Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@rahvin: an asteroid? that'll be the day :p but I agree, a statement like that doesn't do any good... I guess I've gotten used to being on my own and living on hope, but I'm easily hurt when others point out the fact that I'm lonely to me. It's like, I'm fine with being pathetic as long as nobody else notices it.

@hyena: some people just feel the need to put everybody else down in order to feel good themselves... It's good that you kicked the shit out of her though, maybe that's exactly what she needed? And maybe in her screwed up world there was some truth in what she said - but what about the fairly normal world that the rest of us live in? So I strongly doubt that she was right...
I've had several friends like that, none of which I have any contact with now. But what they had in common was they always tried to change me - wear this, do like that, talk like this, walk like that, don't, do - etc. Which made me obsessed with what people thought of me for a long period of time... I don't have much self-esteem, if any at all, but now I'm getting good at erasing "bad" comments from my mind, forgive and slowly move on.
...and now I feel like I've been babbling incoherently for half an hour, but then again it would be nothing new... I should go and eat something.
NF: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
NP: Satyricon - Nemesis Divina - Du Som Hater Gud
Northern Lights said:
@rahvin: an asteroid? that'll be the day :p but I agree, a statement like that doesn't do any good... I guess I've gotten used to being on my own and living on hope, but I'm easily hurt when others point out the fact that I'm lonely to me. It's like, I'm fine with being pathetic as long as nobody else notices it.

i assure you the risk of being pathetic is definitely higher when we're not lonely. :)

@Northern Lights & Hyena: it was only yesterday when I last heard I was 'ugly as hell'. The insecure petty people will say anything to make anyone feel at least nearly as bad as they feel about themselves. Plus, having seen Hyena's picture, she definately isn't 'obnoxiously
unattractive', at least what it comes to physical appearance. I can't believe somebody actually told you so!
But I have to admit I didn't get the 'walks like a bear' -part.

...and Northern Lights, I actually got to try the explanation on the political windows. :Spin: Since my teacher is Swedish and doesn't understand any Finnish, I had to explain it in Swedish. But as I'm a smart little thing, I had looked up a few Swedish words relevant to the matter, and got away with the whole episode good & clean. So thank you, you are thus dub (is that the right form?) my one true authority on the exciting adverture that is Swedish language.:loco: :)

@lamia: the bear-walking part was possibly just an attempt on the part of that girl to make hyena feel bad because she doesn't move with the grace of a lady at the ball. of course this was also just ridiculous: the time that girl supposedly spent learning how to walk without being awkward clearly was not devoted to learning a few conversation topics aside from the obvious and the trite. besides, she wasn't that smashing or ladylike herself. a good dose of stfu in her tea would do her lots of good. ;)

i'm surprised someone would bother to come to you and tell you you're "ugly as hell" if that's what they think. i reckon you should infer, on the other hand, that if they felt the need to add such a comment they likely find you attractive or - in the case of a woman - are feeling the competition.

(i think the right form there is "dubbed", though ;))

rahvin said:
i'm surprised someone would bother to come to you and tell you you're "ugly as hell" if that's what they think. i reckon you should infer, on the other hand, that if they felt the need to add such a comment they likely find you attractive or - in the case of a woman - are feeling the competition.

Oh, I'd like to add that the person telling me how hideous I look just happened to be a very unhygienic drunken man in his 50's. (Oh, the irony!)
He had bought my friend a beer, and when I came back from bathroom my friend asked the man if he would by a beer for me, too. That's when he replied, 'No way, she's ugly as hell!' Actually it was mainly funny, since the situation was so ridiculous.

rahvin said:
(i think the right form there is "dubbed", though ;))

Thank you. :) My ever so useful Finnish-English dictionary from the 50's was of no help.

Lamia said:
Oh, I'd like to add that the person telling me how hideous I look just happened to be a very unhygienic drunken man in his 50's. (Oh, the irony!)
He had bought my friend a beer, and when I came back from bathroom my friend asked the man if he would by a beer for me, too. That's when he replied, 'No way, she's ugly as hell!' Actually it was mainly funny, since the situation was so ridiculous.

when a beer is refused, moral degradation is never too far. :p

NF: Fine..
I had a fine day.. although It was pretty weird..
I borrowed Satyricon - Volcano to my teacher who teaches religion in school.. and our class watched Toxic Avenger Part II during the lesson. :p
if the teacher never returns the cd with the excuse:
a) he forgot it
b) he lost it
c) it's satanic stuff you shouldn't listen to and therefore it will be withheld
then you can rest assured he really loved it. :p
@Lamia: nice work! :) and thank you, nice being an authority on something! :D
And as for that lovely man with the lovely comments... bet he's of the same kind as the drunk man in his late 40's at a bus station, beer in hand and all, who made a rather inappropriate comment about me (I was only 14 then)... disgusting creeps is what they're called I think... :p
Anyways everything lies in the eye of the beholder. I've been told a few times that I'm the ugliest thing someone has ever seen, but then again I've been told I don't look that bad. Confusing.
@northern lights: maybe i'm lying in the eye of a beholder or other dungeons&dragons monster, but judging from the pic you posted i can put myself in the "you don't look bad" category.
given that, despite all attempts to have me disqualified, i do count as a male member of the species, i think mine is still a valid vote. ;)
and no, i don't just tell you this because it's a nice thing to say: if i had thought otherwise i would have pretended your picture didn't show on my pc or i had suddenly become colourblind, all the while staring clumsily at my shoes and coughing loudly. :p

My infamous teacher told me today that he especially liked Black Lava.. but he is not a big fan of black metal vox.. he prefers death.

NF:Fiine. today´s English exam went ok..i guess.
I just got miself Satyricon - Rebel Extravaganza.

NP: Satyricon - Prime Evil Renaissance
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