Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Ever had one of those days when you wake up and realise that you've been sleeping on your arm, because your arm is asleep? As you try to move it, you realise it might even have died during the night, because you can't feel it. At all. Well, maybe the arm itself, just a bit, but definitely not the hand. Amputation, is a word that enters your dazed brain at that point, only to be followed by another thought; move the arm, shake it or something to get the bloodflow going. So you greatly overestimate the force needed to pull the arm out of the blankets, and accidentally punch yourself in the face with your dangling, useless hand, and quite hard too. Rude awakening.

I'm not sure I want to go to my guitar lesson... maybe I should re-take the beginner one? This is apparently for people who have gotten a bit further than that... I bet everybody else will be very skilled, and very professional professionals who have deep discussions of very advanced technological stuff and I'll show up there looking like... well, like a person who's in it for the love of music, not the technology ;)
@Wazoo: I know the secrets of marrying a millionaire, with some pay back i'm willing to share. :cool: And don't ask why i'm not using the secrets, it's just... millionaires are too boring.. yeah, that's it! :cool:

@Nick: Cool, send me some pizza man, fast!!! :D

@Hearse, rahvin: some doctors might be willing to find a cure for free, seeing as it's such a unique and ..interesting case. they could even get a Nobel prize for it. :D

@Miolo: congrats!!! :)

@RH: hang in there, little naku. :(

NF: sleepyyyyy. o_O i want a nice dinner and some wine after reading this thread.
@Rahvin: Deal! :D (Millionair: He speaks Latin, has long hair, is quite handsome, eh.. likes metal, 20+ and 25- .. ohyeah! He should like me too, right? :erk: )

@Siren: Ooooooh, Rahvin! I get the help of a siren now :cool: Cool! Lets .. go.. ? hit the street? Find some millionairs? ...right. Lets do it? :p Anyway: Yeah, deal!

@Miolo: Congraaaaaaats!! :D
@Northern: :eek: I understand the sleeping arm part, tis annoying :eek: Ive got no musical background tho :eek: (oh thats a Dutch frase.. Translation: I dont know shit about music :p)
@RH: Owww

NF: Tired. *yawn*
Thats all yeah
NF: sad :(
my friend is feeling really shitty cause her grandmum is in the hospital and is most probably going to die within the next few weeks.. there's nothing i can do to make my friend feel better, i can't even give her a hug cause she lives in canada :(
and my other friend's telling me his friend's dad died this morning, and the friend is all alone now :erk:
AND i had my math exam today, and cause i didn't bother studying, i sucked
@wazoo: why do you want him to speak latin? i mean... aside from pecunia non olet wtf do you think a millionaire might be willing to say in latin? or does latin turn you on? :eek:

The Grand Wazoo said:
@Siren: Ooooooh, Rahvin!
errr. yeah. sure. ok. next question please.

@siren: cure me then, we seemed to sort of know how before even though hearse's role is yet to be defined. i think he sort of looks like a cherub. :p
I feel awful... I went through nboring school all dya not seeing my friends, then sat there for over an hour afterschool at a school newspaper meeting since I wanted to see if htere's anything I can do to stop it from sucking... waste of time and I feel like shit... my mom manaaged to make an 8 minute drive hom last 25 minutes and seem like at least an hour. when I got home I tried to sleep while my mom yelled at me for 15 minutes befoer she went back to work, then couldn't sleep between water making noise hitting something outsidew and my cat making awful noises. so I'm here and can barely read the text on my screen...
@ulla: i'm sorry. i might know how your friend feels and in turn how that makes you feel. relatives die before us most of the times, all the time wishing we'll be having relatives to die long after us in the future. i think it's good to be sad, wrong to be desperate: they've lived their lives already and if they love us they just wish us to have good memories and bear their heart for all to see as a proof of all that's caring and loving in the world. tell your friend to gather strength from the events, i'm sure his/her grandma would want that right now.

@steve: what's this hunger that eats you to be here even when you just want to sleep? :) look, we all remember and appreciate you. and care for your health, so try not to burn yourself just for the sake of it: when they will pay you, then you'll stay online overtime even without being able to see the screen. not before, ok? ;)
rahvin: actually, I can't sleep, so I got up to eat and I should als obe doing homework...

and being online will pay off when I tlak to a friend about something and we arrange to meet for him to give me the money he owes me :)
@Lasse: *hugs back* :)

@rahvin: thank you :) you're right about what you said, and i most certainly will tell her

@steve: owww get offline, the bright screen just gets you hyperactive and you won't get sleep for hours.. homework should be boring enough to make you pass out
@Miolo: :kickass:

@everyone feeling in the dumps: Get your spirits up folks. :) It's all in the way of thinking. If you're feeling shitty about something, just think about it in a different manner. Something good can always be found.
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