The Most Universally Respected Bands (among metalheads)

The way I see it, probably,

Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath. A lot of extreme metal bands I'm hesitant to list because, generally, a fan of every genre usually has some sort of beef against another genre. For every fan of Darkthrone, Carcass, or Emperor there is generally someone who doesn't like them,
^I am not sure what I think of the argument against extreme metal bands based on the number of people who dislike those genres. I don't think bands that fit a basic upper tier genre (death, black, thrash, power) should be disqualified.

Although now that I type "power", I can't think of any of this new epic/grandios type power metal band that I respect, and it is based on them being in that genre. But maybe that is a subgenre of power metal, and some of the original power metal bands (Metal Church? Lizzy Borden?) could qualify.

Maybe I just said nothing.
I thought Neurosis were pretty well known in M3talH3ad Circl3s, but I may be wrong. I'm relatively new to them actually, but I know my old bass player was really into them.
I have not met anyone hating Symphony X

There are tons of folks here who don't like teh guitaR s0l0, neo-classical themed bands or long songs. They also have clean production which may make them lose points with some people. I love them, but I think their new one was lame. I liked the 4 albums before that though.
I listened to a song off their new album and it was laughable to me, but it's pretty much the opposite of everything I like about metal. I bet they're not bad, but certainly not universally respected.

That's because the new album wasn't very good. Listen to the song "The Odyssey". If you don't at very least like that then we have different tastes. Personally my taste varies though as I listen to all kinds of shit. There's really no one genre I completely dislike except Rap & anything Punk or Pop-Punk.
There are tons of folks here who don't like teh guitaR s0l0, neo-classical themed bands or long songs. They also have clean production which may make them lose points with some people. I love them, but I think their new one was lame. I liked the 4 albums before that though.

WTF? I don't see how you can think this.

I listened to a song off their new album and it was laughable to me, but it's pretty much the opposite of everything I like about metal. I bet they're not bad, but certainly not universally respected.

They're obviously not respected by people who hate power/prog/metalwithanounceofmelodyandactualsongwritingability metal. But anyone with musical ability/knowledge at least acknowledges that they are excellent at what they do.
That's because the new album wasn't very good. Listen to the song "The Odyssey". If you don't at very least like that then we have different tastes. Personally my taste varies though as I listen to all kinds of shit. There's really no one genre I completely dislike except Rap & anything Punk or Pop-Punk.

You are a fucking idiot.