Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Siren said:
NF: err...full. :p
Ah! That's what I meant! :p

Salamurhaaja said:
haha, someone gave me bad rep, of course not revealing
who they were.
Annoying, isnt it? :lol:
And so.. cowardice-ive? Afraid? ...:confused: DAMN, learn Dutch, you.. You.. Rest of the world!! :p

NF: "Okay". Swimming went well this morning, but I ate too many scones and drank waaaaay too much coffee. (Yes! :-o something like "too much coffee" does exist! OMG u_u,,)

*passes scones to Idari* Here, dont feel hungry. :)
Or distant :(
Valkyrie: the word you're looking for is cowardly ;)

NF: - Pissed off and frustrated, university starts in less than a week and I STILL haven't got my exam results. Phonecalls don't seem to do anything, but I'm not sure what going and shouting at the dean face to face will achieve except maybe my removal from the university ;)
@D_J: :(
'Really hope you get it done soon

Woow. Do these scones rise inside too? >_<

OMG its pathetic
But those eeeeeyes o_O
(it has eaten too many scones too)
NF: Quite good. Did some massive site updating today (five hours of editing in Dreamweaver) and it wasn't even my own site. It belongs to a (somewhat ingrateful) friend of mine. This is the last update he's getting in a while...
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I feel OK..

I realy need a new computer, but I don't wantr to spend money before I get a bass, and ...
I cna't think...

need to get a bass

went to guitar center today
one nice one, need more money for it
need get rich quick scheme


can't htink straight
everytings ojk :)
Im pissed. About an hour ago I was on my way to a computer store to sell this old monitor I have. As I was traveling I saw a guy laying on the sidewalk with his bike in the street with a crowd of people around. So I slow down and I ask if he needs any help, just as the words come out of my mouth I get rear ended by some 16 y/o chick who just got her licence.

Apparenty she was talking to one of her friends who was walking on the street instead of paying attention to what she was doing. The front of her car was all fucked up, but for some reason the back of my car isnt that bad. I can still drive it. All I really need is some minor body work.

So, if you are going to buy a car buy a 2001 GMC Jimmy. Those trucks sure do take a fucking beating.

damn kids who can't drive...

since I live in rich asshole country they all drive BMW's..

take the money from her insurance and keep it :)

At least you're OK (or it seems so)

didn't you havea sebring a while ago?
Salamurhaaja said:
haha, someone gave me bad rep, of course not revealing
who they were.
That just sucks when it happens. :( You have a right to say what you want even if some people don't agree doesn't mean they should give you bad rep, especially randomly.

@Nick: Like Steve says, take the insurance money and keep it, or get one of those flower vases or shiny cupholders for your car. Or more CDs.

That girl's lucky she didn't hit a pedestrian from not paying attention.

And yes, trucks are good. You have a higher chance of surviving a serious crash if you have a truck or large car. :)

@Steve: Use a lot of attar or cologne and deodorant and/or take a "bath" with wet towels. . Or borrow a friend's shower. That's something I'd do...
NF: Frustrated. I bought a new power supply for my computer, only to not work properly. I will need to return it to Fry's Electronics and get a replacement. <geek talk>My old and current power supply max ouput is 250 watts, a fully configured PC takes more than that, which leads to my computer crashing. </geek talk>
I used to Steve, until I lost my job and could'nt pay for it anymore :). I was driving my fathers car. I am ok, Im tired and abit sick of this fucking day, so Im going to sleep soon.

Also, my throat is starting to hurt, and I think my sister passed me strep :).

Nick(great weekend :) :p )
To go or not to go... Entombed on friday in this glorious forest & farming town. Metal bands rarely play up here, so I guess I should take the chance when I get it... on the other hand, as usual, I'll have to go alone since I don't know anybody with decent taste in music, and I don't really like going on my own to gigs in this town, in other towns I only have good experiences. But here...
before the band gets onstage I guess I'll just be standing in a corner, drinking (it's horribly expensive, I'll be poor before the night is over) and then when they're done, I'll just disappear like a phantom in the dark... or something.
But then again, it might be fun.
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@Incendiare: Oww :(
Did you go in the end?
I hope you found someone,
Or had fun anyway :)
I'm sure people come up to you, if you werent a phantom ;)
(well, whether those people are "nice" is of course only to be hoped :erk: me->bad experiences with that. I never go out on my own, I have this problem youre ..telling us, regurlarly. It sucks. :( I really hope you could go.. I hate staying at home on saturdays, especially if metal/rock is played somewhere (which is extraextraextraextraordinary here.. :()

NF: OMG weird :loco:
Cos I fell asleep a while ago, I woke up again, fell asleep again, etc.. and Summoning kept playing and playing.. (easy/nice, those mp3 players) and then we got visitors so I went downstairs,
and now I ate too much cheese and I drank too much ice tea methinks, ah well, anyway, or something, I feel weird :/

(Yesterday little metal/rock-eve in a small village near this place, Uden, and I had to wash my hair to be able to comb it :D = A good sign)
N_L: there isn't anyone with good music taste here either but anyway i wouldn't go to a concert on my own in this place/country :erk:, so i can't reallygive you a good advice, but it could be fun yes :)

NF: i have a bad headache.
i had to spend the whole day at a sort of friends-of-my-parents lunch, not that i had something better to do anyway, let's just say that the point is that i'd have preferred a lot to actually have something else to do in my life and to not be able to do it because of this lunch, and anyway be sure that there is something to do for the whole week instead of the pure nothing.
and now it's better if i stop to write cause headache is terrible for my mind, it makes me express this kind of sad and uninteresting thoughts that usually i only think ;)
NF: Just pissed off that ever since I told my parents I was an athiest about a week ago, they've been arguing with me and trying to convert me, treating like I did something wrong. My mother's been telling everyone as well, and because of this, my grandfather's been drinking a lot...
dodens: live through it, i kinda know how it feels. don't feel responsible for your grandpa drinking too much either, i assume he has other reasons for doing that.
just try to find the way which suits you most.
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