Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Hiljainen said:
funny, they make me think of summer instead, cause i think their music is cold and reminds me of winter :loco: no, really, it's true: i started to listen to some of their songs last summer and so they remind me of summer even if the first thought i have when i listen to them is of frost and snow.
Ahh well that makes sense. My first Sentenced album was Crimson and I got it sometime in Fall. But that's always true that whenever you first start listening to a CD a lot, each subsequent listen will remind you of that time. :)
Oh take a wild stab in the dark at what
folk-fucking-band is back?
Thats right, the same fuckers are there again, good
thing I get a lot of volume out of my speaker system ;)
At least they would know how to sing, no, this is the
same shitty folk band that has been torturing me with
their existance for the last 3 sundays.
hmmm, now that you mention it ;)

NF: Like I just woke up and need some coffee.

Was supposed to banish the evil demon of Microsoft
from the computer last nite, but I had too much stuff
to save that I will most likely do it tonite.
Today i tried to prepare some bisquits, i choosed the ingredients at the last minute looking what there was in the house. now they're almost ready, they have ugly shapes but the smell is good. :err:
i'm extremely afraid to taste them, i'll probably tell my father to try them cause they are great and then see if he becomes green or if some wings or tail grow. :p
Summer's great, contrary to the rest of the world I like the heat ;) I would enjoy it so much more if there was a beach close by, though... Autumn and winter is ok I guess, I could deal with the cold if it just didn't get so dark up here... I can go for days without seeing daylight sometimes (I'm locked away at school during those precious few hours) and that makes me depressed... :p

Anyway... just random thinking... I hate getting the "3 new messages"-thingy when I log onto msn, only to go to my inbox and discover that two of them are spam, encouraging me to enlarge a body part that I, as a result of being female, happen to lack, and the third being a message telling me that my order for a book has been cancelled because they're out of stock, "try again in a couple of weeks" :erk:
Other than that, lying in a chair in the garden, half-dead because of a cold that's waiting to break out, and staring at birds for, say, 15 minutes, must be a sign of some kind of insanity... or perhaps extreme boredom, I'm leaning towards the latter anyway. It must be the latter actually, otherwise I wouldn't be posting this now... :rolleyes:
@northern lights: couldn't you find a cure for boredom by replying to my weeks-old private message instead? :p i know i can't compete with birdwatching (been told so previously) but hey, i'm still the one running the old house here, not a pink flamingo. ;)
@rahvin: I will do so, and would've done so earlier had I been awake enough to get myself to type more than "hello" ;) trust me, you can compete with swallows... :p

@Hiljainen: oh yes, I get that kind of spam too... you would think they'd at least do some research to make sure they're targeting potential customers with it... but then again, that would be relying on people to be sensible, and that always proves to be a mistake ;) well not always, but anyway...
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