Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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i feel juuust fine :) today a gig (apocalyptica, hollenthon, project pitchfork, wolfsheim - though I don't care for them ), tomorrow i will spend the day at an Alp-lake and enjoy lonesomeness in remote surrounding :D
Dark_Jester said:
Side-note: any amateur dentists wanna have a go at my wisdoom tooth? ;)

I'm an amateur! Well, more-so a beginner. Actually, I'm not a dentist at all. :p
Welcome back Wazoo!!! We missed ya! :)

@D_J: I'm no dentist but i have some vague knowledge of anatomy, may i do it? Pretty please? :D
rahvin said:
i care for project pitchfork and wolfsheim. :cry:
all the good shows are far away from here... :bah:
i know exactly 3 songs by project pitchfork, and exactly those three they did NOT play *hrmpf* :lol:
i cannot say their music took me away but it was not bad (bad in the meaning of "bullshit" ). i tried to pay attention to the music itself, not the overall-impression, and i must say this kind of music does sound interesting.
@idari: I do :S
Wonder how the poor person will feel u_u,,
Unless he's a serial killer or smt. :p

I feel like my brains are grilled. I'm trying to bring them back to life with coffee but they don't respond. I'm starting to wonder if they ever did. :p
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