Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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congratulations on the wine :)

My mom works at a museum (non profit) and they had a huge fundraiser banquet. There were millionaires there (even the owner of the JEts football team), so they got some decent wine (yelow tail) to serve to them, and htey had extra, os my mom got 2 cases of it :)

I'm feeling OK, I'm not in school, but I donm't feel well and have to do work :(
@Miolo: That's it, there's an italian translator working in Spain!!!! Here,"Pirates of the Caribbean" has been translated as: "Piratas del Caribe". Yes, it's well translated (it wasn't hard to translate, either), but the italian translator insisted in the point that adding something more would be an amazing idea and will give a lot of fun to potential readers, so the title finally ended this way: "Piratas del Caribe: la maldición de la perla negra" (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl). Luckily enough, the italian instinct in adding something about moons was successfully refrained, but it took some effort. :rolleyes:

|ngenius said:
@Miolo: That's it, there's an italian translator working in Spain!!!! Here,"Pirates of the Caribbean" has been translated as: "Piratas del Caribe". Yes, it's well translated (it wasn't hard to translate, either), but the italian translator insisted in the point that adding something more would be an amazing idea and will give a lot of fun to potential readers, so the title finally ended this way: "Piratas del Caribe: la maldición de la perla negra" (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl). Luckily enough, the italian instinct in adding something about moons was successfully refrained, but it took some effort. :rolleyes:

seems they fuck it up everywhere. here it's called "Fluch der Karibik", curse of the carribbean.
why can't they just translate it or leave the title as-is?
Here it's called

Οι Πειρατές Της Καραϊβικής: Η Κατάρα Του "Μαύρου Μαργαριταριού" Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl

perhaps the english one is the official title or smt
NF: Tired. :zzz:

(Btw: Tis called "Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl" in the Nether Landas ;))
(OMG I can read Greek alphabet!!11 Finally!!11 Russian just confuses people grrr)
rahvin said:
@northern lights: thanks. my last dying wish is: please post more. start a thread. :p
(hey, so what if i'd sell myself for some quality posting on this board? :p is there anything you want i can offer? :p)
how about money, lots and lots of money? :p free plane tickets to wherever, whenever I need them? I ask for so little...
if I had anything interesting to start a thread about I would. thus, knowing myself, I avoid it ;) but by all means, I'll happily grant you your dying wish if I could just have the above mentioned things... :p

nf: tired, I've studied too much... on the other hand Οι, Της, Η, and Του actually make sense to me now... sorta :p
nf: pissed of because the mandrake 9.2 release has been delayed to end of october, but i want to reinstall my comp just NOW. and i can't decide which other distro to try, if any.
Why not use an earlier version of Mandrake?

I've tried TurboLinux and RedHat, and they're good. but now they're selling RedHAt for $200... fucking ripoff. LINUX IS SUPPOSED TO BE FREE!
well if a new version is coming out in a month i won't be installing the one already half a year old.
will try knoppix for a change, let's see how it works.
Steve420 said:
Why not use an earlier version of Mandrake?

I've tried TurboLinux and RedHat, and they're good. but now they're selling RedHAt for $200... fucking ripoff. LINUX IS SUPPOSED TO BE FREE!
It is free, the $200 includes support, manuals and CDs,
you can still download for free, oh and 200 includes other
stuff too, like access to the new version sooner and from
a faster server or something like that.
It's for people who don't know how to RTFM ;)

EDIT: Oh how I hate this new version of the board,
let me count the ways. FUCKING BETA SHIT!
I don't like this board version either... the PM tracking is bad, and it seems slower, especially at night.

The avatar hosting and rep is shiny though. Shiny.

NF: Caffienated. Fun.
@Wazoo: If i recall correctly, the russian alphabet derives from the greek one, so it kinda makes sense they're similar.

@Northern: If you need any help, i'll be glad to be of some service. :)
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