Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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It's just stupid. And I don't have to tell you that, do I? I mean.. It's not like I want highly philosophical (well, I'd like it :p) and sophisticated posts and so on, but... All that stupid spamming. Those hyper-moods must be it :mad: Awfull. When I read those posts, it's like.. I dunno, someone 'loco" is writing it. With no brains, just goggley eyes and a drägelkäft :/
Just wanted to say, really, I think, that I want to post..more thoughtfull posts
Or something
Thanks anyway
@wazoo: a lot of people are just relaxed and posting the first thing on their mind when they drop by here. unless you look like you are willing to be dead serious, noone's gonna assume that you're stupid only because you don't get philosophical. they'd rather think you're saving the clever stuff for other places, other ppl, other occupations in your life. it's not a crime. it's not a job, to be posting here, either. ;)
and of course if you think you want to discuss anything, just take your time then do it: i just wanted to make sure you know you're not starting from any disadvantage position. :)

rahvin said:
and of course if you think you want to discuss anything, just take your time then do it: i just wanted to make sure you know you're not starting from any disadvantage position. :)

Yeah, that was something that bothered me yes
Not that I am gonna post all kinda discussions and so on now, but just.. That people realise I am not only hyper and :loco: and :loco:
That's all. :)

And for you, Dimmie: You're The Spammer.
;) (And that's a compliment! :eek: )
The Grand Wazoo said:
It's just stupid. And I don't have to tell you that, do I? I mean.. It's not like I want highly philosophical

As rahvin says, I usually save my clever stuff for elsewhere (some of it for you, for example), mostly because I come here to have a relaxing time and also because many times I'm lazy to make 20 word+ posts :p

However I do post some meaningful things from time to time

NF: thoughtful :loco:
@wazoo, thanatos: why don't you start such a meaningful, philosophical or just deeply interesting thread? what's keeping you from doing it? :)

opi/waiting for a challange....... growing old meanwhile :-/
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opacity said:
@wazoo, thanatos: why don't you start such a meaningful, philosophical or just deeply interesting thread? what's keeping you from doing it? :)

opi/waiting for a challange....... growing old meanwhile :-/

Well I've thoguht about doing so many times, what has kept me from it is that most of my deep and philosophical thoughts are bleak stuff, and I fear that if I post some of that in my little UM haven it will be no more :erk:

try. dare something. your UM-friends know you for too long already to turn away only because of a post, especially if it's something that apparently is important to you and keeps you pondering.

Northern Lights said:
Since I am a language student I like to mess with words even in Swedish... and I find it creative to use "fönster" when talking politics! :) certainly sounds refreshing when otherwise words like "offentliga sektorn", "skattetryck", "välfärdssamhälle" and expressions like "vård, skola, omsorg" tend to be a bit... overused. No worries, and if someone asks just say you were trying with a different approach to a, to say the least, stale subject.

...and if my Swedish teacher should question my use of words, I'll just
show him this thread and claim that a native Swede (if that's what you are) should know these things. :Spin: So thank you. :)

yet another achievement of this board! :hotjump: i shall be remembered in gleemen's tales and myths, as a proud - though vertically disadvantaged - general leading brave warriors to a battle for equal rights, freedom and astonishingly high marks. :p

rahvin said:
yet another achievement of this board! :hotjump: i shall be remembered in gleemen's tales and myths, as a proud - though vertically disadvantaged - general leading brave warriors to a battle for equal rights, freedom and astonishingly high marks. :p


No, you will be remembered as Demandred in a dress by all Gleemen. I of course will be the great and noble cousin Kinslayer who will smite thee something wicked.
@Lamia: yes I am indeed a native Swede... and there are both pros and cons with that.
And you're welcome, good luck!

@rahvin: aww you must be proud! :p just don't forget your brave warriors...

NF: FREE at last from the chains of slavery (aka school)! and rather lonely...
The Grand Wazoo said:
Welll, he lives in Europe..

:rolleyes: stupido :lol: (weekend)
as you might know, Turkey is a sort of "parted" country. until the Bosporus, the western region is considered european; and maybe you have also noticed Turkey's efforts and striving for joining the EU :) (which is obviously only possible for european countries, right?)
so, some consider themselves europeans - as simple as that.

but this doesn't mean he is from there, I just said this letter looks exactly the same as when a Turkish is typing an " i "
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