Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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the sour taste of revenge is compelling, yet it's not going to give me back my stereo.

i'm physically down-and-out today, and currently it's safe to say life is teh suck.
like all dwarves, i'm stubborn, so instead of staying tucked up in bed mourning over my allergy, my stolen car stereo, my tedious course in database managing, the fact that i don't have a girlfriend and i don't even want one... i got up and took my bike to work, thus dying on the spot because of all the mean plants and trees attacking my system (correction: my system believes they're attacking me, when they're pretty much being quite neutral towards me). the (bitter?) remains of a hangover also help making me feel dehydrated and wooden-headed. i don't even have change to buy a bottle of water, but i'm hoping that the girl at info point - currently the only other occupant of this building - can lend me a quarter. she's a very cute thing that goes by the name of "samantha" (which sucks) and has a sign saying "engaged" over her head which is visible from miles away (which sucks a bit more).
later on i'll be going to the ever beautiful lesson mentioned above, where a couple of guys with no particular knowledge of the subject try to teach me how to find my way through a set of about 7000 arbitrary rules they don't even know. cute girl #2 (one silvia) is a fellow librarian attending these lessons. 25, she'd be perfect material for my "let's ask somebody out to lunch" strategy, which consists basically in asking somebody out to lunch, weren't for the fact that i sneeze loudly in her proximities about five hundred times before being able to say ten words in a row. (it's the allergy, you know, not her)
so here is yours truly, a more or less blatant wreck whose prospects for the day include downloading meat loaf's records, processing a book called "language death" (wha--?) and generally sneezing in your direction as a salutation.

@rahvin: that sucks... I'm sorry! Now, being who I am I truly suck at being supportive and all that, but I wish you all the best... and... well, just tell yourself that you're far superior to all the idiots you have to deal with so fuck them all, and fuck anyone who even tries to imply anything else and... umm... well it works for me anyway... sometimes :D

NF: damn had too many glasses of wine for dinner... again! a wee bit tipsy then... oh and I'm being bloody boring, staying at home watching movies on tv, blah! oh well, at least I had fun yesterday :) so I guess that's kind of an excuse for having a boring weekend...
@rahvin: Here, have some... sympathy.

NF: Like a man who listen this kind of shit..
np: Emperor - Gypsy (King Diamond cover)
Ok..we can subtract that god because I used word Norske, which ain´t so right.Anyway, I beated some of the pluggers again. :D
i'm the goddess of cheezels.

oh look what i found.
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....\_metall _.·´
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Feeing kind of tired. I woke up at 6am today after about 6 hours of sleep and waking up at 6am since monday without enough sleep. I don't know how I manage to stay awake for so long without caffiene...

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