Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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hmmm... find some alcohol....

As long as it's not on your left... :)

I feel shitty. I have to be at school at 7:30 tomorrow... and my lasty day of vacation was wasted :(
damnit, why can't my mom stop buggin me?
Nogie said:
NF: I can't fucking move my head, my neck hurts like hell and I want to die. I even went to bed at 11:30pm and slept for 2 hours and now I can't go back to bed. aaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh someone shoot me please, it'll hurt much less than this. :cry:
Fucking useless piece of shit. Who needs a neck anyway??

My mom gave me this lotion or something so it would keep the place warm, and it's supposed to release the muscle or something, but in the meantime.... It doesn't work...:cry:

I want to be able to look left again! :( :lol:


I wish I had alcohol right now, and lots of it. That's the best painkiller. :D

Sorry for intruding...This was the best thread to let everything out.... *goes back to her corner :$*

Hey stop talking that craziness, next time just take a pain killer, like tylenol. You don't wanna die! You're a metalfan! we can take the pain from a good headbang : D
And anyways, you don't need to look to the left.. you could just look hard to the right 'till you turn 270 degrees : p

NF: ..Let's just say my face is going to hit my desk anytime now
I have seen the light:
The Dave Matthews Band DOESN'T rock!
This is the single greatest thing I have learned from
Futurama :D
@nogie: When you meet your friend, just make sure she's on your right. :p
hope it gets well soon :)

NF: nice

@Salmy: nice signature :tickled:
Steve420 said:
I feel unhappy... school sucks, even when your english teacher tells a story of when Jason Newsted was his babysitter when he grew up :)

Hah, I had a nice talk with my 8th grade English teacher yesterday (he's now in my highschool teaching 11th grade basic English, though he should rally be teaching the top students, he's the best, and coolest teacher I've ever had). He was telling me about how he was downloading a gig of good Metal the other night and the system crapped out so he lost all of what he was downloading. No worries though, he still has about 75 gigs left of Metal, lol. The only teacher I know that played 'Fade To Black' and 'One' in the classroom for the students...he kicks so much ass. And he loves The Lord of the Rings too.
NF: Quite good actually. Having conversations with myself about life really leads me to some great insights. :)

@Incendiare: Maybe you should try the same. Like think about precisely why you're depressed, and question everything. Hopefully, you'll eventually see that there is no reason to be in that state.
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@Incendiare: I hope you feel better soon. If possible, find some time to rest, things usually tend to work out if you get some kind of perspective on them...

NF: I love electric guitars :) I wouldn't say that I can play, I'd substitute 'play' for 'abuse', but I can still see why people would want to do this for a living, I wish I had talent so I could do that :D Ah well...
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I went to a concert today, all the people were so amazing.. Esp the violin player, the composer who played piano and sang, and the rest of the singers. I was about to start singing lessons, but i think it will be an insult towards music. :D
Siren said:
I was about to start singing lessons, but i think it will be an insult towards music.

Why? Your vocals make me feel like being under a magic spell. :rolleyes: Alright, alright, all those mariners would appreciate your effort if you stop singing everytime their ships are coming over. :p

@Tebus: Aww, thanks. I talk to myself sometimes, but it sometimes makes matters worse.

@NorthernLights: Thanks. Anyway, agree with you about the guitars. No matter how good or bad you are at it, it's always a good way to relax and fave fun.

NF: I was carrying furniture in my basement, barefoot. Half of my nail on one of my big toes got ripped apart from my nail bed. It's pretty gruesome. Sorry for my graphic details.
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