Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@Siren: thanks :) ancient (or is it supposed to be called classic?) greek is rather tough, especially so since I keep mixing it up with russian (in terms of intonation).

nf: exhausted, and thinking of whether I should really go to this memorial service tomorrow or not. yes, the girl went to my school, but I have no idea who she was and even though I want to pay my respect to her, at the same time it'll make me feel like some kind of grave/funeral tourist... :erk:
this girl was btw shot and killed by her stepfather sometime during monday night/early tuesday morning :( he also shot her mother and a neighbour, and then killed himself... if anyone was so naive as to think that small town are generally safe and happy places, forget it.
@Northern: Ancient greek is indeed difficult, i studied it in high school. But anyway it wasn't that difficult for me since it's more or less the same language. :p
As for the girl, well, do as you feel best, noone will accuse you or smt if you don't go, or if you go without knowing her. I suggest that if you go, tho, you go with friends, funerals can be hard. :/

NF: frustrated.
@N_L: yeah, small town are never safe :(, my town is a good example. even in the centre of the little town where i grew up, that has barely 3000 inhabitants, some moths ago a man has been killed.
about the memorial service, i don't know, i never went to this things when something happened to school people that i didn't know, cause i had no real reason to go, i just went once for the funeral of a friend/classmate's brother since i knew at least her.
i'm now feeling cold, sick, feverish, rather disgusted, and oddly condemned to relive this again and again. i skipped dinner in order to avoid more spray-painting walls and floors, but won't skip going out in a while, therefore i decided to pour about half a bottle of wine in my body. now small supernovas are exploding in all my fluffy soft spots, and this is a little better - as my grandfather would put it - than being kicked in the balls.
My grandfather used to say the same thing :D :D. Why the hell is everyone sick, or in pain or something crappy? Siren why the hell do your kidneys hurt, Rahvin why the fuck arent you getting better? Northern Light you should do what you think is best. If I really didnt know the person Im not sure that I would go. Hilj people get killed here all the time, its sucks :(. I think Chicago is murder capital no. 1 or some crap right now, but I could be wrong. Have been before ;).

I hope you ALL feel better soon :). I on the other hand only got about 3 hours of sleep for reasons Im not sure of. I have to go to school tonight, and I just got some new shoes :D.

@Nick: because i don't drink water.

@RealKindynos: You are lucky. i have exam tomorrow too.

why does this fucking piece of crap board skips a line everytime i push enter?
@nick: maybe i don't get better because i don't drink water either. but no, i don't get better because there is nowhere to get better to.

thanks to the one person who messaged me on my mobile when i was out: it meant a lot to hear from friends.
rahvin said:
@nick: maybe i don't get better because i don't drink water either. but no, i don't get better because there is nowhere to get better to.
Who's with me for a board hug now? :( sorry, i know i'm being silly but i'm not good with advices, nor to cheer up people, so i'm always silly
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