The Most Universally Respected Bands (among metalheads)

What is the point of all that? Why are you being an asshole? I really wasn't being an asshole

you were however being a condescending gobshite

I simply stated my point of view & now you are being an arrogant little fucktard. Go back to playing with your Transformers you child.

transformers > dream theater

The stuff you just said was like something I would have said when I was about 12 years old.

how did you go from being such an awesome 12 year old to a fan of gay prog metal with a pinecone up his ass?

What instruments do you play by the way? "WRONG!" Tells me nothing about what or how well you play.

objection: irrelevance!

Anyways, I never said anyone has to like them.

only that they were wrong if they didnt, and incompetent at playing instruments, and tasteless, and ridiculous, and have never listened to the album

"th3y r soooo ghey" is not a valid reason to express disdain for their actual music :Spin:

it is if i hate gayness
the most respect bands:

black sabbath
iron maiden
judas priest

and i'm sure that anybody couldn't include another band, cuz there are many bangers that doesn't know bands from the underground, like bathory, venom, death and anothers "extreme" bands
you were however being a condescending gobshite

transformers > dream theater

how did you go from being such an awesome 12 year old to a fan of gay prog metal with a pinecone up his ass?

objection: irrelevance!

only that they were wrong if they didnt, and incompetent at playing instruments, and tasteless, and ridiculous, and have never listened to the album

it is if i hate gayness

Whatever d00d. It's all good, you can have your views. I'm not trying to change your mind, or anyone's. Only thing relevant now is your actual age, but you don't have to disclose that. Let's just agree to disagree.

Dream Theater are definitely not one of the more respected bands around, I don't believe someone said they were.
Age is not relevant you moron, shut the fuck up.

Age only has a lot to do with maturity for the most part, that's why I said it "might be" relevant. If I didn't say "might be" I actually meant to say that. If someone is really young it could absolutely hurt their views on music. I'm not saying that my views are superior as everyone's views will inevitably be different, but I'm making a sweeping generalization that many people would likely agree with.

You have absolutely no reason to call me a moron though. I'm generally a pretty happy positive guy who will just stick up for what I believe in if I have the chance, same as you. Personal attacks are rather juvenile at this point when all I did was first stick up for them probably about a week ago. If you would read back to my very first post in the thread you would see why I reacted the way I did. Actually, I'm about to go back & read it myself.
I hate it when old people sign up on this forum and have no weight behind their arguments except "I bought that album when it was released back in the day lol".

You're ruining it for the rest of us! :mad:
I like the band & I'm not old at all. I've listened to them since maybe 1999-2000. I've just never seen quite this many people hate them, but it's all good. I like all kinds ofbands & I listen to the kvlt shit too, I just don't see how anyone could write them off as a pure garbage band. Maybe I'm just a fucking optimist, I dunno...

It's easy to not like a band, but it takes effort to talk shit about them.
Age only has a lot to do with maturity for the most part, that's why I said it "might be" relevant. If I didn't say "might be" I actually meant to say that. If someone is really young it could absolutely hurt their views on music. I'm not saying that my views are superior as everyone's views will inevitably be different, but I'm making a sweeping generalization that many people would likely agree with.

You have absolutely no reason to call me a moron though. I'm generally a pretty happy positive guy who will just stick up for what I believe in if I have the chance, same as you. Personal attacks are rather juvenile at this point when all I did was first stick up for them probably about a week ago. If you would read back to my very first post in the thread you would see why I reacted the way I did. Actually, I'm about to go back & read it myself.

Whatever d00d. It's all good, you can have your views. I'm not trying to change your mind, or anyone's. Only thing relevant now is your actual age, but you don't have to disclose that. Let's just agree to disagree.

Dream Theater are definitely not one of the more respected bands around, I don't believe someone said they were.

You're a moron for two reasons now, actually:

1) First, you suggested that age is a significant issue.

2) Now you claim that you said "might be," whereas what you said it "only thing relevant now is your actual age."

So basically what you're saying here is that you accept the argument as it stands, but your perception of the argument may change based on how old the person saying the words is. The problem with factoring in age is that it prevents people from exclusively evaluating arguments for the CONTENT of the argument itself.

And don't get bent out of shape because I'm calling you a moron. It's the internet. I don't know you. I'm just calling you a moron because the things that I've seen you say thus far have been rather stupid. Don't take it to heart.
I'm sorry dude, but I don't think really anything I've said so far qualifies as being "stupid". I look at things from all sides, that's why I know there are many reasons to hate a band, many of them being valid, as well as some being obviously invalid. I'm sure you know that as well as me.

Dude, do you think the post that set me off was "well thought out" & "mature"?? You seem to be a Burzum fan as I take it from my other thread. What if someone said stuff like that in your (possible) rebuttal about Varg?? What would you honestly say??

Anyways, I'm not trying to make a deal out of it, I just don't want to look like an idiot when I know I'm not. What I said has been twisted around & taken the wrong way just a bit. Only thing I should never have said was anything regarding age. The guy could be 11 years old & very mature musically. There are 13 year olds with College degrees. Shit, I don't even have a College degree unfortunately.
Lack of compositional power is a totally stupid reason to dislike a band, yeah.

That can be a very valid reason to dislike a band. It is also subjective (as is virtually any other reason).

If you personally believe that they lack compositional power I would like to know 3 bands that you think have strong compositional power?
I actually was never going to bring it up again at all. It's an honest question. I'm curious as to what you think is great stuff.

Nevermind, I'm done talking about it though. I really wasn't trying to try you or anything. I even tried to sound sincere about it. I was just going to say thank you if you answered...

Beisdes you could say anything dude & I wouldn't be weirded out. I listen to all kinds of music & my head is very "outside the box" with a lot of stuff I listen to.
First of all, I wasn't the one who said it. Secondly, Just look at my signature and my avatar. My tastes are emblazoned all across the board.
I will check out Divineceue next time I get a chance. That will be another band on my list to check out. Thanks. I haven't heard too much other stuff on your playlist either, but I will start with them.