Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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my hotmail address is spamfull,superspamfull......with all sorts of porn,ink,mortgage,dick spammails...quite annoying.....but *shrug* at least in my new address i have no such problems.....

NF: nice,had a good day,and a nice evening...i only wish i didn't have to study tomorrow grrrrrrrrrrr
and it was winter....i miss my winter pijamas,the hot coffee and a cloudy sky!!
I miss running around the forest in the winter, fun times :). Yeah Nick has been drinking, and talking in the 3rd person. Hey Mel lets go to The North Pole, we can bring afew hot sexy people from here (Ben, Lu, Michelle, Li, and others).

rahvin said:
*attention: rahvin's pun meter is set on "run for your lives". currently we cannot guarantee of the acceptability of his posts and we deny all responsiblity for loss of respect towards him*
HAHAHA :tickled: That was hilarious dude. I'ld rep you but I can't. :p

NF: Pretty good.
i have pointy elfish ears. maybe the elves will think i'm one of their kind and listen to me. bring me along and you'll get in and out of st nick's house safely ;p
NF: my stomach has been hurting for 3 days :erk: I thought that would heal by itself but I guess I'll see a doctor tomorrow.
This little thing is called: Ben goes out. Hilarity ensues.

Last night was supposed to be just a quiet little night at the local heavy metal night, you know, chill out, listen to some music. You think it happened like that? You'd be very very very wrong.
The night started off with me, my brother Luke and a friend called Dave driving into town. Windows down, AFI playing quite loudly as we turn the car into the road the pub is on. First, no car parking spaces, secondly, the pub we want doesn't open for another hour. So, we try to find somewhere to park, meanwhile picking up two other friends, Billy and Steve, as they walk from pub to pub...they dive into the car and we search for a car-parking space...meanwhile, my window is jammed and wont roll back up.
Me: Dave, your window is stuck
Dave: It does that, just wait and push the button
Me: Nothing Dave
Dave: What have you done to my window?
Me: Nothing! It's just retarded, thats all...

So, I finally manage to get the window rolled up again by using my hands to push it up while someone else pushes the button up. As soon as its up...Billy pushes the button and makes it go down again. I'm already starting to regret bringing Billy along, but the night is good.

Get out of the car and head off to another pub to burn an hour while we wait for the other one to open. Fairly quiet, so me, Luke and Dave (who is the designated driver this evening) are drinking coke while the others drink pints. Spend the time talking about music, Billy talking about why the new Arch Enemy will be the best thing ever, while I'm not too impressed.
Me: I've heard one track and I'm not impressed. How many have you heard?
Billy: One...but it's great! You don't like it because you're gay and have no penis. NO PENIS! (he shouts across to the table next to ours. Thankfully they ignore him)
Walk out of that pub to continue to the one we wanted to go to. We get there, and rather than being the packed wonderland of heavy metal fun it usually is, there are three groups of people. Three 40+ goth women in full corpse paint and long tattered dresses, the DJ and the bar-staff. That's it. This place is deader than a morgue and doesn't have the same upbeat atmosphere. We decide to go to Bar 69, across the road, where Billy usually works.
It's 2 for 1 night. This doesn't faze me, as I have no intention of drinking tonight. Sobriety, thy name is Ben. However, this is not how my dear companions see it. As Steve smirks evilly, I am not bought one, not two, but FOUR vodka shots, which I am told to down. 'What the hell' I think, as all four are gone in ten seconds. 'Ouch' I think, as the burning liquid travels down to set a small fire in my stomach (not adequately lined by food because of my intention not to drink). The room is spinning, but this will pass. Meanwhile, 'New Disease' by Spineshank is playing, and Billy is dancing in the middle of the dancefloor in a bizarre mix of air guitar and Michael Jackson. He's had about four pints now, so we're even. Steve walks back from the toilet with a confused look in his eyes, while he says 'that was really urinal'. We casually inform him that when you go into a public toilet with no urinal, its because its the womens toilets. 'Oh' he says.
I am now drinking a taboo and lemon while Dave downs a pint of Red Bull. I advised him against this, but he seemed to need it. Next thing his pupils are like tiny little dots as his eyes flick from place to place, as he bounces up and down with a rictus smile. I think 'hmmm, this night shows promise', while Luke thinks 'hmmm, Ben is getting drunk'. I decide to go down and join Billy for some headbanging to Rammstein's 'Engel' and we discuss the finer points of musicianship and why the person playing air guitar over in the corner is obviously no guitarist.
We decide to go out and get some fresh air as Luke's friend Mike joins us. As we walk past Chesterfield's infamous Crooked Spire (a church that has a spire that twists towards the top, old legend has it that the devil flew away from the town so fast he made it twist, whereas modern science says the wood warped) we see a collection of girls who look no more than 15 about to open a pizza box.

