The "I don't understand why people DON'T like this band" thread

Arctic Monkeys, Motion City Soundtrack and American Hi-Fi. They all have unique sounds and catchy tunes. I don't understand why people hate them, a lot of people can't even come up with reasons why they hate the bands and just hate them because some of their songs have been mainstream. I hate people who think ALL mainstream sucks. I admit there is no mainstream band/artist that hasn't had a shit tune that people have gone crazy for. But some mainstream bands have some songs that are good.

I'll tell you why I don't like the Arctic Monkeys; it has nothing to do with them being mainstream. Rather, I fail to see any worth in an outfit that sounds like a particularly average garage band that any number of semi-competent teenage musicians could muster. The fact that the singer sounds like fucking George Formby ( ) doesn't help either.

I said Rhapsody, they're NOT focused around their guitarist. They're way too fucking focused on Fabio and their "orchestra" shit.

Also you'd better show me a cocksucker from Guatemala pretty soon because I can show you a power metal band without guitars.
Wow. That's the gayest thing I've ever seen. And the guy standing in front looks kinda like Tom Brady, making it even gayer.
Tom Brady can fuck off and die. The most overrated quarterback in the history of football.
Kalmah > Cob :mad:

Too many people hate Nile for no reason. teh gimmikky band that not from Egipt, tat means I hates them.

and its gay that people dislike powermetal.
Nile is amazing... I havent heard to many say otherwise.

I dislike power metal, but only becuase of the vocals.
I can still appreciate it becuase dispite the anoying vocals(in my opinion) I can still admit it is amazingly technical and that it requires alot of talent to play.
I don't understand why some people hate Cannibal Corpse's current singer, George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher.

As I see it, he's just as good as Chris Barnes ever was at growling and grunting, but he has far more range and looks scarier. So why all the hatred?

Is it just that said people just prefer the slower paced songs of old, rather then actually disliking George Fisher?

(As an aside, I don't dislike Chris Barnes. I just prefer Corpsegrinder. And I find Six Feet Under to be a bit dull compared to Cannibal Corpse as well, which is a shame.)
Bands I like that I think get too much shit/hate:

Belphegor (and blackened death in general for that matter)
Cannibal Corpse
Nargaroth (though Kanwulf is a big fucking tool)
latter day At the Gates
latter day Immortal
Amon Amarth
In Battle

and more
Amon Amarth just gets stick because they dared to be a Viking themed band that wasn't 'true' Viking Metal (aka - not Black enough).

Personally I think they are awesome. As long as you don't try to take them too seriously.