reality I should be getting almost 100% for this. I only had one exam to revise for, and I still couldn't even do that right. How crap.

EDIT: Oh, I got A Clash of Kings and Assassin's Apprentice today. So it's not all bad.
nf: thrilled, in a way. a paper of mine got an article in a national business weekly and i even got interviewed. yeah, seriously. short interview, but my name is in print on thousands of copies and all. the magazine per se isn't great - immaterial, it's popular press, not scientific debate. speaking of which, i also got the acceptance letter for a paper sent to a peer-reviewed international journal. watch out for me in the next issue here (i'm not mentioned yet, but i guess that i'll be in the "articles in advance" section in about a fortnight).

on the other hand, fame and fortune notwithstanding, i didn't get a date for tonight and i'm going out with a girlfriend.

edit: contrary to my intentions, i didn't get drunk. i just walked around for about three hours discussing politics, gender issues and personal matters, on one single beer. the anti-smoking law is twice good for my health: since i can't smoke while drinking, i drink less besides smoking less. as usual, i failed to get many of my points across, but i don't really care. that's the mantra for the next few days: i don't care, i don't care, i don't care. don't get me wrong, i'm not being arrogant, it's not that type of "i don't care". i'm just tired.
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