The Most Universally Respected Bands (among metalheads)

That tends to be the case with most people I've come across that don't like Manowar but actually like similar bands. They've just never given them a chance.
Anything with extreme vocals will immediately alienate a large number of metalheads.

actually nowadays the opposite is true. look at bluewizard.

I don't think any bands are more universal than Sabbath and Maiden, and to a lesser degree Judas Priest and early Metallica.

like I said before, I wasn't a Maiden fan until recently. I wrote them off cause they spawned a whole generation of clones (i.e., the entire power metal scene)
TBH, I never even bothered to check out Manowar, because their image is sooooo cheesy, to the point of almost seeming like a parody. I admit that it is pretty ignorant of me.

You could say that about most metal bands... Quorthon did take amount of cheesy viking pictures too but I still gave him a chance. I never was a big fan of Manowar but I still like their music overall, it's the kind of music that would fit movie such as 300. I prefer Kings of metal and Into Glory ride the most.
Morbid Angel
Iron Maiden
Black Sabbath

I would like to say Tesament but I've heard guys on other forums say that Testament are the shittiest Thrash band that one could ever hope to imagine...
You could say that about most metal bands... Quorthon did take amount of cheesy viking pictures too but I still gave him a chance. I never was a big fan of Manowar but I still like their music overall, it's the kind of music that would fit movie such as 300. I prefer Kings of metal and Into Glory ride the most.

Actually no, I'd say people are way too used to writing off metal bands as cheesy -- probably because of how much attention is given to hair metal and power metal. There are plenty of metal bands that have a very serious/sober mood to them - especially the folk/black oriented ones. Bathory definitely has more emotional value than "WOOHOO I ARE METULL AN' HEDBANGEN IZZ FUN LOL!"
It doesn't matter how bad Metallica sucks now. They were the kings at one point.

Black sabbath
Judas Priest
Dream Theater
Metal Church


If you go up to pretty much any group of classic rock fans, and say "My favorite bands are Led Zeppelin and The Who" they will probably say "fuck yeah! Right on." True that some classic rock fans don't like Led Zeppelin and The Who, but it's pretty rare that you'd get any flak for liking them from a CR fan.

Now... alternatively, if I go up to a group of metalheads and tell 'em my favorite bands are Pantera and Metallica, they'll probably say "fuck off, I hope you die." :D

Maybe that's just because metal fans are cooler than classic rock fans. I'm NOT trying to start any bullshit arguments about what bands are good or who we are or what is real or any of that!

All I wanna know is... who are the most well-respected metal bands? Metalheads are usually into a ton of more obscure bands, but are there still ones that most people will agree on as being great?

Black Sabbath?
Bathory? Judas Priest? Ozzy? Venom?

peace & love
Most metalheads like Megadeth.
Seems like the universal vote. Also I've never heard anyone mention they hate Hypocrisy either. Peter Tagtgren is not only respected for his music but his superb production skills.

i don'tlike Megadeth that much and i hate Mustaine's vocals
still, i think that, except for black sabbath, there´s not a single band you can say that you are listening to withouth someone not respecting the band
I have tried to enjoy their albums, but there is always more material I dislike than stuff I like. I tend to listen to full albums and don't like to skip tracks, so listening to DT just isn't worth my time, and that's ok.
i think the music is pretty good

but their singer annoys the hell out of me

Their singer should be shot. I don't know why they bother having one, they should be an instrumental band, they'd be much better for it. I doubt any of their target market are listing to the music to check out the awesome vocal talent of James LaBrie.