Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I like to sleep but i never sleep much, i wake up very late just when i go to sleep too late at night, but i can easily stay awake for long time, though sometimes i almost fall asleep during the day reading or watching tv, even if it's interesting

NF: hungry and i finally received the letter from school, i start the 29 at 2.30pm :zzz:
NF: Tired of work, and having to work without days off, and even when I have days off, I have to work. :erk:

Coffee keeps my lack of desire to wake up from actually happening. :bah:
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@Hilj: do they actually send you letters to go to school? here we find out on our own... they couldn't care less if us little pricks go or not i guess :D

@Nick: Don't worry, it's passed, but thank you, you're being so nice lately :D Hope you don't hurt Sleep too much :D

Siren (and yes the above deserved a separate post)
i'm now feeling like something who just got out of a washing machine after a two-year black-out.
as happy bonuses, my left eye is not inclined to come up with anything more creative than a bunch of greyish shapes today, and i've spent the past three hours using the contents of my stomach as projectile weapons in a very belligerant new trend for redecorating bathrooms.

for those with short attention spans: i'm not well.
:lol: @ Nick's sig and @ Siren's last two posts.

Siren: you've been cracking me up lately. :D

@rahvin: :\ i'm sorry you're not feeling optimal. i hope it passes soon.

NF: restless
@wildfyr: thanks. i'm trying to sit very still at my desk in case i suddenly decide to redecorate my office too. a likely strategy for the day will consist in me never moving a muscle except in case of an earthquake.
Thats pretty shitty Michele. I havent vomited in a long time, and that makes me happy :D. Seriously, I hope you feel better soon man :).

Siren I have been nice for a long long time, its just directed at you so now you notice :p. Say are those new shoes? They look really good on you :D :p. I plan on beating Sleep's ass :yell::tickled:.

Rebecca Im glad I can put a smile on your face ;).

Everyone Im feeling fine :).

I got an apartment in Sveg now and it's perfect.
Rent is very good, I can move my internet there,
that will take about 2 weeks tho, as Telia is slow
as hell on moving ;)
and it's about 5 min walk from work, couldn't ask
for more in that place :)
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I feel OK since I'm missing school today, but I also didn't get home until after 3 last night.

I was in Philly because my uncle was being made a Knight of St. Gregory (XVI) by the Catholic Church. The cathederal was great, with several domes and everything ornately decorated. Of course, the ride back was bad because my mom can't drive OR navigate and she yelled at my brother for a few hours :( At least the ride there was good because I had food.

Now I feel OK, but I don't have anything to eat and my head hurts (damn allergies).
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