Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: End-of-Weekend-ish :(
But quite okay, actually :)
Ive done my homework *pheeew* after all dooopoootutto..
And its ParadiseLostDay! :)

I almost forgot!
Last friday, I went to a sort of trendy cafe, with my not-metal friends :)p lol) and I even dressed specially for it (a white tshirt!):)p the black sun-white-tshirt, bought at my last DT gig)(lol, one year ago :()
I saw this guy..
With long hair there!!! OMG OMG!!
And ..I recognised some colours..
..of course I did..
*drums* :p

Of course, I went to talk to him. :cool:
But he just wasnt the fan I am :p
Lol, wouldve been scary :lol:
Ah well, he was sorta funny, not grand..

That was it. Thank you thank you *bows*
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The Grand Wazoo said:
Last friday, I went to a sort of trendy cafe, with my not-metal friends

You serious? You have metal friends? I'm a metal being too!!! And I've been searching for more metallic asses like mine!!! Can you introduce them to me? Are they existentially scared and confused like I am? I mean, when you're a robot living between humans, you've got a lot of questions about your purpose in life, the meaning of your existence, and so on. Luckily enough, my purpose seems to be well recorded into my bios, it's shortly: "Kill all humans". :rolleyes:

|ng (Nonsensical and bored)
Sorry, but I have no idea how to explain :)blush: ) that ..I sort of have two groups of friends who dont really like each other, just..endure each other? :erk:
I cant help it damnit! :cry:

*gets the joke*
*bangs head against wall*
*keeps banging head against the wall, harder now*
I feel like getting a massage :D. I worked around 11 hours last night, but Im happy I only work 7 today :D. Im also sad b/c I have to work every weekend for this new job b/c I have school during the week :(. Another thing that bothers me is I cant go and visit one of my fuck buddies anymore :( :( :( :( *crying on the inside*.

The Grand Wazoo said:
*gets the joke*
*bangs head against wall*
*keeps banging head against the wall, harder now*

I liked that part. Not because of your head banging with a wall in your way, but because the way you explain it first, and then you blame yourself, hehehe, it was funny. :)

|ng (Who invented boredom?)
@|ngenius: (Humans did)
(RICH humans did)
Kill em all! u_u,,\
Unless I get rich in a few years :p
Cos I am planning marrying a millionair :cool:

NF: Flattered :oops:
And sort of.. dizzy :loco:

I fucked up the joke now, didnt I? :lol:
RH: I know how it feels to not understand math stuff... I've been asleep half of the time in my math class this year, and I almost failed last year, both times I had the class at 7:30 AM :(

I feel OK, but I don't like having other people around and tomorrow is monday.... fuck school, I need a vacation... and some money to do something... and I'm buying Live Damage and then spending all the money I have on a bass soon most likely...
NF: Pretty good. I usually don't post here much when I'm doing okay, only when I have something deep and emotional to share. :oops:

Well, decent days for everyone! :p
I got a new job at Smiling Joe's Pizza :D. Its fun, I get free food and pop :D. Plus, I get to cook, so Im happy :).

Im glad Im done with work this weekend. Im also gald I dont have class tomorrow :headbang: :hotjump:.

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