Me: Hey, can we have some pizza?
Dave: Go on, just a slice, please?
Girl 1: Fuck off! It's our fucking pizza you fucking wankers.
Me: Nice use of language, I really admire you for it.
Girl 2: Fuck off, its our pizza, I'm eating for two dontcha know!
Girl 1: Yeah, she's preggers!
Billy: That's pretty obvious you fat slapper! Do you even know who the dad is?!?
Steve: Bit loud Billy

The girls start hurling random abuse all centred around the word 'fuck' as we walk off in hysterical bouts of laughter. Maybe you had to be here, but what he said easily ranks as one of the funniest things I've heard in quite a while. Billy has no tact. He's beyond a bull in a china shop. He's like a rocket-mounted robot bull in a china shop with a mace for a tail. When he gets started, things go to hell, so we decide to get him back to the safety of Bar 69.
We are now drinking smirnoff ice as Dave downs ANOTHER red bull and I wonder whether I really want to be in the car with him on the way home. After 10 minutes of being here, who should walk in but an old schoolfriend of ours called Samantha. Sam used to be a typical townie in baggy pants and tank tops who listened to R'n'B and wore hats on backwards. She is now Xantrea, daughter of the night. I'm talking uber goth. From the thigh high boots with heels about 8 inches high, fishnet tights and little black dress, to the fact she's wearing an ankle length heavy velvet coat/cloak and sunglasses in +30 degrees weather and at 10:30 at night, she shouts 'help me, my soul is damned for all time, and oh, don't I look angsty?'
Despite this, we go up and say hi. I'm not quite sure, but for some reason, she doesn't like me much anymore.
Me: Hi Sam, hows it going?
Sam: What's it to you?
Me: Ok...well, I'm good
Sam: Wonderful for you
Me: Someone's moody. Hey, can I try on the sunglasses?
Sam: No
Me: Go on, please?
Sam: Why dontcha fuck off?
Me: You're mean, I think I'd look good in them.

I was not expecting the full armed close-fisted swing as it connected with my jaw and made my head twist to the side. To be honest, I did not appreciate being hit by a jumped up, miserable witch who seemed to have changed her entire being just to fit in with her current boyfriend. 'Charming' I arrogantly sneered at her 'I'm glad to see you've kept SOME of the manners that you used to have' as I walked back to my friends who were watching in bemused horror at the scene. Billy decided that to make me cheer up, we needed more alcohol.
It is now 10:55 and Billy is nowhere to be seen. Me and Dave are talking to the DJ as Luke tries to pull a young goth girl off Steve, who is not only not interested, is also to drunk and terrified to say anything. We convince the DJ to put Ravenous by Arch Enemy on, and as we start nodding our head along to the intro, a voice comes out from nowhere and everywhere at once.
Billy races out from behind the bar and throws a shotglass over the counter (which smashes) and dives onto the dancefloor. He is drunk. Very very drunk. On a scale of 1-10, Billy is DRUNK. Before, his dancing was strange. Now, his dancing is like something out of the exorcist. He shakes. He spins. He plays air guitar while he gyrates his hips and screams along to the song, inventing his own words. The whole bar watches as Billy makes a complete ass of himself. We leave him there for two more songs, and Dave says 'How bout me and you pick the car up?'. We go find the car, get in, and put Type O Negative into the CD player. Max out the volume and pull up to the bar, as Billy, Steve and Luke pile in (Mike has walked home already). Dave wheelspins as we head back to the residential district, with Billy winding his window down and sticking his head out the window, screaming and laughing. We finally manage to pull him back into the car and lock his window while he insists that yes, McDonalds is open right now, and it will be a mortal sin if we don't go. In fact, Jesus will personally damn us himself if we don't. We ignore Billy. We drop off Steve, and then its to my place. When he pulls up into the drive, Dave gets a call from his girlfriend asking how his night is going. Billy starts shouting rude and inappropriate comments close to the phone, along the lines of how badly hung Dave is and how she needs a real man. Both myself and Dave hit his arms and legs repeatedly in an attempt to shut him up, but all that happens is he starts to scream and shout 'Dave is a fucking queer! He's slapping me and he likes it' at the top of his voice. Dave ends the call and says he'll talk to me tomorrow as he drives off. My prediction is that Billy will not only be feeling very sick this morning, but he will be bruised from head to toe as well.

This ladies and gentlemen, is the average quiet night out.

Edit: Dave had just reminded me that we saw John Lennon last night. Spooky. He looked like John would have if he was still alive, complete with long hair, beard and round blue sunglasses.
fun night out there, Benny boy. you'll have to take me out when i visit england. that billy sounds like an interesting character. you must introduce us. as for that bitch, you have to be a gentleman, but i don't :D
Today is the 2 years anniversary from the day i first listened to metal, ie Auctioned and Lethe. :D

Edit: Hope you get well soon Thanny. :cry:

@D_J: Fun night. :) But i agree with Cael about the girl. ;)
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