The Most Universally Respected Bands (among metalheads)

As it stands a lot of the folks who rag on good bands have the most ridiculous reasons for hating them & their comments rarely hold any water.

I just don't like them. I find the vocals really annoying. I find the arrangements cliched. I find the "good technical songs" really shallow, cheesy and full of "virtuoso" wankery. These are plenty good enough reasons to dislike a band. Just because you happen to like them doesn't make these reasons ridiculous.
:Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :zzz:

Playing an instrument has very little to do with judging how others play theirs

Sure it does. Of course everyone will have their own opinions on what they like to hear, but someone who's never played an instrument in their life is going to be a terrible judge on how well someone plays. Then there comes the fact that there is a lot of great music out there that is mainly targeted towards musicians as they're about the only people who can understand it; & I'm totally not referring to Dream Theater here. It's really not worth any sort of argument, you either get it or you don't.
I don't think Manowar belongs on this list,remember it says Universally respected bands among Metalheads.Not Most respected in the gay community:cool: You may as well add Europe if you add Manowar
I don't think Manowar belongs on this list,remember it says Universally respected bands among Metalheads.Not Most respected in the gay community:cool: You may as well add Europe if you add Manowar

Hahaha classic :).

I'd say the most respected would be Iron Maiden, Morbid Angel and Slayer most likely.

Saying that it really does depend on what niche you are into in the wider metal scene. If your really into Death then you will obviously see bands like Death and Suffocation as being major influences on the metal scene that you are into. Likewise if you are into Black then Venom, Mayhem, Burzum and Emperor are going to rank pretty high.
You must not play any instruments


therefore you don't realize how dedicated you have to be in order to be that technically proficient as well as being able to write a good technical songs & make all the parts fit & be memorable.

i think the point is that they don't write "good technical songs" they write "shit fucking gay technical songs" that are "gay"

"Awake" is one of my personal favorite albums of all time. I put it in my CD player a few weeks ago after not listening to it in over a year & it almost couldn't find it's way out. Not a note out of place & very reserved on the shredding. I suggest you listen to it one day. I forgive you for your terribly wrong assumption though as everyone makes mistakes, especially on the internets.

i have it and it inarguably sucks, and you are gay

As it stands a lot of the folks who rag on good bands have the most ridiculous reasons for hating them & their comments rarely hold any water.

i think the fact that they're SHIT SHIT SHIT might be a valid reason

My drummer is even not particulary liking of them overall yet he thinks "Awake" is a great album & he likes some of "Images & Words".

your drummer is gay

i think the point is that they don't write "good technical songs" they write "shit fucking gay technical songs" that are "gay"

i have it and it inarguably sucks, and you are gay

i think the fact that they're SHIT SHIT SHIT might be a valid reason

your drummer is gay

What is the point of all that? Why are you being an asshole? I really wasn't being an asshole & I never went for the immature "name calling route". I simply stated my point of view & now you are being an arrogant little fucktard. Go back to playing with your Transformers you child. You can state your views without being so negative. The stuff you just said was like something I would have said when I was about 12 years old. What instruments do you play by the way? "WRONG!" Tells me nothing about what or how well you play.

Anyways, I never said anyone has to like them. I know a lot of folks who don't like them & I'm like "whatever" about it for the most part. What I don't like are the idiotic remarks people make about them. If you or anyone doesn't like their music I would like to think you have your own valid reasons, however "th3y r soooo ghey" is not a valid reason to express disdain for their actual music :Spin:

I know I'm talking to a wall, nevermind...
Dream Theater rules. I'm surprised to see all the dislike. Yeah I'm not too crazy about the vocals either but Petrucci is awesome. Especially on the cd Images and Words. I'm also surprised Symphony X didn't get any recognition. I guess I'm on a prog site a lot so no surprise they get much more credit there. lol
Dream Theater rules. I'm surprised to see all the dislike. Yeah I'm not too crazy about the vocals either but Petrucci is awesome. Especially on the cd Images and Words. I'm also surprised Symphony X didn't get any recognition. I guess I'm on a prog site a lot so no surprise they get much more credit there. lol

Welcome friend! :)

The people here are Super Duper Kvlt Phenomenon Super Heroes! :Spin:

Ha ha, I had to say that. I'm just kidding.
The final countdown is a really shitty glam song though. Listen to the first album, there are some metallish songs on it! :>
Dream Theater rules. I'm surprised to see all the dislike. Yeah I'm not too crazy about the vocals either but Petrucci is awesome. Especially on the cd Images and Words. I'm also surprised Symphony X didn't get any recognition. I guess I'm on a prog site a lot so no surprise they get much more credit there. lol

Symphony X get pretty of props, as they're awesome. DT get a lot of hate but there are plenty of fans on the forum.