Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Child of Time said:
NF: Urgh. My friends thought it would be a good idea to watch the superbowl tonight. Since it was 'live', it didn't start until a while after midnight here. I got home 6.15 am. Bah! Do you Americans call that a game? :p Lots of weird rules and no flow at all. Pffft.

I agree about the 'no flow', and stupid rules. Half of the players are just there because they are robust. Not many have skill, just speed or strength. Table Tennis... Now there's a real sport.
NF: sleepy and tired. my schedule has been very fucked up since i can remember, but it's actually been worse the last month, and now i'm at a point that it affects me very badly. today is a good day to change.
nf: like a specific weight on my mind might start to come off. it's going to be quite slow, but i am seeing signs. i'm not even sure i'm happy about that. as for the rest, okayish.
Nf: Jolly good. I recorded a track this morning (just my own thing). It sounds like a mix of DT and Messhuga... Well, maybe not that good though, but later today if I get chance Ill host it and post it. I'm pretty chuffed about it, although the production is pants, but I'm not exactly a wizard with all the technology stuff. Heavy heavy Mellodic bouncey metal is the way forward for me.
NF: Happy that it's Chinese/Vietnamese new year today, and so my chemistry lesson got cut short. So, chuc mung nam moi to you all, apparently. This only makes me want to experience a different culture even more. Stupid no money.
nf: angry at the world.

1 - woke up too late this AM.
2 - had a day full of things to do at work, none of which interested me remotely.
3 - spent the night listening to self-important idiots wanting to save small quantities of their money at the expense of everybody's time (@the italians: is there even a concept such as assemblea condominiale in english? i hope they don't have teh horror in other countries)
4 - am going to have a field day tomorrow: morning spent doing more things i don't care about, afternoon devoted to a meeting in a place i don't like (mainly because i have no clue where it is and i really hate traveling during work hours in cold months) with people i don't know who are going to discuss a chapter i wrote for a book but not only that, wasting more of my time.

shit, shit, shit.
my neck hurts like fuck, but today turned out to be less shitey than anticipated. i actually met one interesting person (a woman, alas, but it's still something). i'm also finally listening to the new therapy? record.
i hate everyone at the moment. but i hope today i can get rid of the shite assignment i have been toying with since tuesday AM. i'll try my best.
mags, hyena: Good luck with your (last minute?) efforts.

I'm taking a course in statistics right now. It's soon halfway through, and I don't understand a shit (except for the really basic stuff like mean and median). It doesn't feel good. It's both positive and negative that my friends doesn't get anything either. Positive because I don't have to feel like a retarded kid and negative because noone can explain anything for me.
@carl: i can try to provide help on that if your doubts are reasonably contained. try and pm me on the subject if you want.
I woke up this morning with a massive spider on my bed covers. I nearly died! Why oh why do spiders have to exist :(. So I spent the rest of the morning asleep on the sofa, and now I'm affraid to go in my room. Next summer is going to be insane for spiders, as last summer there was on average 2 spider sightings a day. :ill: These spiders will have bred and their offspring will want vengeance because we disposed of their parents. It's a never ending cycle of misery! I'm going to have to have my house bug bombed.

I caught up with some of my work today, this has made me happy.
King Chaos said:
I woke up this morning with a massive spider on my bed covers.

i won't sleep tonight :ill:

actually i wouldn't sleep much anyway, i've been killing myself with insane amounts of caffeine lately and this weekend the amounts will be doubled (and the sleep erased).<---this was for the NF
My brothers arent doing well at school.. and Im not talking about a failed exam, more about being kicked out next summer. The older one was supposed to graduate this year but it seems as if he skipped classes and failed exams for some time and wont graduate no matter what's happening now. The younger one is following the good example and is about to make the same mistakes, let's hope he doesnt.
And Im stuck here, 400km away and can only watch how things get worse, how my father refuses to see what's going on and how nothing ever changes
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