Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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on a different kind of heat, cute looking girl came back, saying the teacher she was supposed to work for wasn't there. i jokingly suggested we keep her here with us forever, and my boss jokingly suggested we don't. no, wait a minute, he was serious. crap. :(

both of your suggestions, nick and miolo, are lacking in the forethought department: this girl was here 'cause she's working in the general library area. shooting down my boss would only accomplish that all these people would have to defer to someone else, somewhere else - and i'm not even the next in line for the throne. so my boss only ought to figure out that while he gets back to a family and a home, i need a date, for christ's sake!. ;)

@miolo: if you get your bubu here next time she's around you might catch a glimpse of her bright pink top. it's worth the effort. :p

Hey all, specially Mel & Rei!

Been a long, long, long..... (long)^7 time since I've posted I know. Still with gf from August... such an amazing person... long and boring is the story of what I've done, but to make it short, I sorta disregarded her opinion on something, something that I'm now stuck doing, but that hasn't happened yet, so its all the worse. Its just not a fun situation. I'm such a 'tard sometimes. She's so wonderful too. Beautiful, smart (much smarter than me... in virtually everything), can prove herself right in any argument... lol... she's wonderful, honestly... I want to marry her... but its stupid shit like this that always gets in the way and makes it so hard for her.

NF: A 'lil better... gf stayed over last night, and drove me to work this morning... we talked, and snuggled and... gtg...later all :D

~Kovenant (
- wishes he could drive... dammit... sucks for her even more that i can't... i gotta learn & get license by end of month)
@Kovenant: It's wonderful that you have such a beautiful person near you, but my humble opinion is that you shouldn't feel yourself as if you're under her shadow, don't do everything for her.. Don't take me wrong, it's darn hot here and i can't express myself perfectly right now, but what i want to say is that if you think you should do some things (like driving), first do them for yourself, because you want them and because they will make you a better person, and then because she'll like them. This will not only raise your self-esteem, but it will raise her esteem of you too. :)
I'm sorry if i'm totally off in this one, it's just the impression your post gave me, no offence, ok? :)
I hope everything goes well with her. :)

Driving is easy, I can teach you in a day :). I cant say anything b/c a certain short person took the words out of my mouth.

I feel pretty good. I went out to lunch with my brother this afternoon, and we are hanging out today. We are going to watch some movies, and then who knows.

Lol, thanks Siren, Rahv, Nick... the thing with the driving isn't that I can't learn... its that I don't have a car and my parents aren't gonna let my drive their's with only a permit... and its gonna be at least a month before I can go for my driver's test... the learnings the easy I already took driver's ed, after all (albeit a year ago, and I haven't driven since... :loco: ).

NF: Not too bad.

Kovenant@ It's so wonderful that you write such things and feel that way for her =) I'm glad to know,it made me smile a lot,especially beacuse i was expecting it would be a breakup or sth you were feeling bad about,but hopefully it's not the case,since i see your love is growing for her...... All I have to say is that i wish you the best luck and that you let this feeling grow and grow ....
As for the problem you have now,i'd agree with rahvin... don't be harsh on yourself,everybody makes mistakes sometimes...
Good luck with the driving license!!

/melancholia ( has a driving-license, which hasn't used for the last 3 years :rolleyes: so practically whichever skills i acquired -not many anyway- are now lost :cry: I'm a car-driving-phobic.... )

NF: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn,i have so much to do today.... library,classes,meeting with a teacher,returning home at 18.00 and shortly afterwards meeting my mum.... *going crazy* killed myself studying yesterday....It sucks being in the last uni-semester :ill:
NF: Bored... at work...

Well, part of the thing is that she is so upset about it, and cause this summer is basically sucking so far, and that there's really nothing to look forward to till fall semester, when we'll be back in the dorms together again and don't have to deal with parents or anyone else at all... when we can hang out whenever, do anything we want whenever... all that kinda fun stuff :cool: ... but so far this summer sucks so much that she wonders whether we're just torturing each other sticking through it... cause right now things are tough, cause of my whole mistake thing... which is bad, cause, in her words 'how does this show me [her] how you care, and how I'm, as you say, number 1?'... the upsetting part is that she's right and it feels like this whole thing is just me showing how insensitive i can be and how 'I only care when its easy'...

NF: Not so great...

~Kovenant (just wanted to clarify situation... hrm... maybe i should post on poetry thread)
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@kovenant: It makes a bit more sense now... Try to show her your care in everyway that you can, don't let her go away... Maybe you can plan a trip together? Something that will take you away from parents and the whole world even for a couple of days?
Good luck anyway... :)

@Mel: Kalh epityxia mikroula kai kouragio, na skeftesai oti toulaxiston teleiwneis syntoma. :) :) :)

NF: o_O
Tired... need to get a lot of work done in the next 9 hours, and I also need to sleep, considering I got about 4 hours of sleep last night... damn schoolwork, can't put it off anymore because tomorrow is the last day of classes, then exams. Don't feel as bad if I fail English this quarter, one of my friends has to repeat this year, and he already repeated repeated 3 other years...
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Kovenant@ I will agree with Siren's wise suggestions...try to be as close to her as you can.....It would be a pity loosing such a beautiful relationship,because parents meddle in the your best both of you,enjoy the moments you pass together,discuss with your parents if necessary and in the end if you suceed to keep a balance despite all the trouble,this experience will bring you even closer....
Good luck :)
(and start planning the trip ;) )

Steve@Good luck with your subjects!!!! Thinking that it's some of the last hours of studying for this year can be a good motivation to concentrate on what you have to do....

Siren@ Thankies =))) Kali epitixia kai se sena!! Ipomoni me tis exetaseis :)

NF: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh,i woke up 2 hours ago and didn't manage to fall asleep again despite my desperate attempts.... :erk: even my magic take-to-sleep drink didn't work this brain started spinning and thinking what i have to do,study,blah blah blah :cry: I want to sleep!!!!

Had an enjoyable & productive day yesterday,despite all the stress and hurry :)))
Messed up the PCs in the library a bit -it's not my fault that they are so crappy,getting stuck so easily-,felt pretty awkward about it,but at the same time somehow enjoyed torturing this evil lady who was in charge :devil: She wanted to murder me for sure :D
The meeting with my teacher was very enlightening, still i have to study like hell,but much of my stress is gone :)
and above all,meeting my mum was wonderful....had a very pleasant time :)

okey,shutting up :)

/mel (tomb of insomnia)
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