Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@gav: happy to hear about your possible new band. let us know how things develop.

nf: kinda good. i'm going on a business trip in about one hour - supposed to be fun, i'm meeting again the people i used to hang out with in luxembourg last summer/fall, and i got the chance to wake up at 10 on a weekday without even being sick. :p now i'm about to drive my boss and a colleague of mine up to perugia, a medieval town some 2hrs northeast of here, and if we don't fall victim of excessive snow we'll get there in time for lunch. but before that, i have to go out and buy something edible for myself. i'm starving, go pizza.
NF: sleepy. got to get myself out of this slumber. thankfully this music is doing what teh almighty coffee failed to do. ("open youuuur eyes, open youuuur eyes" heh)
I want all norwegians to die and their country to become uninhabited so that it can either become a true wilderness or return under Swedish rule. Those foul creatures claiming to belong to the human race that currently populate the area have decided to let tourists hunt seals. "Come to Norway, club a seal!" Fucking useless trashy assholes of assholeish doom.
hyena said:
@gav: happy to hear about your possible new band. let us know how things develop.
:) Will do.

Nf: pretty appauled by Norway legalising Seal Clubbing. It's better than what they do here in the UK (Human Clubbing). you put on a Burbury cap and take out a knife, club, whatever, and beat up on unsuspecting members of the public. It's become the nations past time and is currently totally in fashion. Only we dont advertise saying 'come to England, club a human'... more like on the advert there's some small print - 'Come to England and you'll likely get stabbed, mugged, clubbed, murdered, raped or just beaten down for general sport'. I need some sleep. Tomorrow is to be a long and boring day. This is like my third post of random shite in a row now. I need to be disceplined.
Northern Lights said:
I want all norwegians to die and their country to become uninhabited so that it can either become a true wilderness or return under Swedish rule. Those foul creatures claiming to belong to the human race that currently populate the area have decided to let tourists hunt seals. "Come to Norway, club a seal!" Fucking useless trashy assholes of assholeish doom.
It's not something that tourists should do, but seals however are a problem to many fishermen. I would assume that for a country like Norway, ensuring as little harm from them as possible would be somewhat necessary.
I'm not sure what the previous law in Norway said of you just aren't allowed to hunt seals at all, and that pisses off certain minorities.
TheFourthHorseman said:
here you just aren't allowed to hunt seals at all, and that pisses off certain minorities.
such as polar bears.

rahvin said:
my, will any population survive your xenophobic hatred?
Originally posted by TheFourthHorseman
It's not something that tourists should do, but seals however are a problem to many fishermen. I would assume that for a country like Norway, ensuring as little harm from them as possible would be somewhat necessary.
I'm not sure what the previous law in Norway said of you just aren't allowed to hunt seals at all, and that pisses off certain minorities.
As far as I'm aware, seal hunting has been legal in Norway for quite some time. It's only recently become legal in Sweden, too, despite the fact that seals were very rare only a few years ago. And it was only recently they decided it would be a good idea if toursists were allowed to come to Norway and kill seals as well. And as far as I know, clubbing baby seals is still an accepted practice Norway (correct me if I'm wrong). And therein lies my main objection: fine, if hunting is necessary to comfort the poor fishermen (who, by the way, I imagine are just as whiney and self-centred as hunters, and believe me, I've known quite a few hunters who cry their eyes out and organise huge demonstrations just because they're not allowed to hunt an animal of which there are 3 specimens left in the world) then I suppose it could be done - in a way that does not cause the seals any unnecessary suffering. Clubbing seals is incredibly cruel and anyone who's ever done that should be beaten, brutally raped and shot. Same with allowing tourists to hunt; they'll come in, knowing absolutely nothing and torture the poor animal for hours before they finally manage to kill it. Or they won't kill it at all, so it will take days before it finally dies.
Also, looking at Norway's policy when it comes to hunting, it's a country full of fucking idiots (granted, so is Sweden). What harm have for example whales ever done to the fishing industry? Yet whales, who are for the most part very rare or nearly extinct, should be hunted in the minds of some norwegians (again, I have to place the blame elsewhere as well - the icelandic and the japanese are in this particular case equally moronic and should also be taken out and shot). And wolves. Killing alpha females is another glorious way of keeping the predators in check.
The selfish short-sightedness of humans just really annoy me.
Wolfman Von Jones said:
Im pretty sure Im falling in love with someone I should not be falling in love with, and Siren is going to hate me for it :p. No it's not Siren everyone :p.
And i'm not gonna hate him because it's not me either, people. :p
In fact, i'm not gonna hate you at all Nick, someone else most probably will. :p

edit: as far as the baby seals are concerned: what do you expect from people who burn churches and listen to Immortal?
Baby seals are defenseless little pillows of fur with a face and can barely even move. I had the displeasure of watching men beat a baby seal on TV one time (with faint audio of the baby seal's cries of pain). If I were to see that in real life and had a gun, I'd shoot them without hesitation.

This talk of Norway reminds me of this cartoon about Lapland:
"Not much to do there. still, better than Norway" :tickled:
ah, the pleasures of driving in the snow. :p if my boss was a baby seal, i'd have clubbed him to death since he's really not supposed to give me directions on how to drive my damn car - but i suppose it's a cohort effect, my mom does that all the time too (and i told him).

the conference was ace. relaxing, interesting, overall kind of fun and the networking part wasn't bad either. good wine and good food at the conference facility, a bit subpar at the hotel where we dined last night - they treated us like a bunch of noveaux riches, trying to stun us with fancy dishes when the wine was from mixed grapes (egggh) and the glasses were all wrong. eh whatever. i ended up losing a game of pool to two people who'd never seen an eight ball in their life, but it was the two on them against me and i was pretty tired as well. now i'm a bit annoyed because it's too late to go for a workout and i'll have to wait until monday, but this is immaterial.

anyway, the really great part was: two and a half day of close proximity with tim. :grin: he also took a pic of me which i'm going to share as soon as i get a copy: you'll better take his judgement on how beautiful i apparently looked. :p
Feeling sore. I rolled my ankle last night playing indoor soccer, but what is more painful at the moment is my hands, as I'm using those short crutches that try to brace themselves around your forearms, but mine don't want to do that, so all my weight is on the palm of my hands...and after a couple hours of that, I become unfriendly :(
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