Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I feel very tired...I just got back from my first day of school. Here's a breakdown:

1st period: Biology AP - This will be a long, looong fucking year for Biology. Very, very long. Oh so treacherously and painfully long. My teacher is very strict and refuses to go over things. Double lab periods twice a week (Monday and Thursday during 2nd period). He forces us to work with people we're unnacquainted with, and attempting to learn something new with an audiance is a very bad thing.

2nd period: Study Hall - I haven't gone here yet, since today was double lab.

Homeroom - No problems here, I know a few people in this class at least...

3rd period: Health and Phys Ed - I have Health the first marking period, but for now we're just sitting in the gym. It shouldn't be too bad though.

4th period: English 3 AP - Well, I got a new teacher for this class who has qualifications above and beyond this level of teaching. I expect a nice, yet difficult challenge from this class.

5th period: Lunch - I don't eat lunch. I usually go to the library instead, but the library isn't open yet. I know a few people I can sit by and talk to though, so no big deal.

6th period: US History II AP - This is the second year of this class, just at a higher level of expectation. I enjoyed this class fairly well last year, but this year there are more students, which makes it uncomfortable.

7th period: Pre Calculus - Not good...I have the same teacher I had for Algebra 2, a teacher that I loved, because she took the time to help me. HOWEVER, there were only 4 kids in that class. This class has THIRTY FOUR. This would not be too bad if it were not for the fact that I learned nothing in Algebra 1 thanks to my incompetent teacher, so my whole grade level's been a step back in terms of mathematics. The class is mostly Seniors, and I don't know many people at all.

8th period: Study Hall - Boy was it hot and shitty. However, after school, I dropped this class, so I'll be getting out after 7th period starting tomorrow.
I feel OK now... It took me a few hours to fix my keyboard, and another hour to fix my modem. I might need a new modem :(.

But I'm wokring on a new website :D
And it wil feature DT...
NF: Goood. :D
Actually. For once. Yes. :) :)
I have been swimming and it has been going realllly good, this swim.-season. :)
Andd school is ..good now. Easy, keeping up. :)
And yeah. I just feel good. Anime sane in corpum sanum? Something like that.. *searches*
Hehe I was just editing it ;)
I have Latin in school
And I've done a little Italian-course myself ;)
But I am better at interpreting it ;)
Like on Sardegna u_u,,,,,

Si restringe a lavarlo? :loco:
OMG *is reminded of something* But nitshevo. (= But nevermind.)
Or in any language! :eek:


I live in my own little world eeeeeeeeeeek someone help me u_u,,,, Learn teh Wazoo-language u_u,,,,,
Like... Dimmie. :eek:
Where is he??
He spoke Wazoo-language! :-o
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Reactions: Steve
Hmmm, odd, I got an email and a call from the company
already, unfortunately they also said they will contact me
after they have talked to the other applicants, which to me
means: "well, sounds good, but we will hire someone else,
thanks for wasting our time".
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