Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@Incendiare: Owwww..
@D_J: OMG teh sad.. u_u,,
@Siren: Something positive! :D goood.. Have some chocolate, to reward yourself. :D (Or my Biscottitårta, its nice, lots of chocolate+cookies, yeah really)

NF: Sort of good. I woke up thinking about Bejeweld though. That's pathetic and sad and I cant help it. Now I have a headache, but also coffee. So. Not too bad. And still holiday. :)
nf: okay! this morning i dropped a bottle on my bad foot. a mark appeared and i thought there was a clot at first. but i rubbed it and blood oozed out. whoops :zipit:
@Caelestia: Damn, hope it'll heal soon.
@Wazoo: Heachaches are annoying. Hope the coffee will take care of it. :)

NF: anxious. Have to go back to school in thirteen days.
Feeling good now.

Yester day I helped out pricing computer stuff for a charity fundraiser tag sale, and I'm going ot do it a fe whours a da for the rest of the week. I got a monitor they didn't want, which is a 17" Trinitron monitor :) I have soemthing worthwhile to do, and I get to keep stuff that won't sell (i.e. Lotus 123 software and quickreference guide on 5 1/4 floppys)

Siren said:
@Wazoo: YARRRRRRRRRRR! Join our pirate ship!!!
Aye, har, that's the spirit, me hearty!
Avast, ye lubbers! Hoist the mainsail! Clear the afterdeck! Strike
the mizzenmast and man the bulwarks! Stow them Kibbles and let's hit the sea! Avast ye, mateys!

So ye be thinking of going a-Pyrating? Then sharpen your cutlasses, ye scurvy dogs, for this be no safe lyfe-- but if Fortune casts her crooked smyle on ye, ye'll have more riches than a dandy Laird of England. Ye be willing ye say? Then hoist the main sail, ye lubbers!

:D Yaaaaaar!
Aaaaaargh matey!
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