Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@opi: congrats :D what was the quiz about?

@gtranquillity: what's wrong? :erk:

@hilj: 'pirates of the caribbean' = 'la maledizione della prima luna' = 'the curse of the first moon' o_O

Miolo said:
@opi: congrats :D what was the quiz about?
it was a cross-word puzzle. the questions were of the kind "if you read all internal newsletters, you know the answers" =)

my collegues have just claimed a share of the wine (even though i don't even have it :dopey: )

I'll keep a virtual sip for everyone here ;)
@miolo: i have no idea, me and alfred were equally befuddled by the translation. no first moon was involved. and i also seem to recall a "first moon" is the exact opposite of a full moon, hence yet another inconsistency with the plot.

@opi: congrats! and please do drink during working hours. ;)
opi@ grats :)

Miolo/rahvin@it seems that the italian transaltors are very experienced :D :p
Btw,who will go to see that movie?? me,not...

Okey,here's the situation.......i'm in a manic state since early this morning,can'ty calm down,have consumed a considerable amount of coffee and tea,and the reason is that probably tomorrow i will have my last exam ever in my shitty uni (& of course i'm stressed).......hell yeah,finally one subject left till the shitty degree (which i'll use to fold souvlaki in hehe)......BUT the fact is that some professors are on a strike here,including some of my uni,so it's highly possible that the teacher of the exam i have tomorrow won't bother coming i have no clue whether i should really kill myself studying or not :rolleyes: My secret wish is that either the teacher won't appear and we will have our exam in a month or so :saint:
or i'll go on with the shitty messy studying and tomorrow i'll have a sudden inspiration and pass :D
(so please cross your fingers for either of them :D )

I'M TREMENDEOUSLY BORED :waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah:

uff,forgive/ignore the incoherent shit...
@mel: the worst part with the translators over here is the fact that they try to modify the title of a movie in a way that is considered more appealing to the italian public. now i obviously have no idea why first moons should have a better grip on italians than the caribbeans, but that's not even the real point. the real point is a pattern of psychological links that are purposefully kept totally non-international: there is no intention to foster the general knowledge of italian customers to appreciate the echo other words might have in different cultures, and no intention to steer from the course of a language that still feeds on a phrasing most other countries have grown tired of by 1985.

this long and stupid rant just wants to hide the fact that i'm starting to feel very nervous today.
so,you are implying that somehow the italians are try to keep their languages as "italian"/free from other influences as possible. ...well if so,hmmmmm i think it's a part of the "chanting" that is going on in many countries about how internationality,english and american,etc etc are having a bad impact on other languages,which up to some part is understandable,but from a point on exaggerated...

excuse me,if the above doesn't make sense...
Melancholia said:
so,you are implying that somehow the italians are try to keep their languages as "italian"/free from other influences as possible. ...well if so,hmmmmm i think it's a part of the "chanting" that is going on in many countries about how internationality,english and american,etc etc are having a bad impact on other languages,which up to some part is understandable,but from a point on exaggerated...
i would understand an attempt to keep variety in languages if it addressed an evolved use of rethorics and idiomatic expressions. on the other hand, it seems that the media in this country are sticking to all the outdated, simplistic, and about as much usa-driven as everything else trends that have populated italian language in the past 20 years. even making italians aware that there are other ways of saying the same things, which ring a bell somewhere else in the world, is apparently forbidden on tv or in the press. we take in new words (where "new" means "from the eighties") or concepts, but never a feeling for a neighbouring language and its ways.
@mel: I'll keep all available fingers and toes crossed :Spin:

@rahvin: why do you start feeling nervous? because of new moon on friday? :p
though there must lie some truth in it - people really tend to become either more idiotic or more nervous 2 days before new or full moon
opacity said:
am i weird if i wouldn't find it worth worrying, that someone is not talking to me online? :confused:
i guess it might depend on whom and the circumstances. i would find it worrying if you all of a sudden stopped talking to me online. like, on purpose, not because of a black-out.
opacity said:
am i weird if i wouldn't find it worth worrying, that someone is not talking to me online? :confused:
If someone who regularly talks to me online suddenly stops it does worry me. :( Well, maybe he was just busy a couple of days or something...
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